Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 571: settle down

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Watching Fenghuo's series of coquettish operations, Uchiha Shisui was dumbfounded.

"Captain, don't you know where your two friends are?"

I sent them all the way here, but I didn't expect... the captain is as unreliable as ever.

Feng Huo's face was a little uneasy, and he snorted: "What do you know, this is called secrecy, you know? Even I don't know where they are, and it's even more impossible for others to find them!"

You are right.

Uchiha Shisui wrapped the clothes around his body, his eyes were still abnormal in the heavy snow, and after looking around, he accidentally found the traces left by the carriage.

The three of them followed the traces of the carriage and came to a small village.

Fenghuo checked with Chakra perception and found that there were no ninjas in this village.

Afterwards, the three lived in this small village.

In order to maintain the existence of the shadow clone, Fenghuo worked without sleep for three consecutive days. Finally, three days later, a shadow clone in the northwest direction found the Chakra fluctuations of Xia Rixing and Yingxing Mars using Chakra perception!

Fenghuo seemed to be pardoned, and hurriedly disbanded the two hundred shadow clones. In an instant, a large number of memories flooded into his mind. He yawned tiredly, and fell asleep with his eyes closed.

This sleep lasted until the afternoon of the next day, when Feng Huo woke up refreshed.

He took out a Bingliang pill and ate it, recalled the location of the shadow clone, then called Uchiha Shisui and Shiro, and set off immediately.

Five days later, they came to a smaller village, backed by a small snow mountain, with only a dozen families living by hunting.

After Xia Rixing and Ying Huoxing moved here, they became the best hunters in this small village by virtue of their 'excellent' skills, won everyone's love, and settled down smoothly.

Seeing Fenghuo appear, although Xia Rixing and Ying Huoxing were surprised, they had already expected it.

When I encouraged their family to come to the Land of Snow, I guessed that such a day would come.

"Master Fenghuo, please come in."

Xia Rixing smiled and asked them to close the fire and enter the house.

This house was built by the people of the small village, so it looks ugly on the outside, but it is very strong, blocking all the cold outside.

"Xia Rixing, Ying Huxing, these two are Uchiha Shisui and Shiro. Shisui, Bai, these two are Xia Rixing and Ying Huxing." Feng Huo introduced the two parties.

"And me, and me," cried Smail, hopping.

Feng Huo patted his head with a smile, and said, "This is Smail, the son of Xia Ri Xing and Ying Huxing."

After the two parties got acquainted, Xia Rixing and Ying Huxing kept staring at Uchiha Shisui's eyes.

Since the surname is Uchiha, why is it a white eye?

And only one eye, strange.

Feng Huo smiled and didn't hide anything, and directly said about Uchiha Shisui's eye-catching.

"I see."

Xia Rixing and Ying Huxing looked at each other, remembering that they were despised by the ninjas in the village and fell to the Snow Country, and they felt the same.

Uchiha Shisui smiled wryly.

Feng Huo also talked about Bai's blood succession limit, but Xia Rixing and Ying Huxing didn't take it seriously. After all, this is the land of snow, and there are snow ninjas who use ice escape everywhere. As for the difference between Bai's ice escape and Xueren's ice escape , it will have to wait for them to find out by themselves.

Feng Huo didn't explain, and said with a smile: "Xia Rixing, Ying Huxing, Zhishui and Bai will be taken care of by you two from now on."

Xia Rixing said: "Of course it's no problem, it's just..."

Feng Huo asked: "Just what? It doesn't matter if you just say it."

"Master Fenghuo, I want to know the reason why you gathered us together." Xia Rixing said solemnly, "Could it be that you plan to destroy Xue Ren Village and control the Snow Country?"

"What are you talking about, I'm not interested in these things." Feng Huo smiled wryly, and then explained: "In fact, after the end of the third ninja world war, the ninja world seemed to be peaceful, but in fact there was an undercurrent. If I expected it right , within ten years, it is very likely that a super war that will sweep the entire ninja world will break out! At that time, not only the five major countries, but also the country of rain, iron, birds, bears, and even this country will be destroyed. Infected! All of us present cannot avoid it!"

Xia Rixing and Ying Huxing showed horrified expressions, and Uchiha Shisui also looked at Fenghuo in disbelief.

Fenghuo had never told him these words. He suspected that he was fooling Xia Rixing and the others, but when he thought of the legendary eyes of reincarnation that appeared in the Kingdom of Rain, he seemed to understand something.

"Lord Fenghuo, are you telling the truth?" Xia Rixing asked nervously.

Feng Huo smiled and said: "Don't doubt my words, I have no need to lie to you. After all, ten years is not a long time, is it?"

Xia Rixing and Yingxing Huxing nodded.

Feng Huo said again: "So, the purpose of my gathering you is to deal with various crises in the future, that's all!"

"So that's it." Ying Huoxing nodded, and then suddenly asked, "Master Fenghuo, don't mention Shisui and Bai, you are Konoha's ninja, why do you do this kind of thing, backed by Konoha, shouldn't you be better?" Is it easy to weather future crises?"

Feng Huo has a saying in his heart that MMP doesn’t know if he should say it or not~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Well, many things are beyond my control, in short, I am for the good of everyone here. "Feng Huo coughed dryly twice, and said, "Zhishui, Bai, you will settle down here later, and if there is anything, I will contact you immediately. "

Uchiha Shisui was thoughtful: "Captain, is it through reverse spiritism?"

Feng Huo nodded: "That's right, I can think of all of this."

Uchiha Shisui's eyes flashed brightly, and said: "Captain, all the crows I raised were given to Itachi, I don't know..."

Feng Huo nodded: "Of course, when Brother Chaolunwu has offspring, I'll let you sign one too."

Bai shouted: "Brother Fenghuo, I want one too."

"it is good."

Not to be outdone, Smail also hopped and shouted that I want it.

In the next few days, Fenghuo helped Zhishui and Bai build a house, which was next door to Xia Rixing and Yingxing Huxing's house, so that it was convenient to take care of anything.

After confirming that there were no mistakes, Fenghuo was ready to go back.

Uchiha Shisui looked at Fenghuo with a complicated expression.

And Bai, with tears in his eyes, was extremely reluctant.

Feng Huo comforted with a smile: "Bai, you have to practice ice escape here, and I will bring Sister Yaoshi to see you soon, you must not slack off."

Bai nodded desperately: "I, I know Brother Fenghuo, I will definitely work hard to practice!"

Feng Huo looked at Xia Rixing and Ying Huxing again, and said, "I'll leave Zhishui and Bai to you."

The couple smiled and nodded: "Of course, don't worry."

Only then did Feng Huo channel the second form of the Chaolun Dance, and then left on an eagle.

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