Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 586: Do it!

Ninja school, Iruka is teaching Uchiha Sasuke's kunai throwing technique.

He looked up at the sky, it was already very late, almost all the students in the school had left, but only Uchiha Sasuke was left here.

Uchiha Sasuke was eager to return home, but looking at the stern-faced Iruka, he had to grit his teeth and continue practicing.

Iruka didn't want to keep Sasuke so late, but this was an order from above, and he could only obey it.

"Teacher Iruka..." Erzhuzi practiced for a while, tired and tired, and couldn't help but look back at Iruka pitifully.

"Continue to practice!" Iruka scolded, "This level is too much to bear! Sasuke, although your grades in the past two years have been ranked first in the school, you are still far behind the seniors who have graduated!"

"Yes." Sasuke answered aggrievedly, then gritted his teeth and continued to practice.

The gathering at the Nanga Shrine has ended, and the Uchiha clansmen rushed towards their homes in twos and threes.

Some ninjas came directly to the police force to prepare for the coup.

Suddenly, in front of the police force, a black figure was slowly emerging from the ground.

"who is it?"

A police force opened the double-gou jade writing wheel eyes and looked over. The black figure was wearing a black robe with a hood and a whirlpool mask on his face. In the darkness, only a pair of **** three-gou jade writing sharing eyes were clearly reflected in his pupils. .


I saw that the three hooked jades of the pair of sharing eyes changed instantly, accompanied by an unstoppable and powerful pupil power.

In just a split second, this person was hit by the illusion, stood there stupidly, and then was directly beheaded by Uchiha Nobuo!

Seeing the pair of twin Gouyu Sharingan who were still dead on the ground, Uchiha Shin sneered and waved out Kunai, piercing the pupil of this person.

In this way, even if this corpse is recovered by Konoha, his Sharingan can no longer be used!

'Danzo...Oshemaru...do you think I don't know your plan? Coveting Sharingan? Hehe, I won't leave you a pair! ! '

The **** smell slowly permeated, and the surrounding Uchiha clansmen found that the situation was wrong, and immediately surrounded and killed them, but in front of the kaleidoscope, all Sharingans were low-level existences, and it was impossible to contend!

In just a short while, Uchiha Nobu was fighting in and out of the police force. While beheading them, he didn't forget to make up his sword and destroy all of their Sharingan!

At the same time, Uchiha Itachi also put on a mask, turned into a **** of death and began to slaughter.

When his hands were covered with the blood of his tribe, and his ears were filled with howls of his tribe, his Sharingan transformed into a kaleidoscope uncontrollably, and bloodshot eyes filled his pupils like magma.

Although he was wearing a mask, he was quickly recognized by several familiar clansmen.

"Uchiha Itachi, what the **** are you doing?!"

"Damn it, you traitor, traitor!!"

Itachi Uchiha waved the kunai indifferently, slashing the throats of the two people. He looked at the writing wheels in the eyes of the two who were slowly losing vitality, paused, and then threw four kunai, piercing their writing wheels. Eye.

At a street corner not far from the Uchiha clan, a large number of root ninjas gather here, waiting for Uchiha Itachi!

Danzo used Sasuke to threaten Uchiha Itachi to assist the roots to eliminate the Uchiha clan. The purpose is naturally to facilitate the collection of Sharingan!

But at this time Uchiha Itachi did not arrive at the agreed time,

"The time has come, Uchiha Itachi hasn't arrived yet."

"Did he betray Danzo-sama?"

"Wait a little longer."

"No, I think it is necessary to inform Danzo-sama."

Soon, a root ninja rushed towards the direction of Hokage Tower.

The incarnation of Feng Huo, Uchiha Itachi, hides outside the Hokage Building. Seeing this shadow, he hurriedly restrains all the breath in his body.

After a while, Danzo followed the Genin out.

"What happened!" Danzo said dissatisfied.

"Danzo-sama, Uchiha Itachi didn't meet us at the agreed time!"

"What?" Danzang's expression changed, "Did he go back on his word? No!"


According to the disappearance of intelligence, Uchiha Itachi's biggest weakness is his younger brother Uchiha Sasuke, and Danzo does not believe Uchiha Itachi dare not compromise.

He thought for a while, and ordered: "Enter the Uchiha clan immediately, if everything is safe, retreat immediately, if Uchiha Itachi has already started the mission, then assist him, of course, the most important thing is to collect Sharingan!"


Na Genin complied respectfully, and then left quickly.

Danzo was about to turn around and enter the Hokage Building when he suddenly sensed a strange aura in the darkness.

Impressively, it is the fire that incarnates Uchiha Itachi.

He slowly walked out of the darkness, at this moment, several sensory ninjutsu had landed on him at the same time.

It is the Gennin who protects Danzo!

Fenghuo unhurriedly made the gesture itachi Uchiha taught him.

Sure enough, the secret Genin saw these gestures and immediately removed the induction ninjutsu.

Danzo also saw it, and snorted coldly: "Why did you appear here? According to the agreement, you should start your mission at this time!"

As a ninja~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Feng Huo has done voice-changing exercises a long time ago, and now imitating Uchiha Itachi's voice and said: "There is something that I am very concerned about, and I must make an agreement with you in advance!"

Walking while talking, at this time, "Itachi Uchiha" was only five meters away from Danzo.

Danzo smiled with everything under control, and said, "It's about your brother Sasuke Uchiha, right?"

'Uchiha Itachi' nodded and continued to move forward, only three meters away.

Danzang said: "As I said before, if you successfully complete the task, I promise not to hurt him, but if you obey the law, don't blame me for not reminding you in advance!"

At this time, there were only two meters away from Danzo, but 'Uchiha Itachi' stopped, too much, if it was too deliberate, it would easily arouse Danzo's vigilance.

"Sorry, I can't believe your guarantee!" 'Itachi Uchiha' said coldly.

When Danzo heard it, there was a sneer of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth, and then he slowly approached 'Itachi Uchiha', even leaned to his side, then leaned his head over, and said in the ear of 'Itachi Uchiha': "Uchiha Itachi" Po Itachi, do you think you still have a choice? How naive, hahahaha...uh!"

Danzo was smiling smugly when he suddenly felt a pain in his heart. His blood, strength, and even his thoughts seemed to be passing along with the pain. He widened his right eye in disbelief, staggered back two steps, and Seeing a sharp kunai sticking out of my heart!

"How dare you..." Danzang's eyes darkened.

In the blink of an eye, the ninja who were guarding in the dark all around had rushed towards him crazily, and all kinds of ninjutsu rushed towards 'Itachi Uchiha' as if they didn't need money, drowning him in an instant.

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