Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 591: Be my son, Deidara!

When a large number of Genren rushed towards Fenghuo's mansion aggressively, Fenghuo had already returned home one step ahead of schedule.

The night was dark, and in the silent mansion, only the sound of Didara's sleeping breathing could be heard faintly.

But as the sealing fire came in, Didala was quickly awakened.


Although Chakra was sealed by the fire seal, Didala's vigilance was still high.

"it's me."

Feng Huo had recovered his original appearance at this time, and said, "Come with me!"

"Wait, what are you doing? I haven't got any clothes on, **** it!" Didara clamped his legs tightly, protecting his chest, and was taken to the secret room in the study with a look of grief and indignation.

Didara's face turned green: "What are you going to do? Let me tell you, even for the sake of art, I would not make such a sacrifice!!"

"shut up!"

Fenghuo was so angry that he threw him in, and then closed the secret room.

Didara quickly shrank to the corner, staring at Fenghuo.

I saw Feng Huo took out a **** eyeball from the sealing scroll!

Didara's pupils shrunk and he became more vigilant.

Feng Huo ignored Didara, but took off the ninja forehead that covered his left eye, and then transplanted this eye into his own left eye.

Feng Huo closed his left eye, and Chakra slowly dredged the meridians of the eyeball. In the next moment, he felt the powerful pupil power contained in this eye, and the pupil technique 'Bie Tianshen'!

Of course, there is still a trace of repulsion.

Feng Huo said inwardly that it was a pity, thinking that if he transplanted this kaleidoscope, he could awaken the eternal kaleidoscope, and he would take back the eye in Uchiha Itachi's hand no matter what he said.

But obviously, he thought too beautifully.

But compared to Danzo, his situation at this time is much better.

After Danzo transplanted this eye, there is no way to control it, let alone use the pupil technique contained in the eye to separate the gods.

But the fire can be closed.

He was originally from the Uchiha clan, although he was somewhat repelled, it did not prevent him from using other gods!

Feng Huo looked at Didala who was huddled in the corner, and sneered again and again: "Hehehe, be my son, Didala!"

Didara's eyes widened: "You bastard, what are you kidding!"

Feng Huo closed his right eye, stared at his left eye, and instantly transformed into a three-pointed jade writing wheel, and the three jades slowly rotated, and soon turned into a kaleidoscope in the shape of a shuriken!

'Don't God! '

Feng Huo unceremoniously used this ninjutsu on Didara, making him obey his orders from now on!

Didara's eyelids moved slightly, and then he blinked twice. Suddenly, he was flustered, but he didn't know what happened.

He looked at Fenghuo and snapped: "Did you use some kind of illusion on me, bastard?"

Feng Huo's left eye was already overflowing with blood.

Using such a powerful kaleidoscope technique just after transplantation, the eyes hurt so much immediately.

However, as long as you get Deidara...

Uh, don't gods should use it successfully, right?

"Didara, how do you feel?" Feng Huo asked him while rubbing his eyes.

Deidara became furious: "How does it feel when you don't wear clothes, bastard!"

Just as Feng Huo was about to speak, he felt fluctuations in the restrictions outside the house.

Sensing the past with chakra sensing, he found that a large number of ninjas were surrounding his mansion.

Feng Huo said: "It's too late to talk about this, we must transfer immediately!"

As he spoke, he grabbed Didara and rushed into the ground.


Under Danzo's order, root ninja has no taboos, and all kinds of ninjutsu are crazily poured on the restrictions outside the mansion. In less than half a minute, all the restrictions arranged by Fenghuo are destroyed!

Danzo, who had a broken arm and was blind in one eye, took the lead, his remaining left eye shot around like a wolf eagle, and said coldly, "Find it for me!"

Gen Ren poured into the mansion from all directions and searched in every room. This time, even the secret room of the study was discovered by them.

Unfortunately, no sign of Fenghuo was found.

The anger in Danzo's chest became more and more intense, and blood flowed from his right eye socket again.

'Calm down, calm down, I must calm down! '

Danzo kept taking deep breaths to imply that he had to calm down, otherwise, he might really not be able to find Uchiha Fenghuo.

"Master Danzo, that kid named Didara is gone too!" Yougen Ren came over to report.

"Didara? Who is it?!" Danzo asked.

"It was a child brought from outside the village before Uchiha sealed the fire. After perception, he has no chakra fluctuations in his body." Gennin replied.

"I see."

Danzo squinted his left eye and pondered, could it be that after Uchiha Fenghuo escaped, he ran away with this ordinary child?

Hmph, what arrogance!

"Immediately open the village ban, and the mission personnel must not be allowed to escape from the village!" Danzang said loudly.


Slowly suppressing his anger, Danzo asked about the Uchiha clan.

"Danzo-sama, Uchiha Itachi teamed up with another Uchiha clan to carry out the task of clearing the Uchiha clan. We were blocked outside and could not enter the Uchiha clan to collect Sharingan."

"What?" Danzang's face changed drastically when he heard these words.

Another Uchiha clansman, could it be Uchiha Fenghuo?

An ominous thought suddenly popped up in Danzo's mind, his face changed drastically, he turned around and rushed towards the Uchiha clan.

Dozens of Gennin followed behind Danzo's ass, and rushed towards the Uchiha clan like wolves and tigers.

At this time, Uchiha Sasuke finally escaped from Iruka, and ran home alive and kicking with his schoolbag on his back.

The dim lights on the side of the road stretched out his shadow alone.

Uchiha Itachi had already completed most of the task, and when he saw Sasuke coming home, he couldn't help squatting on the telegraph pole and watching him.

Erzhuzi seemed to have a sense, and turned to look at the street lamp.

But only a huge bright moon hangs in the night sky.

Erzhuzi turned his head and continued to run forward.

After a while, he entered the Uchiha clan, and then smelled a strong smell of blood.

Nobuo Uchiha saw him ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ sneered and disappeared into the darkness.

Er Zhuzi ran in, clutching his nose, and saw a large number of corpses lying here and there on the street under the moonlight!

Erzhuzi screamed in fright and shouted loudly, but the night was very quiet, his voice spread far away without any echo.

"How did this happen? What happened?"

Erzhuzi thought of something and hurriedly ran home.

At this time, Uchiha Itachi also came to the house, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto sat together, looking at him calmly.

When the screams came from outside half an hour ago, the couple already understood that this coup, which had not yet fully started, had failed ahead of time.

And as a price, their death is already doomed!

What he didn't expect was that the member of the Uchiha clan in Qing Dynasty turned out to be his eldest son Uchiha Itachi!

"Itachi... So, you chose to follow them." Uchiha Tomigake's eyes were complicated, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Uchiha Mikoto was already in tears.

Uchiha Itachi gritted his teeth, tears welling in his eyes.

"Don't be afraid, this is the path you chose. Compared with you, our pain will only end in an instant." Uchiha Fugaku sighed, and the ambition in his eyes finally disappeared completely at this time, leaving only the love and love of being a father. Sad, "Although each of you has chosen a different path, you are still my proudest son!"

"Father...Mother..." Uchiha Itachi's hands trembled and he couldn't cry.

"We understand, Itachi, don't be sad." Uchiha Mikoto smiled and closed her eyes.

The same is true for Uchiha Fugaku, who whispered in his mouth: "Sasuke will leave to you, Itachi."

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