Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 558: Indecisive Uchiha Shisui

The heavy topic made the atmosphere of this dust-cleaning banquet a bit dignified. In addition, Asma was injured and could neither drink nor eat meat. Several people felt boring in the end after eating. Hirizan ordered Asma to be taken away, Kakashi rolled his eyes and made an excuse to buy manga, Kai was too smart, went into the toilet with his hands on his stomach, and never came back.

When Feng Huo reacted, his face turned black.

Once upon a time, I had always been the one who smeared oil on the soles of my feet the fastest. Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, even Kakashi, even a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, started to be shameless!

Feng Huo did not give up and used the Chakra perception technique to explore the toilet, but there was no sign of Kai.

"Forget it, often drifting in the rivers and lakes, how can I not get a knife, a **** lesson."

Fenghuo paid the money and left the barbecue shop.


Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat, and then he turned around and came to a remote corner of the street.

"Zhishui, come out." Feng Huo turned around and said.

"Sure enough, you discovered it." Uchiha Shisui jumped off the roof next to him, and said, "Captain, did you come to see me yesterday?"

Feng Huo nodded: "You know about Itachi being seconded to Root, right?"

Uchiha Shisui nodded and said, "Yes, captain."

Feng Huo frowned and asked, "Why didn't you stop Itachi? If it was you, you should be able to make him refuse Danzo's solicitation."

Uchiha Shisui said: "Captain, this is actually Itachi's own wish, and I also think this is an opportunity! After Itachi enters the root, he can communicate directly with Danzo-sama and act as a real bridge!"

Feng Huo laughed: "Zhi Shui, you are so naive."

"What?" Uchiha Shisui was a little confused.

"Danzo is an ambitious man. In order to become Hokage, he dares to do anything without any bottom line. Why, don't you believe it?" Feng Huo sneered, "After the death of the fourth generation, Danzang brazenly sent someone to assassinate the third generation in order to prevent the third generation from coming back. It's just that it didn't work. Communicating with such a person? It's just asking for death!"

"How is it possible?!" Uchiha Shisui's eyes almost popped out.

Assassinate three generations?

This is crazy!

Uchiha Shisui recalled that period of time, when Sandai came back, Danzo was indeed dismissed from his position as a consultant. If there was no major fault, Sandai would not punish him like this.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Shisui's face darkened.

Now Itachi is in contact with such a dangerous person every day, the more Uchiha Shisui thinks about it, the more worried he becomes, and he blames himself endlessly.

As the backbone of the Uchiha clan and supported by countless clansmen, he should shoulder the responsibility of saving Uchiha instead of throwing his brains to Itachi.

"Captain, I know what to do!"

Uchiha Shisui's eyes glowed with determination.

"Shisui, relying on Danzo, or even the third generation is impossible to save the Uchiha clan!" Fenghuo said meaningfully, "Only by changing Uchiha Fugaku's thinking and preventing the coup from happening is the Uchiha clan's road to salvation. !"

Uchiha Shisui's pupils shrank, and he looked at him in disbelief: "Captain, do you... already know me..."

Feng Huo showed an inscrutable smile: "Don't underestimate me."

"Sorry, Captain, I didn't mean to hide from you." Uchiha Shisui was a little embarrassed.

"One last word for you, you should continue to be disturbed by it, you are no longer a child, you must shoulder your own responsibilities!" Feng Huo said solemnly.

"Yes, I see, Captain!"

Seeing Uchiha Shisui's leaving back, Feng Huo sighed: "That's all I can help you with."

When Uchiha Shisui returned to the Uchiha clan, he received the news of the clan gathering, and his face sank.

He had a premonition that once this gathering started, Uchiha would have no room for change!

At that time, the three generations of Hokage, Konoha Hakuto, Anbe, Nemo, Inokacho and other families will directly wipe out the Uchiha clan of the coup d'état!

No, this must not be allowed to happen!

Uchiha Shisui gritted his teeth and struggled.

At this time, he is completely free to enter Uchiha Fugaku's mansion, and then directly use his kaleidoscope pupil technique to change Uchiha Fugaku's thoughts by surprise, and cancel this meeting!

This is the quickest, and it is also what Fenghuo hinted that he did it directly.

But he was somewhat uncertain.

In case, he changes Uchiha Fugaku's thoughts here and cancels the coup, and he still wants to eliminate Uchiha in the third generation, which will be very bad.

He has a gentle personality. Although he is an excellent ninja, he lacks determination. He can be an excellent subordinate, but he cannot become an independent leader.

After hesitating for a while, Shisui Uchiha gritted his teeth and turned to Hokage Tower to meet Hiruzasaru Sarutobi.

Unexpectedly, Danzo happened to be there too.

"Shimizu, what can you do to come to me?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi has been in a bad mood these two days, and Uchiha's intention of the coup has become more and more obvious. If this continues, he can only let Danzo take action.

"Master Hokage..."

Uchiha Shisui didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately informed Sarutobi Hiruzen about the gathering of the Uchiha clan tonight, and said that he would observe Uchiha Fugaku at the gathering. God changed his mind and prevented the coup from happening!

This is his plan, and he hopes to get a guarantee from Sarutobi Hiruzen that if the coup is cancelled, the interests of the Uchiha clan in the village must be guaranteed!

Danzo's eyes narrowed slowly.

The strongest illusion, other gods?

Change people's minds?

If there really was such a terrifying illusion that really changed Uchiha Fuyake's determination in the coup, wouldn't his hard work all these years be in vain?

What a joke!

Danzo stared at Uchiha Shisui firmly, and slowly pulled out a sinister smile from the corner of his mouth.

Sarutobi Hirzen heard Uchiha Shisui's words, his eyes lit up, and he said immediately: "Shisui, I believe in your determination to protect the village and family. If it is true as you said, I promise to change the village's attitude towards Uchiha. view!"

"Master Hokage, I will definitely succeed!"

Uchiha Shisui received an affirmative answer, and he immediately looked excited and strode away.

After he left, Danzo said lightly: "Hi Zhan, I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."

"Yeah." Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded in agreement without thinking too much.

Leaving Hokage Tower, Danzo immediately made a few gestures, and the root hidden in the dark moved immediately, catching up with Uchiha Shisui who had just walked not far.

Danzo walked forward slowly, thinking about Uchiha Shisui's words before~www.wuxiaspot.com~Illusion to change people's minds?

What a terrible illusion!

How could such a terrible illusion fall into the hands of the Uchiha clan?

No, it must be in your own hands!

"Master Danzo, the target has gone to the designated location."

Suddenly, a small voice came from Danzo's ear.

He nodded slightly, and then made a few concealed gestures again.

Then, he walked to a dark corner, and as soon as he entered, he saw an identical 'Danzo' waiting there, and the two 'Danzo' passed by, successfully getting rid of the surveillance in the dark.

Danzo, who was hiding in the dark, gradually showed a sneer.

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