Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 593: Bie Tian Shen - Light

Scorpion looked at Shisui Uchiha who was running away, but he didn't make a move immediately, because the powerful aura behind him made him mistakenly think that the other party had come to help again, so he vigilantly pulled Sandai Kazekage to his side, guarded look around.

The second form of Chaolun Dance hovered and danced in the sea of ​​snakes, swaying its own breath wantonly, trying to scare off the snakes, but these poisonous snakes all came out of Ryuchi Cave, how could they be afraid of a mere ninja hawk?

What's more, the poisonous snake Orochimaru has also swam nearby.

Uchiha Shisui's figure was like lightning, and he quickly rushed towards Obito in the Snake Sea.

"It's over, Shisui Uchiha!" Orochimaru jumped out from among the snakes, opening his mouth to bite Shisui Uchiha.

Uchiha Shisui opened his closed left eye, and the black and red pentagram instantly pulled Orochimaru's spirit into a strange illusion space.

In the illusion space, a huge round moon hangs high. On the surface of the full moon, there is a pattern of black and red pentagrams in a kaleidoscope. At this time, it is exuding a powerful but somewhat decadent aura.

The spiritual entity of Orochimaru looked at the empty surroundings vigilantly, and his face became more and more serious: "This is..."

"Senior Orochimaru, this is my illusion space!" Uchiha Shisui's voice came from all directions, "I can control everything here, and no force can oppose it. Give up, Senior Orochimaru!"

"Uchiha Shisui, you..."

As soon as Orochimaru opened his mouth, he saw the full moon in the sky suddenly emitting bright light.

"Farewell to the gods - light!!" Uchiha Shisui's voice came as cold as death.

Afterwards, glaring red lights fell from the full moon, like meteors falling to the ground, carrying unparalleled terrifying power!

Orochimaru's complexion changed drastically, and immediately he used the technique of Yaqi to transform the spiritual entity into a huge white snake with eight heads and eight tails!

The white snake roared up to the sky, and while its huge body was moving, its eight heads and eight tails rolled up a powerful momentum like a **** and demon, and red lights descended from the sky.


The red lights completely ignored the powerful power of Baqi, and penetrated it in an instant.

"Damn it!!" Dashemaru screamed shrilly, and saw his eight-headed and eight-tailed body rapidly shrinking under the red light, as if ice and snow met the sun!

But at the same time, the full moon in the sky is shrinking rapidly!

As Orochimaru's Yaqi body became smaller and smaller, the full moon in the sky finally came to an end, and its light was gone, like an ugly stubborn stone hanging in the air.

In an instant, the illusion space collapsed inch by inch, and Orochimaru's spiritual entity shrank to the extreme, but finally returned to his body.

He regained his sight, and found that he was still in mid-air, opening his mouth to bite Uchiha Shisui, as if the long and painful experience before was just a snap of his fingers.

‘Could it be that everything just now was just an illusion? '

He looked forward, just in time to see Uchiha Shisui's left eye completely lost its light!

Orochimaru was overjoyed, but before he had time to be happy, a huge tiredness and weakness suddenly came from the depths of his soul!

He fell powerlessly into the sea of ​​snakes with a slap, like a fish landing on the shore, a bird without wings, or a man who lost his fifth leg. He watched Uchiha Shisui pass over his body and quickly approached the belt Soil, but can't move at all.

"what happened…"

Orochimaru tried to stand up with one hand, but the weakness of his soul made him lose strength all over his body, and he felt like he was just an 'empty frame'.

Then his neck hurt, and a large amount of blood gushed out like a fountain.

It was Uchiha Shisui who swung Kunai with his backhand without looking back, and cut off most of Orochimaru's neck, and the long-haired shawl-shaved head hung limply on the neck, only a small layer of skin and flesh connecting it .

At the same time, Uchiha Shisui has successfully picked up Obito. As for the poisonous snake on the ground, after losing the control of Orochimaru, it can't stop him at all!


The wings of the Super Rondo II shook, and it glides down quickly.

Uchiha Shisui immediately jumped up with Obito in his arms.

At the same time, the scorpion that reacted has once again controlled the three generations of wind and shadow puppets, gathering a large amount of sand and iron to come violently.


Chao Rondo II was terrified, and without waiting for Uchiha Shisui to jump on his back, he directly grabbed them with eagle claws, and then flew high into the sky in a hurry.


Countless sand and iron raged in the air like a sandstorm, but in the end it was still a step too slow!


Xie walked slowly with a dark face, seeing the shrinking figure of Ninja Hawk in the air, knowing that he would not be able to catch up.

Then he looked down, and saw that the sea of ​​snakes on the ground had scattered and fled, leaving only a corpse whose head had been nearly beheaded!

The corpse was facing down, and the face on the other end fell into the blood-soaked muddy water. The long black hair was wet and loose, looking particularly miserable.

"It's dead."

Scorpion frowned, stepped forward and kicked Orochimaru's corpse, thinking whether to take this corpse back to make a puppet material, but, the back of this corpse looks surprisingly familiar!

"Master Scorpion."

Yao Shidou slowly walked out of the darkness, his eyes were shining brightly under the black frame.

"Dou, you... hmm?"

At this moment, Orochimaru's head suddenly opened its mouth, and then countless white poisonous snakes gushed out of his mouth.

As soon as the white poisonous snake got out of Orochimaru's mouth, it swam desperately in all directions~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Scorpion took a step back vigilantly, then remembered something, and yelled: "Oshewan?!"

Then he immediately controlled the three generations of Kazekage puppets, controlled the sand and iron to attack Orochimaru's body, and crushed Orochimaru's body into a **** mud in just one click!

"Master Xie." Pharmacist grabbed a poisonous snake from the ground and said with a smile, "I just wanted to remind you that Dashewan's life-saving method is very strange and extremely difficult to kill. Just like these white snakes, as long as one escapes , Orochimaru will not die."

"What did you say?!"

With a dark face, Xie immediately manipulated Sand Iron to attack the fleeing white snakes.

In the air, the thick dark clouds were within reach, and the sky full of thunder followed like a shadow. Uchiha Shisui grabbed the eagle feather of the chakra dance 2 style with one hand, fixed Obito with the other hand, and let the blood flow from his left eye.

'Using the other gods-light with the captain's kaleidoscope is too reluctant after all. '

Uchiha Shisui sighed secretly, this kaleidoscope has completely lost its light, but fortunately he saved Obito!

At this time, Obito's body finally regained consciousness gradually, he opened his mouth, and finally said: "Shisui, you... how... are... here? Chaolunwu 222..."


Chao Rondo II screamed in dissatisfaction: You are only two, and your whole family is two!

Uchiha Shisui smiled and said, "The captain asked me to save you."

"Your... eyes..." Obito looked at Uchiha Shisui's left eye, feeling ominous.

"This eye... belongs to the captain, and it has lost its light." Uchiha Shisui did not hide it.

"What?!" Obito felt bad all over.

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