Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 581: trade-off

Coming out of Hokage Building, Obito looked up at the sun in the sky, which was a little dazzling.

Today, he is no longer the pure and passionate idiot who was in the past. Especially recently, the relationship between the family and the village has become more and more tense. He doesn't believe that such a coincidental mission will appear at this time!

However, he couldn't help it.

Firstly, this is the task assigned by Hokage, and secondly, what if this task is real?

'If Minato-sensei was still alive, such a thing would never have happened. '

Obito walked on the street with his head down, passed through the crowd, and walked straight out of the village.

Followed and monitored his root ninja all the way, and did not find a shadow clone in the crowd leaving quickly.

At night, Obito's shadow clone sneaked into the fire-sealed mansion.

"Obito? Why are you here?" Feng Huo noticed Obito's sneaky appearance, and his heart skipped a beat, "Did something happen?"

Obito Shadow clone said: "I don't know if something happened, but the main body asked me to tell you."

"The main body? Are you a shadow clone?" Feng Huo frowned.

"Yes, this morning, Danzo gave the ontology a task. It was a clue about the tailed beast rampage that night eight years ago. The ontology couldn't refuse, and he had already left the village." Obito shadow clone said.

Fenghuo smelled a strong smell of conspiracy at that time, and asked: "Where do the clues in the intelligence point?"

"The Land of Rain!" Obito Shadow clone said.

Feng Huo's face changed slightly: "The Land of Rain is very dangerous, this must be Danzo's conspiracy, you must not go there!"

"However, what if it's true." Obito Shadow clone sighed, "If I don't go and find out, I won't give up."

Feng Huo snorted coldly, you stubborn one!

I don't even think that Uchiha is going to have a coup d'etat soon, so let him go out of the village to do tasks at this time...


A light flashed in Feng Huo's mind.

Yes, at such a critical moment, bringing soil out of the village is of no help to major events, and it doesn't seem like Danzang's method.

After all, in the eyes of Danzo at this time, Obito is still the ordinary Shan Gouyu Sharingan ninja, and there is no need for him to go to war to drive Obito out of the village.

Unless, the drunkard's intention is not to drink!

Could it be that the real purpose of bringing Obito to the Land of Rain is to lead him to the Land of Rain?

Obito Shadow's avatar was lost in thought when he saw Feng Huo, and he didn't know whether to interrupt him.

Half-paying, Feng Huo came back to his senses, and said to him: "You immediately change into my appearance and go out from the main gate, and then leave the village! If everything goes well...then you can find a secret place to disappear, remind Obito, Qian Be careful!"

"I see."

Then Obito's shadow clone turned into a fire-sealing appearance, and then left quickly.

At the same time, the seal of sealing fire activated the prohibition in the mansion, and then quickly entered the secret room of the study, and then psychic out the second form of chaotic round dance.

Chao Rondo II was sleeping, but after being channeled by this psychic, it was still such a small secret room, and it was on fire at that time, and she was about to scream when she opened her mouth.

He was slapped to the ground by Fenghuo.

"Shut up!" Feng Huoqing shouted, "Use the reverse spirit technique!"

He subsequently dismissed necromancy.

Not long after, a powerful force surged from the depths of the space and pulled him in.

At the same time, Obito Shadow, who had transformed into Fenghuo, had a smooth journey and left the village gate smoothly.

The Obito shadow clone looked surprised, but immediately remembered the order to seal the fire, and immediately sneaked into a nearby dense forest, and then quietly dismissed himself.

Obito, who was farther away, received this memory, closed his eyes and meditated for a while, and finally chose to go to the Land of Rain.

Otherwise, what else can I do?

Back to the village?

Then choose between the village and the family?

He just can't do it.

He knew that he was like a coward at this time, and chose to escape when encountering difficulties, but what could he do? He was also very desperate.

Obito left in silence.

And Gennin in the village also sneaked into his mansion for the first time after "Fenghuo" left the village.

After searching for the half-pay, it was confirmed that Fenghuo had indeed left the village, and he immediately went back to report to Danzang.

In the depths of the Snow Mountains in the Land of Snow, on the top of the iceberg, Fenghuo's teeth were chattering, and he quickly took out a wolf fur coat from the sealing scroll and put it on, only then did he feel a little warmth.

He looked around, this glacier was a steep iceberg that had frozen the couple of four generations, and the home of the Chaolun Dance brothers was on the top of this iceberg.



Two unfamiliar eagle cries came from the side, with a bit of vigilance.

"Hehe, it seems that the ninja clan will multiply soon." Feng Huo rubbed his hands and said to himself.

That's right, on this mountain top, besides the Chao Lun Wu brothers, there are two snow eagles. Judging from their figures, they are more than one size smaller than the Chao Lun Wu brothers. They are obviously ordinary snow eagles, and they must be female!

Feng Huo estimated that the time was almost up, so he disbanded the reverse spiritism and returned to the secret room in the mansion.

He used the chakra perception technique at the first time, and he found a slight change in the restriction of his mansion. It was obvious that someone had forced his way in, and then he sensed Didala's breath.

'This fellow slept enough to die, and this will still be asleep there.

Of course, it is also possible that his chakra was sealed and he could not detect Genin's intrusion.

Feng Huo slowly put away his chakra, rubbed his chin and pondered.

Sure enough, Danzo's purpose was to lure himself to the Land of Rain, and then assassinate himself!

In other words, if you don't go by yourself, Obito will face a dangerous assassination alone.

But if you go by yourself, you will definitely miss the Uchiha genocide event, and thus miss the opportunity to seize the Danzo Kaleidoscope.

If you stop bringing soil to the country of rain?

It still doesn't work, with Danzo's prudence, if one plan fails, another plan must be made, so he will be passive.

It's better to use tricks and let Danzang think that he has left the village, so that he can fish in troubled waters!

As for the soil...

"It seems that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is going to let Zhishui do the trick."

The distance from the country of fire to the country of rain, according to the footsteps of Obito, takes about five days, and from the country of snow to the country of rain, if relying on the speed of the chakra dance brothers, it takes about five days.

So in terms of time, it is possible to catch up.

The only question is, can Shisui save Obito?

Although Obito opened the Sangoku, but his right eye has been gifted to Kakashi, and Shisui is even more helpless, the two kaleidoscopes are gone, only one white eye, the strength is not half light.

Since Danzo has set up this game, it is unlikely that it will be anticlimactic.

Therefore, Fenghuo had to make a choice.

He rubbed his eyes and said with a wry smile, "Now, I'm afraid I'm really going to become blind, well, at least half blind."

Then he wrote a letter, and then prepared a glass test tube filled with green liquid medicine. After being silent for a while, he sighed, took off his left eye, put it in the test tube, and then printed the test tube and the envelope in in a scroll.

Losing his left eye made Fenghuo very uncomfortable. He imitated Kakashi and lowered the ninja forehead to cover his left eye, which gave him a sense of security.

After that, he came to the top of the glacier again through reverse spirituality.

"Two." Feng Huo looked at the Chao Rondo II standing next to him, almost as tall as a two-story building, and threw the scroll over.

Chao Rondo Ershi nimbly pecked at the scroll with its mouth.

"Give the scroll to Zhishui." Feng Huo said solemnly.

Chao Rondo II looked strangely at Fenghuo's new shape, then nodded, spread its wings, and quickly flew high into the sky.

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