Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 589: Zhishui VS Scorpion

Orochimaru's body twisted and crawled like a snake on the rain-soaked ground, and quietly came to Yaoshidou's side.

"Master Orochimaru."

Pharmacist Dou had expected it earlier, and said hello in a low voice with a respectful face.

"It seems that you have been living well these years." Orochimaru climbed up Yaoshidou's body like a snake, and his head fell on Yaoshidou's shoulder. His golden vertical pupils stared at Yaoshidou's calm eyes. Playful.

Pharmacist gave a faint smile, calmly recounted the experience of the past few years, then pointed to his body and said: "The red sand scorpion has left a prohibition in my body that I cannot betray him, Mr. Orochimaru , I will trouble you."

Orochimaru had already checked Yaoshidou's body when it was crawling on Yaoshidou's body, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, these restrictions are just trivial things, let it exist first, now, tell me about the red sand scorpion All the information about the organization behind it! Don't worry, as long as the red sand scorpion is not involved, the restriction in your body will not be activated."

"I understand."

At the same time, the second type of chaotic round dance in the air has come to a position tens of meters above the abandoned village.

Uchiha Shisui jumped down directly, and accurately landed in front of Obito.

At this moment, Obito was limp on the ground, his limbs had been completely paralyzed by the toxin, and he couldn't move.

"You..." Obito couldn't move his hands and feet, but his mouth was very active, "Who are you? Why are you sitting on the Ninja Eagle that sealed the fire."

Uchiha Shisui turned his head slightly.

When Obito saw his face, his eyes widened in an instant: "You... Shisui? How come, didn't you disappear? Wait, your eyes?"

At this time, Uchiha Shisui has one eye of sharingan and one eye of white. Under the night, one is red and the other is white, which looks particularly frightening.

When Obito saw him, he was really in a bad mood.

Fei Liuhu kept walking, and continued to approach slowly: "Another Uchiha came? No, Baiyan? Sharingan? Who are you guys?"

"Sorry, but that's it, I want to take him away!" Uchiha Shisui said seriously.

"Take him away? Hehe, how naive, who do you think you are talking to?" Fei Liuhu suddenly ran away, the steel tail pierced the rain curtain, and pierced Uchiha Shisui's body like lightning.



Fei Liuhu realized that something was wrong, and instantly revealed a cannon on his left arm, blasting out thousands of poisonous needles.

Uchiha Shisui's body kept flashing, disappearing, and reappearing in the sky filled with thousands of poisonous needles, getting closer and closer to Fei Liuhu's body like a mirage.

"what happened?!"

A puzzled voice came from the crimson liuhu.

"This is my self-created teleportation technique, it is impossible for you to hit me."

After saying that, Shisui Uchiha had come to Fei Liuhu. He closed his Sharingan, saw through Fei Liuhu with his perverted gaze, and then stabbed the Kunai in his hand viciously into Fei Liuhu's back.


After a difficult sound, Fei Liuhu's body froze for a second, and at this second, Uchiha Shisui had inserted seven kunai into Fei Liuhu's back again, completely crushing Fei Liuhu's body. All the key mechanisms inside the puppet are stuck!

Then Uchiha Shisui jumped back and made seals with both hands: "Fire escape - the art of fireball!"


The huge fireball swallowed Feiliuhu in an instant.

The red sand scorpion inside Fei Liuhu's body finally showed a solemn expression.

He turned on the mechanism and escaped from Feiliuhu the moment the fireball approached his body.

The heavy rain soon wet Xie's red hair.

"Say your name!" Xie moved his fingers slightly, and chuckled, "You can easily defeat my Fei Liuhu, you are definitely not an unknown person."

"Name, sorry, I don't have a name anymore."

While Uchiha Shisui was talking, he had already looked around with his white eyes, and when he saw the chakras of the two people hiding in the dark, his heart beat wildly.

'What a powerful Chakra! '

At the same time, Orochimaru also had a feeling, and interrupted Yaoshidou's intelligence report with a sneer, and said with a sneer: "Uchiha Shisui has already discovered us. I really didn't expect that a writing wheel was snatched by Danzo." It’s interesting that he colluded with Uchiha Fenghuo and conspired to win the eyes of the head of the Hyuga Clan!”

He looked up at the second form of Chaolun Wu flying in the thunderclouds of the night sky, and frowned slightly.

If you want to keep Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Obito, you must find a way to get rid of this ninja eagle!

and many more!

A flash of light suddenly flashed in Da Shewan's mind.


This ninja eagle, according to intelligence, was signed many years ago in the depths of the snowy mountains of the snowy country when Uchiha Fuho, Shidainamikaze Minato, Tsunade and others went to the snowy country for **** missions.

'This ninja eagle is a psychic beast that Uchiha sealed the fire, and lives in the snow country! In other words, Uchiha Shisui went to the Snow Country after Konoha 'disappeared', and then came here on this ninja hawk! '

Snow Country... Snow Country...

Orochimaru frowned, and there was a flash of light in his heart, but he just couldn't catch it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He couldn't help frowning more and more.

In the field, Xie calmly took out a scroll and said coldly: "Any puppet needs a name. If you don't have a name, then become my puppet and let me get one for you!"

Scorpion opened the scroll and pressed his palm on the scroll.


The white smoke dissipated, revealing a puppet in ragged clothes floating in the air.

When Uchiha Shisui saw this puppet, his face changed greatly: "This is..."

Uchiha Shisui, who rose to fame in the third Ninja World War, how could he not know that the fuse of this war was the disappearance of the third Kazekage of Sand Hidden Village?

Now, Sandai Kazekage appeared in front of him in the form of a puppet.

"That's right, this is my outstanding work!" Scorpion showed a proud smile, "Three Kazekages!"

In the next moment, the puppet floating in the air instantly activated, and a large amount of iron sand gathered in the air like a tornado, and then turned into countless sharp iron guns, shooting towards Uchiha Shisui and Obito.

Uchiha Shisui didn't dare to take it hard, he immediately took a step back and grabbed Obito, and then avoided it with a blink.

If it were someone else, it would most likely be too late, but who made Uchiha Shisui's instant body art famous in the ninja world?

Dangerously dodging the Iron Sand Spear, and after placing Obito in a safe place, Uchiha Shisui immediately rushed towards Scorpion.

"Sand and iron rain!"

The scorpion controls three generations of wind and shadow puppets, and responds to the enemy with powerful magnetic escape and blood succession. The iron sand all over the sky is magnetic and toxic, turning into a sand wall and pushing across.

Under this kind of intensive attack, no matter how good the teleportation technique is, it is impossible to avoid it!

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