Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 583: threaten

"what happened?"

In the mansion that was sealed off, Didala looked left and right, searched the whole mansion, but couldn't find anyone.

"Where did the **** Uchiha Fenghuo go?"

"He won't leave me alone?"

"Damn it, what the **** is this **** thinking!"

After sealing the fire and not showing up for a few days, Didala was so angry that he smashed all the tables, stools and vases in the living room without saying a word.

At this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from outside. Didara hurriedly ran out. When he saw it, he saw red and green liquid pouring in from outside the wall, dyeing the floor tiles in various colors.

"It's that brat again!"

Didara opened the door, and sure enough, he saw a yellow-haired boy with whiskers pouring paint into it.

"Hey, brat, you're never finished, huh!" Didara snorted.

Naruto glanced at Didara, who also had golden hair, and hurriedly threw the paint bucket over, and then ran away, provoking: "Idiot! Idiot! Come and chase me if you have the ability!"

Didara's forehead was full of veins, and he was very angry.

If his chakra hadn't been sealed, he would have blown up this brat to the sky!

Didara closed the door, looked at the dismal color on the floor, got a fierce face, went straight to find a shovel, and pried it all up.

In front of the stele of the ancestral land of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Itachi opened his kaleidoscope to look at the content on the stele, and he sighed softly for half the salary.

"Uchiha is a family of evil."

Uchiha Nobu did not know when he had come behind him, and said lightly, "They betrayed me back then, and today they will betray Konoha as well."

Itachi Uchiha put away the kaleidoscope and said without looking back: "You... are definitely not Uchiha Madara."

"Hahaha, if you want to know my identity, then leave Konoha!" Uchiha Shin laughed, "Kill all your people and go to the Land of Rain!"

"What if I refuse." Uchiha Itachi said.

"Rejection will not save the Uchiha clan!" Shin Uchiha said coldly, "On the contrary, it will kill all the people you care about!"

Uchiha Itachi's pupils shrank.

"I believe you will agree!" Uchiha Shin's figure slowly melted into the darkness, "If you change your mind, come here to find me."

Uchiha Itachi turned his head, but there was no one behind him.

"Who are you... exactly!"

After leaving the ancestral stele, Uchiha Itachi looked at the sky and went straight home.

I met several tribesmen on the road, but none of them treated him well.

Uchiha Itachi didn't care about these people's opinions. When he got home, he saw his younger brother Uchiha Sasuke sitting on the porch. When he saw him coming back, he immediately jumped up happily: "Brother, you are finally back."

"Sasuke, why are you sitting here?" There was a warm smile on Uchiha Itachi's indifferent face, and he couldn't help but reached out and touched Sasuke's head.

Er Zhuzi dodged shyly, with a blush on his face, then remembered the business, and said excitedly: "Brother, I have successfully mastered the skill of Hao Fireball!"

"As expected of Sasuke, he will definitely become an excellent ninja in the future." Uchiha Itachi boasted.

"Haha, it's okay. In fact, if my brother practiced with me more, I could learn it faster." Er Zhuzi said arrogantly.

"is that so?"

"Of course, brother, will you practice Kunai with me today?" Er Zhuzi looked at him hopelessly.

"Sorry, let's do it next time, Sasuke." Itachi Uchiha nodded Erzhuzi's forehead and eyebrows, then walked into the room with a smile.

"Really, every time."

Er Zhuzi rubbed the space between his brows, and then leaned closer.

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku was sitting in a secret room with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, he lifted his eyelids and said lightly: "You are here."

"My lord father."

After Uchiha Itachi sent Erzhuzi away, he immediately came here, knelt down on one knee, and saluted respectfully.

Uchiha Fugaku narrowed his eyes and asked, "You haven't given me information about Anbu for a long time."

Uchiha Itachi lowered his head and said, "Father, Hokage-sama wants to negotiate with you."

"Negotiation?" Uchiha Fugaku chuckled, "Shouldn't this kind of thing be done after the war?"

"Father..." Uchiha Itachi was about to persuade again.

But Uchiha Fugaku interrupted him: "You don't have to say any more, just go out."

The father and son stayed silent for a while before Uchiha Itachi got up and left.

Back in his room, Uchiha Itachi took out his Anbu mask, looked at it for a while, then put it on slowly, and then jumped out of the room.

The night slowly enveloped the entire Konoha, and a huge bright moon slowly lifted into the sky.

Nanga Shrine, Uchiha Fugaku, and a group of elders finally gathered a large number of elite ninjas from the clan again after more than a year, and had a final discussion on the coup.

During the meeting, Uchiha Fugaku described the injustices that happened in the family one by one. Before he finished speaking, all the clansmen had already had fierce eyes, and they all said that the emperor took turns to sit. Hokage's dismounting is not over yet!

Uchiha Itachi was watching from the tree outside the shrine at this time, watching the clansmen standing firmly on Uchiha Fugaku's side with a blank face, with a look of common hatred, united will, and death as home!

Uchiha Itachi inexplicably thought of his younger brother~www.wuxiaspot.com~ thought of the Uzumaki masked man, Danzo, and Uchiha Shisui, he closed his eyes tightly, and then quickly disappeared in place.

When he came to Hokage Building, Uchiha Itachi reported to Sarutobi Hiruzen everything that was happening at Nanga Shrine, and concluded: "The Uchiha clan has made up their minds to launch a coup in Konoha!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's expression changed, and he immediately called Sakumo Hatake, Koharu Zanju, Yan Mitomon and Danzo over to discuss matters.

Then he said to Uchiha Itachi: "Itachi, you have done a very good job, continue to monitor the Uchiha clan, and report any changes in time!"


After Uchiha Itachi resigned, Hatake Sakumo, Zanju Koharu, Mitomon Yan and others arrived one after another, but only Danzo was missing.

"Where's Danzo?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked, frowning.

Turning to sleep, Xiaochun opened his eyes and said, "He's delayed by something, and he will be here soon."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded slightly.

At this time, the excellent Danzo had stopped Uchiha Itachi halfway.

Now that the Uchiha coup is a certainty, he no longer has any scruples, and brutally threatens him with the life of his younger brother Sasuke to lead the root ninjas to eliminate the Uchiha clan!

Uchiha Itachi closed his eyes in pain, and the words of the Uzumaki masked man sounded in his mind. Now that Danzo and the Uzumaki masked man issued such threats at the same time, he could do nothing but nod in agreement.

Danzo was overjoyed, and immediately made an appointment with Uchiha Itachi, and then went to Hokage Tower, preparing to hold Sarutobi Hiruzen and others.

As long as the deal is done, everything will be settled!

When Danzo was excited, he looked up at the west in the night: Orochimaru, don't make mistakes on your side.

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