Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 588: eye-catching

In front of the Hokage Building, the air waves formed by the bombing of ninjutsu shook the surrounding leaves, and the ground was cracked inch by inch, revealing ugly, dark cracks.

But the 'Itachi Uchiha' who attacked Danzo has disappeared!

"Protect Danzo-sama!"

"Damn it, Uchiha Itachi dared to betray Danzo-sama!"

"kill him!"

Nine Gennin jumped out from all directions, surrounded Danzo, and protected him tightly.

At this time, the kunai stuck in Danzo's heart has disappeared without a trace, and the fatal wound on the heart has recovered in an instant.

Using the forbidden technique Izanaki, in the bandage on Danzo's right hand, the writing sharing eye of a Sangouyu is rapidly losing its light.

The fear of death made Danzo break out in cold sweat, but fortunately Danzo took precautions. As early as the third Ninja World War, he had collected several pairs of Sharingan. With the forbidden technique of Sharingan, Izanagi, he had already Escape the situation of certain death.

This time, it's the same!

Afterwards, all fears of Danzo turned into raging anger.

"Itachi Uchiha, you bastard!"

Uchiha Itachi dared to assassinate him at this time. There are only two possibilities. One is that he completely fell to the Uchiha clan and prepared to cooperate with the Uchiha clan to launch a coup, but this is obviously a very stupid decision. The coup of the Uchiha clan is impossible to succeed!

The second possibility is that this 'Itachi Uchiha' is a fake!

Danzo's mind suddenly flashed the appearance of Uchiha Fumuo, at this moment, he suddenly heard a strange sound coming from under his feet, he looked down, and saw a hand coming out of the ground, Grabbed his ankles.

"The technique of beheading in the heart?"

Danzo was taken aback, this kind of childish ninjutsu, is he embarrassed to show it?

As soon as the thought came to his mind, he was pulled directly to the ground.

The nearby Gennin immediately noticed the abnormality in the ground, and several Gennin immediately escaped into the ground with earth escape.

Danzo also lifted his eyelids, made a seal with one hand on the ground, and left the ground in an instant with the instant body technique.

But when he landed slowly, the moonlight and stars in the sky suddenly dimmed, the surrounding light became darker and darker, and Danzo's sight became narrower and narrower.

He looked up, and a darkness covered the bright moon like a dark cloud.

But at this moment in the sky, there were no dark clouds covering the sky.

"No, this is the Dark Walk!"

In the village, Danzo, who knows the art of walking in the dark, changed his face, "Uchiha Fenghuo, it's you!"

The root ninjas around were also hit in an instant, and their sights were deprived by the technique of darkness.

At this time, most of Danzo's roots have poured into the Uchiha clan, and there are only less than ten people staying with Danzo. How can Fenghuo be polite to him? He took out Kunai and rushed up.

Although Danzo was shocked, he quickly sprayed out the wind escape-vacuum jade from the seal with one hand, and the wind blades shot like machine guns in all directions indiscriminately. At that time, several Gennin were hit critically , death directly.

But more 'bullets' hit nearby trees, buildings, and the ground, making dull or crisp sounds that spread far away.

Danzo knows that under the dark action, he can never be the opponent of Uchiha Fenghuo, but it is ridiculous that Uchiha Fenghuo chose to assassinate him in front of the Hokage Tower. You must know that in the Hokage Tower at this moment, the three generations Naruto Sarutobi Hiruzen, Konoha Hakuga Hatake Sakumo and others are all there, as long as they hear the sound, they will be able to react within ten seconds at most, and then appear to change the situation of the battle!

Therefore, Danzo has offense but not defense. He does not seek meritorious service, but seeks to make his voice louder!

Besides, to this day, there are still two Sharingans left on Danzo's right hand. These are two lives, and he has enough confidence to delay for a mere ten seconds!

Feng Huo is also a human being. Seeing Danzo's posture, he didn't understand what he was thinking. He immediately put away Kunai, and at the same time his right hand shook, and thunder light gushed out from the inside of his arm, and the Thunder Dun chakra stimulated his right hand frantically of muscle activity.

'Thunder escape body! '

Then seal the fire with both hands, and Lei Guang's radiant right hand gushed out radiant thunder again.

'Rache! '

With Lei Dun's protective body and Lei Qie, Fenghuo's right hand was wrapped inside and outside by Lei Dun's chakra, and the thunder light all over the sky skyrocketed in an instant!

As soon as Feng Huo stepped on his feet, as soon as his right hand stretched forward, Lei Guang took his right hand and flashed across the void like lightning, cutting off all the Fengdun bullets sprayed by Danzo!

'So fast! '

Fenghuo had a feeling of taking a jungler with a 500% attack speed increase, and just tapped the screen twice, and the jungler had already cut four or five knives.

At the same time, the movement outside finally reached the Hokage Building.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi frowned, got up and walked to the window, looked out, and saw 'Itachi Uchiha' was rushing towards Danzo, his right hand, like the hand of Thor, was full of violent thunder, crackling The crazy explosion.

"This is... Rachel?"

No, it's impossible for Rachel to have such great power!

Immediately, his face changed drastically, 'Itachi Uchiha' dared to assassinate Danzo?

how is this possible?

Konoha Baiya Hatake Sakumo also sensed something was wrong, and hurried to the window.

I saw a flash of thunder and thunder, instantly turning Danzo' everything into two', and blood shot out!


Danzo let out a miserable howl~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His sight was deprived, but his body perception was still there, he knew without touching his right hand that his right hand had left him!

But he didn't dare to use Izanaki. First, he didn't receive a fatal attack. Second, the two ordinary sharing eyes were transplanted on his right hand, and they were cut off at this moment. If he used the forbidden technique Izanaki, Then the one that loses its light will be the kaleidoscope Sharingan in his right eye socket, which represents the strongest illusion of other gods!

How can Danzo be willing?

This is the moment.

Konoha Shirato Hatake Sakumo has turned into a ray of white light and broke through the window, heading straight towards 'Itachi Uchiha'.

In the face of Konoha Baiya's thunderous blow, how could Fenghuo dare to be careless?

The Lightning Chakra in his right hand ran wildly. Under the double ninjutsu of the Lightning Shield and Raiqie, the thunder light was violent, flowing in his right hand like a liquid, exuding a terrifying coercion.

At the same time, his left hand was like a dexterous poisonous snake, protruding towards the right eye of Danzo, who was half kneeling on the ground because his right arm was chopped off and the pain hit him.

Although there was a bandage blocking it, it still couldn't stop Fenghuo's left hand.

And Sakumo Hatake's blade also rolled down the extremely restrained white thunder light.

The bright thunder light was cut in half by this knife like a night, and the liquid lightning light couldn't stop Konoha Baiya's astonishing thunderous sword light at all.

Feng Huo quickly withdrew his right hand, and at the same time hooked and retracted the fingers of his left hand, and successfully removed Danzo's right eye.

"Ah!" Danzo let out another miserable howl, which spread far away like a night owl.

It was too late for Feng Huo to make up for him, because Hatake Sakumo had already slashed down with his sword again!

The light of the knife is like a waterfall, bright like a bright moon, and sharp like an arrow, coming in an instant.

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