Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 590: The exhausted Sarutobi Hiruzen


Konoha, among the Uchiha clan, the crows in the sky are like dark clouds shuttling back and forth in the streets, whenever they see a body with intact Sharingan on the ground, these crows will rush up and peck desperately. In other places, like locusts crossing the border, it is impossible for Sharingan to be preserved intact.

Uchiha Itachi's killing has come to an end.

As for Nobuyuki Uchiha, he has already completed the task, and even blocked the root ninja with his own strength.

"Heaven Slash!"

Under the kaleidoscope pupil technique, countless iron ninja tools form a huge shuriken in the air. The shuriken slowly rotates, and the speed becomes faster and faster, until it makes a shrill whistling sound, and the air seems to be cut. It fell suddenly like a meteor.

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

"Earth Dun-Earth Flow Wall!"

"Water escape-water chaos!"

"Water Escape-Water Flow Whip!"

"Thunder Dun - walk!"

Genin scattered around, but in a chaotic and orderly manner, some blocked the shuriken in the air, and some directly chose to attack Uchiha Shin's body, encircling Wei and saving Zhao.

A sneer appeared on Uchiha Shin's face, completely ignoring the ninjutsu of the body, only to see that the kaleidoscope of his right eye rotated slightly, and the pupil technique 'blurring' directly put his body in a different space state, and countless ninjutsu could be performed without hindrance. Passing through him and landing on the street behind him, there was a loud bang and a cloud of dust.

"It's useless!"

Uchiha Shin sneered, the huge 'shuriken' spinning rapidly in the air had fallen violently, and the huge impact was accompanied by countless scattered kunai, shuriken, and Senbon, causing a large number of root ninja casualties in an instant!

"So, let Uchiha solve the matter of Uchiha himself. You outsiders, wait outside obediently." The contempt was on display.

"Damn it, go and report to Danzo-sama!"

Root Ninja couldn't do Uchiha Shin, so he could only retreat strategically.

Unexpectedly, when they turned around, they saw a shrill howling sound coming from the Hokage Building.

Zhonggenren's face changed drastically, this is the summoning order issued by Master Danzo himself!

If there is no major event, Danzo-sama will never issue a summoning order!

Gen Ren didn't dare to stay any longer, and Qi Qi ran towards the Hokage Tower.

Danzo at this time is in a very, very bad situation.

His heart was pierced, and he used Izanaki, the forbidden technique of writing sharing eyes, to save everything before his death. After experiencing a life-and-death crisis, his right arm was cut off, and even the "Bietenjin" in his right eye was taken away. Danzo's whole body It's all bad.

"Unforgivable...Unforgivable...Uchiha Fenghuo, I will kill you!!"

After the angry Danzo issued the summoning order, he was about to play in person, but was stopped by Sarutobi Hiruzen who jumped off the Hokage Tower.

"Danzo, don't worry, with Sakumo here, he can't run away." Hiruzaru Sarutobi's face was serious, "You just said..."

"That's right, he is definitely not Uchiha Itachi, he is Uchiha Fenghuo! The art of dark work is definitely him!" Danzo growled in a dark voice.

At this time, Fenghuo was facing Konoha Baiya's fierce sword light.

Under this dazzling white light of the sword, Feng Huo was terrified, he had the illusion that he was in the dark, but was cut by the first morning sun in the morning, and all camouflage, defense, and avoidance were inevitable.

But an illusion is an illusion.

Feng Huo closed his eyes, his intuition became extremely sharp from countless combat experiences, the light of the sword pierced through the air, and the sound of the wind was shrill, finally he vaguely sensed the trajectory of the light of the sword in his mind.

Feng Huo slanted his footsteps, leaning one side of his body like a child learning to walk, narrowly dodging the blade light, but the sharp force on both sides of the blade light still pierced his whole body with chills.

Feng Huo raised his hand and sprinkled a handful of kunai, and then his body exploded, and his left hand quickly sealed the kaleidoscope in his hand into the scroll.

Hatake Sakumo flicked his knife, intercepted Ku Wunai, and then continued to get close.

Sealing the fire quickly formed a seal, and the fingers of both hands turned into a welcome, and a lot of ninjutsu was sprayed out in an instant.

Wind escape - big breakthrough.

The hurricane slowed Sakumo Hatake.

Earth Dun-Turon Spear!

A large number of irregular sharp stone spears poured out from the ground, forcing Hatake Sakumo to jump high.

Then seal the fire with both palms together: Earth escape - the art of mountains and soils!

This is a powerful Earth Dunjutsu that was copied with Sharingan during the third Ninja World War when fighting the loess and ashes of Yanyin Village. If there is enough Chakra, it can even trap a tailed beast!

The ground roared, and two huge semicircular stones violently rose from both sides of the ground, and they closed at an unstoppable speed. At this time, Hatake Sakumo was right in the middle of these two huge semicircular stones. It's true, at least half of a life must be lost!

But Konoha White Fang is worthy of being Konoha White Fang.

At the critical moment, Hatake Sakumo slashed sharply in the air, and cut a hole in the center of two semicircular stones that could accommodate one person. Close up and turn into a complete round stone!

Feng Huo didn't dare to be careless, and once again made seals and slapped the ground with his palm: Tudun-Tu Lu is back!

The ground in front of him immediately turned over a huge rock slab, and almost at the same time, a sharp knife light broke through the ground from the boulder and hit the rock slab directly.

In the dust flying, Fenghuo immediately escaped into the ground.

Hatake Sakumo split open the huge boulder that trapped him, feeling his surroundings with a solemn face, and finally sighed softly: "He has already run away."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi narrowed his eyes and said, "To be able to escape from your hands, the strength of this assassin is not simple."

Danzo has already picked up his right arm, and his face is so dark: "I have already said that the person who assassinated me is Uchiha Fuho!!"

"Danzo, Fenghuo has left the village to carry out a mission, you told me!" Sarutobi Hiruzen snorted, "Besides, from just now until now, this assassin has not used any Ninjutsu!"

"The Art of Darkness!" Danzo shouted coldly.

"This is just your side story." Hiruzaru Sarutobi narrowed his eyes and said, "Without solid evidence, I will not believe you!"

The blue veins on Danzo's forehead twitched ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The muscles in his cheeks twitched non-stop, and the anger accumulated in his chest was about to burn him into a lunatic!

At this moment, I saw a name Gennin falling down like rain.

"Master Danzo!"

Danzo took a deep breath, suppressed the anger that was about to explode in his chest, and shouted: "Surround Uchiha's house immediately, and dig three feet into the ground to recruit him!"

Don't be a god, it must not fall into the hands of this **** bastard! !


All the ninja completely ignored the third Naruto Sarutobi Hiruzen, and executed it immediately after responding.

"I'll prove it to you, Sandai!" Danzo gritted his teeth, his bleeding right eye socket was dark, and he looked particularly horrifying.

"Wait and see!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi said solemnly.

After Danzo left, he turned around weakly and asked Hatake Sakumo, "Is that person Fenghuo?"

"This..." Hatake Sakumo hesitated for a while, and said, "Although the other party looks like 'Uchiha Itachi', the ninjutsu used is biased towards Iwa Nin's Earth Dun and Cloud Nin's Thunder Dun, and he didn't find Uchiha The traces of illusion and Konoha ninjutsu, and the chakra breath of the three tails and the pupil power of the kaleidoscope were not noticed."

As for the dark action, this is an illusion that deprives the opponent of light. Only the party involved can know, and outsiders can't see anything.

"It's getting more and more."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed lightly, feeling powerless in his heart.

All these messy incidents exhausted him physically and mentally.

Leaving aside the Uchiha coup, even the conflict between Danzo and Fenghuo, he is almost unable to suppress it!

In the future, what should I do?

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