Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 580: that night 8 years ago

The Uchiha clan's land under the night is quite cold, and there seems to be something brewing and condensing in the air.

Uchiha Shin lowered his head and shuttled quickly like a ghost. Soon, he came to Uchiha Fugaku's mansion.

"What a luxury."

Uchiha Shin jumped to the roof of the mansion with a light jump, then walked back and forth on the roof, making some small noises, and then left quickly.

The next moment, a figure leaped out of the mansion like lightning, following closely behind him.

'As expected of the person Orochimaru valued. '

Uchiha sneered confidently.

Taking Uchiha Itachi to a remote dense forest, Uchiha Shin stopped.

"Who are you!"

In the next second, the figure of Uchiha Itachi also fell from the sky.

Uchiha Shin turned his head slowly, and under the Uzumaki mask, a pair of Sangouyu Sharingan was looking at him with a hint of coldness.

"Sharingan?" Uchiha Itachi straightened his face, and he knew all the Sharingan ninjas in the clan who had turned on the three-god jade, but he definitely didn't have the person in front of him.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that your situation is very bad, Uchiha Itachi." Uchiha Shin deliberately gruffly laughed,

Uchiha Itachi slowly took out Kunai, and then his black pupils turned, and the Sangouyu Sharingan immediately appeared, and then he killed Uchiha Shin.

"Stupid." Uchiha Shinobu smiled, and rushed forward instead of retreating.

The figures of the two collided in mid-air, and after a momentary pause, they both turned into afterimages and retreated, then rushed towards each other at a faster speed, colliding back and forth in the air like ghosts, and there were continuous metal-iron clashes Voice.

In just a few breaths, the two had fought dozens of times.

‘If you want to defeat him, you must open the kaleidoscope. '

Uchiha Itachi's expression was serious. In the fight just now, he had used no less than ten Sharingan illusions, but it was useless.

He hesitated, should he use a kaleidoscope?

Uchiha Shin slowly landed on a tree trunk, and said to himself: "Uchiha Itachi, it is impossible for you to defeat me."

Uchiha Itachi was noncommittal, and said coldly: "Tell me your purpose."

"Nature came for you." Uchiha said, "The destruction of the Uchiha clan is inevitable, and you should have realized this."

"So what." Uchiha Itachi analyzed the other party's identity and purpose of coming. The first object of suspicion was Uchiha Fenghuo, but he denied it immediately.

Uchiha Nobuo seemed to see through his thoughts, and said with a smile: "Instead of guessing my identity, it's better to think about my future. Danzo, I won't let you go easily!"

Itachi Uchiha frowned, suddenly recalling that night eight years ago in his mind.

That night, the tailed beasts in the village ran away, a great chaos broke out, a large number of buildings were destroyed, countless civilians died that night, and four generations of couples also fell that night.

But the murderer who caused the tailed beast to go berserk has never been found.

Uchiha Itachi's eyes gradually became colder.

"Your brother." Uchiha Shin said suddenly, "You don't want to see him die in front of you, hehehehe."

Uchiha Sasuke has always been Uchiha Itachi's confinement. Hearing that this guy dared to threaten his younger brother in front of him, Uchiha Itachi's face sank at that time.

"If you dare to attack Sasuke, I will never let you go!"

"Oh? Yes..." Uchiha Nobu just opened his mouth, his eyes changed, and he looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Uchiha Itachi's three-pointed jade in Sharingan slowly condenses together as it spins, turning into a...shape like a shuriken's three-pointed dart.

This shape is... a kaleidoscope? !

Uchiha Itachi also opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan!

Shin Uchiha showed an expression of disbelief, and complex emotions such as jealousy, greed, and anger instantly shot out from his eyes.

'No wonder Orochimaru wanted his eyes, but he had already opened the kaleidoscope! '

Uchiha Nobuo is not to be outdone, the three-god jade in his eyes also changes instantly, and the powerful pupil power crushes Uchiha Itachi in an instant.

Compared with Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope, Uchiha Shin's kaleidoscope is inherited from Uchiha Madara. Although the pupil power has been lost, it still firmly suppresses Uchiha Itachi.

"I really didn't expect, Uchiha Itachi, your talent is not inferior to Uchiha Fufu!" Uchiha said, "Then, you are qualified to talk with me on an equal footing."

Just as Uchiha Shin suppressed the killing intent in his heart, he heard Hei Ze's voice in his ear, he paused, and continued, "I will come to you again."

In the next moment, his figure jumped from the branch into the darkness and disappeared.

Uchiha Itachi slowly put away the kaleidoscope with a dignified expression.

"Sure enough, he is the murderer of the night-tailed beast. I didn't expect that after so many years, his kaleidoscope still has such powerful pupil power."

Uchiha Itachi is very puzzled, you know, Uchiha's kaleidoscope that seals the fire is on the verge of losing its light, and in the past four or five years, he has not even dared to open the Sharingan!

This made Uchiha Itachi even more worried.

On the other side, after Uchiha Shin left, Hei Ze's voice came again.

"Xin, recruit Uchiha Itachi into Akatsuki."

Uchiha Shin frowned as soon as he heard it. His previous plan was to use Uchiha Itachi's younger brother to threaten him, let him obey his orders, kill the Uchiha clan inside and outside, and then take his eyes to disgust, Blackmail Orochimaru.

But Uchiha Itachi's opening of the kaleidoscope disrupted his plan, coupled with Hei Ze's suggestion at this time, Uchiha's confidence changed, and after half the salary, Jie Jie sneered: "This is a good idea, use his kaleidoscope to capture Tailed Beast."

Moreover, Uchiha Itachi joined Xiao~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Orochimaru still don't want to get his kaleidoscope, which does not violate his original intention.

More importantly, the people in Akatsuki's organization are definitely their own people, who can control Uchiha Itachi's information at any time.

In this way, once his kaleidoscope loses its pupil power before Orochimaru's cell cloning technology comes out, he can use Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope in time.

It's perfect!

In the early morning of the next day, Uchiha Obito suddenly received a call from Hokage, but when he passed by, he only saw the elder advisor, Shimura Danzo.

"Obito Uchiha, there is a mission for you in the village."

Danzo handed him a document directly, and said, "It's some clues about the tail beast's rampage eight years ago."

"What?!" Obito's face changed, that night, his teacher Namikaze Minato...

He hurriedly opened the file and looked at it carefully.

Danzang said from the side: "The fourth generation is your teacher, so I entrust this task to you. This is a confidential task and must not be leaked!"

Obito nodded: "I know."

"Time waits for no one, let's go immediately." Danzo said.

But Obito hesitated. He remembered the family's imminent coup d'état. If he left the village at this time...

Danzo said coldly: "Do you have any questions?"

"I..." Obito struggled for a while.

Danzo seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and showed a gentle smile: "Don't worry, the situation will not develop to that point as you thought."

"Really?" Obito seemed to grasp the last straw.

"I don't need to lie to you." Danzo vowed.

"I see!" Obito closed his eyes and nodded slowly.

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