Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 573: Explosions are art?

"Huh? Have you heard my name too?"

Didara's eyes lit up, and he said, "My explosion art is already famous in the ninja world, and the hateful three-generation old man even drove me out of the village, hmph."

Listening to his talking to himself, Feng Huo received a lot of information in an instant.

One, Didara has mastered detonating clay and started making various bombs.

Second, the relationship between him and Yanyin Village seems a bit delicate.

Three, he hasn't joined Akatsuki yet.

There are articles that can be done.

A smile appeared on the corner of Fenghuo's mouth: "Didara, your explosive art is so impressive to me."

"Hahaha, don't think that a few compliments will make me let you go, eh!"

Having said that, even the split mouth can't be closed.

Explosions are art!

In order to implement this sentence, Deidara betrayed his relatives and was kicked out of the village by Onoki, but he did not give up. Instead, he continued to accept various terrorist attack missions in the black market and proved his explosive art in the missions.

However, the words of Uchiha Fenghuo, who is famous in the ninja world, seem to affirm all his previous efforts, and Didara is naturally happy.

However, if you are happy, you still have to do your own things well.

"Didala, since you left Yanyin Village, why not follow me." Feng Huo directly solicited.

"Are you kidding!" Didara sneered, took out the explosive clay from a bag, and stuffed it into his mouth on the palm of his left hand.

The mouth is full of sharp teeth, after chewing the explosive clay for a while, small birds are ejected.

"Detonating Clay-Little Bird!"

"Pfft..." Feng Huo couldn't hold back his laughter, and hurriedly waved his hands, "Sorry, sorry, this name is too...hahaha..."


Didara was on fire, under his control, a dozen small birds flew quickly in the air, and directly crashed into the Chao Rondo III Form.

Feng Huo suppressed his smile and quickly formed seals in his hands.

The name of this little bird is not very good, but it is very dangerous. Once it explodes, the Eagle Feather of the Chaolun Dance Three Forms may not be able to carry it.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"



Didara also shouted loudly, detonating the little bird.

The violent air wave swept through the sky, and the fire wave was like a tide. There was no need to close the fire to remind, the witty Chaolunwu Sanshi quickly raised his figure, and then screamed and gathered the wind blades, and fiercely shot towards Didara.

Didara manipulated the giant bird to dodge flexibly in the air, and then unhurriedly stuffed more detonating clay into the mouth on the palm of his left hand.

"Didara, after defeating you, follow me!"

The sound of sealing the fire came from far above.

"Beat me? Don't be kidding, my explosion art will not fail so easily, eh!"

As he said that, Didara threw out more than a dozen faster 'birds' one after another.

"Biwing - drink!"

"Fire Escape - Phoenix Immortal Fire Art!"

Fenghuo sprayed out more than a dozen **** of fire, which accurately hit the biwing birds in the air, detonating these terrorist bombs in advance.


Chao Lunwu Sanshi nimbly avoided the aftermath of the explosion, and looked at the ugly and outrageous white bird below in horror.

"It's really rebellious."

Feng Huo sneered and quickly closed his seal, "Huo Dun-Huo Huo Quench!"


The horrific wall of fire that stretched for more than 30 meters fell from the sky like an avalanche, and suddenly descended on Didara's head!

The scorching high temperature accompanied by surging air waves firmly oppressed the space around Didara, making his movements slightly stiff.

Didara's face changed slightly, he gritted his teeth and took out a puppet made of explosive clay, and quickly threw it at his feet.


A puff of smoke dissipated, and a rather awkward-looking Didala appeared on the giant bird, which was a puppet stand-in that he had already made before.


Didara had already jumped directly from the giant bird, detonated the puppet stand-in during the fall, and then made a giant bird out of detonating clay, carrying him back into the sky.

"Bastard Uchiha seals the fire!" Didara murmured.

"Fire Escape - Great Fire Extinguishment!"

Feng Huo sneered again and sprayed out a terrifying umbrella-shaped pillar of flames, forcing Didara to jump off the giant bird again to save his life.


Didara was furious, this time he was no longer close to sealing the fire, but kept making biwing birds in the distance.

But under the fire escape of Fenghuo, it is completely useless.

No matter if it is ten or one hundred, none of them can escape from Fenghuo's Huo Dun, they are all detonated in advance, and they can't get close to Fenghuo at all.

Half an hour later, Didara was a little out of breath.

Fenghuo has the Yang attribute three tails as Chakra backing, but Didala does not.

It was still a bit difficult for Didala, who was only eleven years old, to use detonating clay to make biwing bird bombs continuously for half an hour.

"How? You can admit defeat." Feng Huo said with a smile, "You are not my opponent yet."

"It's not over yet!"

Didara took out the detonating clay again and continued to make the biwing bird, then threw it out again with a sneer.

Sealing the fire and squinting, the same move?

He sprayed out the Phoenix Immortal Fire from his seal, detonating the two-winged birds in the air one by one in advance, but the next moment he raised his brows, and found that in the fiery air waves caused by the explosion, countless tiny white grasshoppers jumped towards him.


Didara yelled.

In an instant, a large number of grasshoppers exploded in the air wave, forming a spectacular series of explosions ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ covering the three moves of the Chaolun Dance.

"This is the fate of underestimating me, eh!" Didala controlled the giant bird and slowly lifted into the air to check the fate of Fenghuo.

But immediately his scalp went numb, and he quickly jumped off the giant bird.


In the next moment, a surging wall of fire shot from the sky, directly engulfing the giant bird.


While falling freely in the air, Didara quickly took out the explosive clay and made a giant bird again, and flew up with him.

The waves of flames in the air slowly dissipated, revealing the Chaolun Wu Sanshi and Fenghuo's... figures wrapped in tailed beast-like coats.

Didara's eyelids rolled up: "Three-tailed Jinchuriki, hum, watch me blow you to pieces!"

Deidara took out a large handful of detonating clay and stuffed it into his mouth in the palm of his left hand.

Feng Huo sneered, and before he was ready, he controlled the Chaolun Wu Sanshi and flew down.

"Wind escape - oppression!"

The wind that had been compressed to the extreme was released in an instant, turning into a terrifying air current that directly lifted Didala on the giant bird.


Didara screamed and flipped freely in the air at 720 degrees, and then slammed into the steep rock wall, three feet deep, forming a herringbone pit wall.

A trace of red liquid slowly flowed down along the cracks in the pit wall.

Didara gritted his teeth tightly, but finally couldn't hold back, and spat out a mouthful of old blood with lung slices.

He swung his left hand on the wall of the pit, trying to take out the bomb, but the impact caused all the bones in his body to be shattered, his left hand was useless, and finally hung down powerlessly.


Didara felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier, and eventually his eyes turned black and he passed out.

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