Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 570: You don't talk we are still good friends

Chapter 570: If You Don't Talk, We Are Still Good Friends (Page 1/1)

The person standing outside the cave was wearing purple clothes and a breastplate ninja, with fiery red hair and a beard, clasped his hands, and had prayer beads on his wrists. The Buddha statue that is about to unleash thunder and anger is the rebellious Ninja of Yanyin Village, the four-tailed Jinzhuli Lao Zi!

After Lao Zi defected from Yanyin Village, he turned into a wandering monk, begging, bah, and wandering around the world. The last time I met him in Fenghuo was at the Temple of Fire in the Kingdom of Fire.

"Why are you here?" Feng Huo narrowed his eyes, slightly vigilant.

When his kaleidoscope is close to blindness, and only relying on the yang attribute to fight against this four-tailed jinchu power, his chances of winning are at most 50-50.

"Don't be nervous, Fenghuo benefactor, I'm just wandering here." Lao Zi walked in carelessly, sat down by the fire, and then grabbed a piece of snake meat bluntly and gnawed on it.

His hair and clothes were all soaked in water, and he looked quite embarrassed, but it didn't affect his appetite at all.

"Old Purple? Are you the Four-tailed Jinchuriki of Iwagakure Village?" Uchiha Shisui quickly remembered all the information about this Jinchuriki.

"Yanyin Village? Hmph! I have already left that bastard's village!" Old Zi said angrily, "When I think of that old bastard, I get angry!"

He was so angry that he couldn't even eat the snake meat.

"What about you? Why are you here?"

Lao Zi's eyes swept over the faces of the three of them, and he squinted slightly: "Sharingan, Baiyan, hehe, Konoha's two powerful ninjas appeared in the Land of Earth at the same time, and they must have malicious intentions."

"I don't need you to worry about that." Feng Huo said with a smile, "Since you have left Yanyin Village and become a wandering monk, you should leave these mundane matters alone."

Lao Zi was taken aback, then snorted, "You are right."

Then he said, "But once that **** Onomu dies, I will go back to Yanyin Village!"

The root cause of his defection from Yanyin Village was his discord with Ohnoki. If this third-generation Tukage died, then he would naturally go back to 'take charge of the overall situation'.

As for his traitorous identity, hmph, that's not a problem!

Half a day later, the rain on the rocks outside finally subsided.

After sealing the fire and the others packed up, they left the cave.

Lao Zi stood at the entrance of the cave and watched them leave, thinking flashed in his eyes.

Although I did leave the village, can I really let go of the feelings in my heart?

Lao Zi sighed, finally wrote a letter and put it in the cave, then sent out the signal from Anbu of Yanyin Village, then turned and left.

Soon, the Anbu ninja of Yanyin Village, who was out on a mission, saw the signal and found the letter in the cave under the rock wall.

When he opened it, the Anbu ninja's face immediately changed, and he immediately returned to Yanyin Village with the letter.

"Uchiha sealed the fire and came to the land of the earth?!"

Seeing the contents of the letter, Onogi Three Generations Tsuchikage, his anger suddenly rose, and he lost his waist accidentally.

"It hurts...Damn it!"

Ohnoki read the letter again while rubbing it, and then his face sank, "This handwriting...could it be Lao Zi? How could he get mixed up with Uchiha Fuho?"

After all, I haven't seen this stubborn **** for several years, and Ohnoki didn't dare to confirm it.

He immediately called his son Huang Tu to verify the handwriting of the letter.

Huang Tu read the contents of the letter first, and immediately became furious after reading it: "Uchiha Fenghuo, this **** guy dares to come to the Land of Earth, this time I must kill him to avenge Brother Huitu!"

Even though the land of earth has signed a peace treaty with the land of fire, some hatred is not so easy to resolve after all.

"Uchiha Fenghuo's Sharingan has evolved into a kaleidoscope, not inferior to Uchiha Madara, plus he is now Sanwei Jinchuriki, if you are not fully sure, you must not shoot him!" Ohnoki said solemnly , "Let's check the handwriting of the letter first."

"Yes, father."

Huang Tu responded with a muffled voice, turned and left.

Onoki said: "Don't forget that you have a daughter now, you shouldn't be too impulsive, you know!"

Huangtu paused, and said in a muffled voice, "Got it."

The farther north you go, the more violent the wind in the sky is. Compared with the cold wind in the Snow Country, it is more violent and domineering. However, the Chaolun Dance II likes this environment very much. Sometimes it flies against the wind, and sometimes it follows the violent wind. Gliding in the strong wind, the flying was so exhilarating, but it was bitter for Bai. When flying against the wind, Bai's face turned red and he almost suffocated.

Half a month later, when the wind in the sky turned cold, they finally crossed the entire Land of Earth and arrived at the border of the Land of Snow.

Because they were worried that Bai's body wouldn't be able to hold up to the high-altitude cold air, Fenghuo and the others chose to walk.

Entering the Snow Country, the temperature gradually becomes colder, and snowflakes begin to float in the sky. The deeper you go, the denser the snowflakes in the sky, and the less and less gray landforms around you, until the sky is covered with goose feathers and heavy snow, covering everything in front of you. All wrapped in a layer of silver.

Bai was wearing a wolf fur coat, and the severe cold weather did not make him feel uneasy at all, instead he felt kind.

The Xueji boundary in his body was ready to move, as if it wanted to soar freely with the heavy snow all over the sky.

"Brother Fenghuo, I like this place!" Bai said happily.

He slowly stretched out his hand, and the beautiful goose feathers and heavy snow all around seemed to have received some kind of call, and they all gathered in his hand and spun rapidly.

Feng Huo and Uchiha Shisui looked at each other, UU read www.uukanshu. com backed up.

After a while, Bai's figure was completely covered by the whistling and spinning snow tornado.

The next moment, the snow tornado suddenly condensed into ice, turning into a crystal clear icicle.

Feng Huo raised his eyelids, this idiot Bai, wouldn't he turn himself into a popsicle stick?

Fortunately, fine cracks slowly appeared in the icicle, and then an ice cave more than one meter high was revealed.

Bai came out of the ice cave, his eyes sparkling.

Just as Feng Huo was about to praise him, Uchiha Shisui rushed ahead of him.

"Bai, your Blood Succession Boundary is very suitable for this country. Over time, your Ice Escape Ninjutsu will definitely improve by leaps and bounds."

"En!" Bai kept nodding, "Brother Zhishui, I will definitely work hard to practice."

Feng Huo's face was stern, his lines were robbed, his scene was robbed, he felt very uncomfortable.

"Okay, we're not here for tourism, let's find Xia Ri Xing and Ying Huxing first." Feng Huo interrupted their friendly communication roughly.

"Xia Rixing, Ying Huxing, are the captain's friends in the Snow Country?" Uchiha Shisui asked.

Feng Huo nodded: "That's right, these two are Shangren from Star Ninja Village. You can learn something from that."

"I know Brother Fenghuo!" Bai said.

"Captain, where are your two friends now?" Uchiha Shisui asked.

Feng Huo was startled, then the corner of his mouth twitched, and he snorted, "Zhi Shui, we are still good friends if you don't talk!"

Then he quickly separated two hundred shadow clones, quickly scattered, and used Chakra perception to find Xia Ri Xing and Ying Huo Mars.

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