Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 582: stop water departure

Konoha Naruto House.

After getting the accurate information about sealing the fire and Obito leaving the village, Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed with complicated emotions.

"Hizan, next is Uchiha Itachi." Danzo said coldly, "He is different from Uchiha Fuuhuo and Uchiha Obito, his biological father is Uchiha Fugaku, so according to my suggestion, it is better to directly Kill it to avoid future troubles!"

"Can't we try to solve it by peaceful means?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed softly.

"The matter has come to this point. Once controlled by others, the consequences will be unimaginable. Use peaceful means? Riza, you are so naive!" Danzo snorted.

Seeing that Hiruzaru Sarutobi didn't speak, Danzo said dissatisfiedly, "What are you still thinking?"

At this time, someone knocked on the door outside, but Yamato walked in.

Since taking over the Supervision Department, Yamato has focused on the surveillance of Uchiha, but just now, the members of the Supervision Department Anbu who were in charge of monitoring the Uchiha clan were all injured and evacuated from the Uchiha clan one after another.

Yamato knew that the matter was serious, so he came to report immediately.

Danzo took a deep look at Yamato, this excellent ninja, but he single-handedly rescued him from the abandoned laboratory of Orochimaru and taught him Mudun, but at this moment, he became Sarutobi Hiruzen's subordinate , this is an irreparable pain.

But soon he calmed down, and said to Sarutobi Hiruzen: "You heard it, drive Anbu out of the Uchiha clan, and the signs that they want a coup are already very obvious."

"Wait a little longer." Hiruzaru Sarutobi said, "Until the last moment, you can't use force. Danzo, let Itachi persuade Fuyue again, you can talk about anything!"


Danzo snorted coldly, got up and left.

In the Land of Snow, somewhere in a small remote village.

Bai controlled the sky full of snowflakes to revolve around him, but the two little kids in the village were dumbfounded and ran over to learn Bingdun.

Bai said with a human face: "This is the limit of blood inheritance. It is inherited from parents. Others can't learn it."

Those two brats said they would marry Bai when they grew up, and then give birth to a child who would inherit the boundary.

Bai's face turned green when he heard that, these two little brats are both boys!

He refused again and again, and then ran away without looking back.

At this moment, there was a strange chirp in the air, and the dullness could only bring a bit of aggrieved.

"It's a chaotic round dance!" Bai looked up in surprise, and saw a huge snow eagle with a wingspan of nearly 20 meters gliding down through the clouds and snow.

The eagle eyes of the Chaolun Dance II style were sharp, and he had already seen Bai, the wings shook slightly, and the falling speed was even faster.

At the same time, Uchiha Shisui, who was chopping firewood at home, also discovered the second form of Chao Rondo.

"Is the captain here?"

He put down the hatchet in his hand and rushed towards the place where the second chakra dance fell.

The huge snow eagle descended from the sky like a prehistoric monster, scaring the two little kids and ran home crying.

"It's the second form of the Chaolun Dance." Bai recognized the identity of this Snow Eagle, and happily climbed onto its back, but unfortunately, he didn't see Feng Huo, he wondered, "Did Brother Feng Huo come? "

Chao Rondo II turned her head, and there was a small scroll in her mouth on the sharp eagle's beak. If you don't look carefully, you won't find it at all.

Bai Bai's eyes lit up, and he was about to reach out to pick it up, but he didn't expect to raise his head in the second form of Chaolun Dance.

It remembered the words of Fenghuo, this scroll seems to be handed over to Uchiha Shisui?

Is that so?

It tilted its head and couldn't remember clearly.

Fortunately, Uchiha Shisui rushed over at this time, it no longer entangled, loosened its mouth and threw the scroll on the snow.

"This is…"

Uchiha Shisui was taken aback, "The captain asked you to bring it, Nishiki?"


The second chaotic round dance called softly, and nodded slightly.

"Brother Zhishui, Brother Fenghuo sent it, why didn't he come by himself?" Bai asked condescendingly, holding the neck of the second chaotic round dance.


Uchiha Shisui picked up the scroll on the snowy ground, inexplicably, an ominous premonition arose in his heart.

There was a seal restriction on the scroll, but Uchiha Shisui couldn't help it. Soon, the restriction was untied by him, and then he took out a letter and a glass test tube from the scroll.

The glass test tube is filled with a green liquid, and in the liquid, an eyeball with meridians floats up and down.

"Ah!" Seeing the eyes in the test tube, Bai was startled, and hurriedly buried his head in the platinum eagle feathers in the second chakra roulette, but then remembered the teachings of sealing fire and water, he gritted his teeth and raised his head, so strong Look directly into the eye in the test tube.

At this time, Uchiha Shisui had already opened the letter and read it.

"Brother Zhishui, what was written in the letter, this eye, yes, was it sent by Brother Fenghuo?" Bai's teeth chattered a little when he spoke.

"Ah, it was indeed sent by the captain."

Uchiha Shisui's tone was a bit heavy.

This eye turned out to be the captain's kaleidoscope!

Is the situation in the village already so tense?

In the letter, apart from asking him to go to the Land of Rain to rescue Obitu, he didn't mention anything else in the village, but from the clues, he can deduce one or two things.

If the situation is not tense, Fenghuo can save Obito by himself, why would he rather take off his own eyes?

‘Itachi, UU reading www.uukanshu. com you... what are you doing. '

Uchiha Shisui was tangled.

Is it really wrong to pin all hopes on Uchiha Itachi, even to help him open the kaleidoscope even at the cost of suicide?

Itachi, he can't save the Uchiha clan?

Uchiha Shisui lost his mind for a moment.

"Brother Zhishui? Brother Zhishui?" Bai called a few times.

Uchiha Shisui came back to his senses, and said with a smile: "Bai, go home quickly, I have something to leave temporarily."

"Can you take me with you?" White eyes lit up.

Uchiha Shisui shook his head: "No, don't worry, I will be back soon."

Unwillingly, Bai got off from the back of the second chaotic round dance, and then went home step by step.

After confirming that Bai left, Uchiha Shisui took out the eye from the glass test tube, and then transplanted it into his left eye socket.

'It seems...somewhat repulsive. '

Uchiha Shisui closed the right eye that had been transplanted with white eyes, and suddenly felt his vision blurred.

‘The captain’s eyes are indeed on the verge of blindness. '

Uchiha Shisui could feel that this kaleidoscope would lose his sight after a few times of use. If he encounters a high-intensity battle, I am afraid that one battle will...

"Hope everything goes well."

He quickly jumped onto the back of Chao Rondo II, but his feet slipped and he almost fell off.

It was he who opened the white eyes at the same time, which made the vision of the eyes unbalanced and produced a strong sense of dizziness.

Uchiha Shisui closed his left eye with a wry smile, then touched the eagle feather on the neck of Chao Rondo Nishiki, and said, "Nishiki, go to the Land of Rain."


Chao Rondo II screamed and quickly flew into the sky.

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