Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 585: fight hard

Uchiha Itachi's figure slowly disappeared into the night.

Feng Huo's heart moved. Isn't that direction the ancestral land of the Uchiha clan? Now that the Uchiha clan's coup is about to start, why is Uchiha Itachi going there at this time?

Look at the stele?


"Where are you going?" Feng Huo asked.

Uchiha Itachi paused, then continued on.

Feng Huo hesitated for a moment, then turned and left.

If he guessed correctly, Uchiha Itachi should have gone to see the masked man Uchiha Shin.

That is to say, the night of genocide is very likely to be tonight. Fenghuo suppressed the complicated emotions in his heart, quietly touched the vicinity of the Hokage building, and then made seals with both hands, and changed into the appearance of Itachi Uchiha with a bang. Put on a mask, so that even Danzo, who is as cunning as a fox, would not be able to detect him immediately.

And with the gesture provided by Uchiha Itachi, he can approach Danzo smoothly.

However, in addition to Shisui's kaleidoscope, Danzo has also transplanted other Sharingans. If Fenghuo successfully snatched Shisui's kaleidoscope, it would be embarrassing if Izanagi of Danzo turned it into a dream bubble !

Therefore, before snatching his kaleidoscope, Fenghuo must ensure that the Sharingan on his body must first cut off his right arm transplanted with Sharingan!

In the abandoned village of the Land of Rain, the rain is getting heavier and heavier, as if the sea is overturning, unstoppable.

In the heavy rain, Obito had already fought Fei Liuhu for a while, and at this time he gradually figured out the attack method of this puppet.

When Fei Liuhu opened his mouth again and sprayed out a thousand poisonous needles, Obito flashed a flash to Fei Liuhu's side, and then stabbed Kunai in his hand into its mouth with a backhand.


A clear and crisp sound came from Fei Liuhu's mouth, and at the critical moment, the other party bit the Kunai stabbed by Obito with his mouth!

Obito's face changed, and sure enough, the next moment, Fei Liuhu suddenly stretched out his left arm hidden under the red cloud windbreaker with a black background, revealing a device like a cannon, firing countless poisonous needles in an instant, like a rainstorm of pear blossoms, sweeping in all directions!

"Thousands of Prosthetic Hands!"

Then came a hoarse voice from Fei Liuhu's mouth.

Obito stepped back quickly on his toes, waved Kunai with one hand to resist the ubiquitous poisonous needles, and took out the detoxification pill from the ninja bag with the other hand and swallowed it.

Thousands of poisonous needles were too dense, and Obito was too close. A few needles were inevitably inserted into his body, and the toxin entered his body, which immediately made his brain dizzy.

"Heavy Blade Library!"

Fei Liuhu chased after the victory, summoned two huge Anbu machines, and sprayed countless kunai tied with detonating charms from the holes.


Obito bit the tip of his tongue, and the severe pain made his consciousness a lot clearer. He resolutely abandoned Kunai, and quickly formed a seal with both hands, "Fire escape - the art of fireball!"


The scorching fireball with a radius of two meters smashed through the heavy rain curtain and collided with the blasting Kunai.

Boom boom boom!

Countless detonating talismans detonated in an instant, and amidst the terrifying explosion, layers of invisible air waves swept across the surroundings like mountains and seas. Driven by the air waves, the raindrops in the air turned into indestructible water blades, cutting all the surrounding buildings in half. !

Obito retreated again and again, and then slapped the ground with his palm: "Tudun - Tuliubi!"


A layer of earth wall rose from the ground, but it was cut open by the water blade in an instant. Obito's heart moved, and he hurriedly drilled into the ground with the earth escape technique, avoiding the water blade attack.

When the air wave gradually weakened, the ground under Fei Liuhu's feet suddenly twisted, and then huge rock spears broke through the ground quickly one by one.

Fei Liuhu leaped lightly to avoid the rock thorn, then rolled his tail and directly pierced a rock thorn, stabbing fiercely towards the ground without losing momentum.

Obito immediately drilled out of the ground, leaped into the air, and sprayed countless Phoenix Immortal Fires from a condescending height.

Fei Liuhu nimbly dodged Fengxianhuo, and a hoarse voice of disdain came out of his mouth again: "Compared with Uchiha Fenghuo, you are too far behind!"

The detoxification pill that Obito took has taken effect, and the dizziness in the brain has been obviously eliminated, but the limbs are still a little stiff, obviously the other party's poison is not normal.

"Puppet ninja, are you from Sand Hidden Village?" Obito thought for a moment, "A survivor of the Battle of Jigenshan?"

"Hmph." Fei Liuhu snorted coldly, and then swept his tail again.

While avoiding, Obito was thinking, looking at Fei Liuhu's huge and bloated body under the red cloud windbreaker with a black background, Obito had a flash of inspiration, and his eyes shot out: "I know!"

He finally understood where the owner of this puppet was.

Other puppet ninjas hide in the distance and use the chakra line to control the puppet to fight, but this one in front of him drills into the puppet's body and controls the puppet to fight in the body. Hu's body!

No wonder his previous attempt to cut off the puppet's chakra line failed, so that's it!

This puppet ninja has a genius-like brain!

After realizing it, Obito made a decisive decision and sprayed a large number of fireballs towards the opponent.

The scorching high temperature evaporated the raindrops, and a large amount of heat crazily permeated the surroundings.

Obito's forehead was sweating profusely, but he still kept shooting fireballs.

After a while, the surrounding buildings that were soaked by rainwater also started to burn one by one, and the temperature climbed higher and higher. Even the rainwater under the feet became scorching hot, and bubbles evaporated.

But the red sand scorpion hidden in Fei Liuhu's body didn't notice it.

At this time, except for the heart and brain, other parts of his body are already made of special puppet materials, which can perfectly isolate the flames, so he can't feel the heat at all.

As the temperature is getting higher and higher~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Obito is already sweating profusely from the heat, his face is getting redder and redder, like a cooked shrimp, but the Feiliuhu in front of him is still alive and kicking left and right, The tail thorn frantically swung, but it was not affected in the slightest.

"Damn it!"

Obito cursed secretly, and several ups and downs ran towards the distance.

Fei Liuhu chased after him closely, and the tail thorns behind him attacked frantically, piercing huge black holes on the ground.


Obito ran and dodged, but this was too much physical exertion.

He must find a way to defeat the opponent.

But the other party is hiding in the puppet, and the illusion of Sharingan has no effect on him. If he is close to him and uses physical skills to attack, the other party's tail thorns and thousand poisonous needles will not be able to defend at all, and the long-range fire escape attack, the other party is not afraid of flames at all. And it can also launch Kunai with a detonating charm attached!

The difficulty of this puppet completely surpassed the sand ninja puppets known to Obito.

"This puppet doesn't even rank among the top three in my works. It is impossible for you to defeat me. Just capture it with nothing."

Fei Liuhu's indifferent and hoarse voice came out again, "Become my material, blend with me, this is your only end!"

In front of Uchiha's ancestral land, Uchiha Nobuyuki looked at Uchiha Itachi with a smile in his eyes: "Sure enough, you finally came, hahahaha, Uchiha Itachi, you..."

Uchiha Itachi didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he directly raised the condition: "I agree with your previous cooperation plan, but when you do it, you must destroy Sharingan! Also, my final condition is...you can't do anything to Sasuke and the village!"

"Of course, my goal has always been the Uchiha clan!" Uchiha Shin sneered, "Then, happy cooperation, Uchiha...Itachi!"

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