Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 572: Didara

Hidden Rock Village in the Land of Earth.

After Huang Tu identified the handwriting on the letter, he confirmed that it was written by the rebellious old Zi.

But he didn't tell his father, the third generation of Tsuchikage, the result immediately.

Loess was a little unwilling.

During World War Three, Uchiha Hiohuo and Namikaze Minato killed his senior brother Huito with treachery. Although Namikaze Minato got retribution and died under Konoha's Tailed Beast riot, Uchiha Hiohuo was still alive and well. He even swaggered in his country.

Huang Tu naturally hated it in his heart.

However, Uchiha's ability to seal the fire made him extremely afraid.

Sharingan, Sanwei Jinchuriki, no matter which one it is, it is extremely difficult to deal with, let alone Uchiha, who combines the two in his body.

Also, his psychic beast is Ninja Eagle. If he can't get rid of this advantage, even if he can be defeated, he can't be killed.

When Huangtu hesitated, he didn't notice that his precious daughter Heitu sneaked in. She had neat short black hair, and a pair of big dark gray eyes looked around, and found the letter right away.

Heitu glanced at ten lines, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Uchiha Fenghuo, the murderer who killed his uncle, actually came to the Land of Earth?

Heitu squinted his eyes, and suddenly a bold idea came to his mind.

"Heitu, why did you come in?" Huangtu came back to his senses, and stretched out his hand to touch Heitu's short hair with a smile.

"Dad, I'm already a ninja, you're not allowed to touch my head anymore!" Heitu said angrily.

Kuroto, who is ten years old this year, has successfully graduated from the ninja school for half a year. He has become a ninja with honor, and then practiced with the third generation of Tsuchikage, her grandfather Onogi.

Huangtu looked at Heitu dotingly, and said: "Okay, I won't touch your head from now on, really, you're only ten years old."


Heitu said dissatisfied Jiaohan.

The father and daughter chatted for a while before Heitu hopped away with her hands behind her back. When she left home, she immediately went to find her senior brother.

There are three ninjas trained under the third generation of Tsuchikage, except for Kuroto, the other two are Chitu and Didara!

Chitu and Didara had already practiced with three generations of Tukage before Black Soil, so their strength is naturally stronger than that of Black Soil.

Chi Tu has supernatural powers, but he has always been well-behaved and has a very honest temper. If he is asked to help deal with Uchiha Fenghuo, he will definitely tell her father and grandfather. Therefore, what she went to find was to live alone outside the village. Deidara, who was one year older than her.

Deidara is an earthen ninja, clay stylist, and art lover through and through!

About two years ago, when Didara was 9 years old, in order to pursue a deeper level of art, this fellow secretly stole the village's forbidden technique that can mix substances into chakra, that is, detonating clay.

After mastering the detonating clay, Didara ruthlessly made several batches of explosives, which blew up Yanyin Village, and was finally kicked out of the village by angry Onoki.

A day later, Heitu rushed to the place where Didara lived, looked around with big eyes, and shouted: "Brother, brother?"

After a while, there was a rumbling explosion from a distant rock wall.

"Damn it, it failed again. Sure enough, I still need to find some experimenters!"

Didara sat on a giant bird made of explosive clay, and quickly flew up from under the rock wall.

"Brother, here!" Heitu jumped and waved.

"Ah, why are you here?" Didara shook his golden hair and snorted, "I don't have time to play ninja games with you, eh!"

"Brother, actually I have something to ask you." Heitu clasped his hands together, his eyes flickered, but he deliberately said in a pitiful tone, "Uchiha Fenghuo, who killed Master Huitu, has come to the Land of Earth , Brother, let's catch him and avenge Master Huitu."

"Uchiha Sealing Fire? That Sharingan ninja?" Didara rubbed his chin and pondered, "I heard that this guy is very powerful, just to test my art, eh!"

"Brother, did you agree?" Heitu was overjoyed, she knew Didala would agree.

Since he was very young, Didara has been a restless and bad boy. If any scandal happens in the village, you can definitely find Didara!

"I agree not because of revenge, but because I need someone to experiment with my explosion art, um." Didara said with a straight face, "I will go to Uchiha to seal the fire, you go back, um."

"No, I want to go with me too!" Heitu was not happy.

Deidara said displeased: "You are too weak and will hinder my explosive art."

"Absolutely not, I swear!" Heitu looked at Didala pitifully.

Didara hesitated for a moment, and said, "Tell me the information about Uchiha sealing the fire, and I'll take you there!"

Heitu didn't doubt that he was there, and immediately told all the contents of the letter.

Didara nodded, then rolled his eyes, and silently patted the giant bird under his buttocks.

The giant bird immediately turned around and flew towards the sky.

Heitu froze for a moment, and was furious: "Brother, where are you going? You, you, take me, brother!"

"Follow me when you become stronger, um." Didara said lightly.

After a while, Didara's figure disappeared into the air~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Damn it, you dare to lie to me, I will never forgive you when you come back. "Heitu would be sulking when he was jumping, and he returned to the village angrily when he saw that Didara had really left.

Feng Huo took off the wolf fur coat on his body immediately after crossing the border between the land of snow and the land of earth sitting on the second chaotic round dance.

"Huh, the whole person is much more relaxed."

Feng Huo stretched and stretched, lying on the back of Chao Rondo II, whistling and looking at the rapidly retreating sky, he just felt refreshed, and the pores all over his body were breathing free air.

Half a day later, Fenghuo disbanded the spiritism, and let the second chaotic round dance back to the snow-capped mountains to satisfy his hunger and rest. Then he channeled the third chaotic round dance and continued to fly.

Unless encountering rock rain, Fenghuo has been driving at full speed without stopping for a moment.

After several days passed, Fenghuo came to the rock wall where he met Lao Zi.

Feng Huo looked at the huge rock wall, and for some reason, a subtle feeling arose in his heart.

‘Is Lao Zi still down here? '

Feng Huo was wondering when he saw a giant bird flying up from under the rock wall.

Feng Huo caressed the mirror frame on his face, but unfortunately the distance was too far to see what it was.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time, yes." Didara on the giant bird said loudly.

There was a bit of pride in the voice, as if he thought highly of himself.

Feng Huo's expression gradually became strange.

As the giant bird approached, he finally saw the person above clearly.

A head of long golden hair, a pair of blue eyes, a proud smile on the corner of the mouth, and a giant bird obviously made of clay under the buttocks...


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