Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 594: my stupid brother

Obito is kind by nature, but also sentimental. Hearing Uchiha Shisui's words at this time, his mood is so complicated.

Before he set off, he had already sensed that something was wrong, but the situation in the village made him feel powerless. He said it was a task, but it was actually an escape!

But I didn't expect things to develop to this point!

In order to save himself, Feng Huo actually sacrificed a Sharingan, and it was a Sharingan at the kaleidoscope level!

Obitodi blue thin shiitake mushrooms.

Uchiha Shisui said: "With my current status, it is inconvenient for me to return to Konoha, so I left the Land of Rain, and you have to go back alone."

"Understood." Obito replied in a low voice, and suddenly raised his head and asked, "By the way, Shisui, why did you suddenly disappear? And your eyes, the other one is just white eyes, right? Why do you have white eyes? You What about your sharingan?"

Uchiha Shisui gave a wry smile, omitting the fact that he was attacked and gouged out by Danzo, and told the rest.

After hearing this, Obito felt a little inferior: "You are all fighting for your own ideals, but I, I can only escape..."

"Don't think so, the captain values ​​you very much, otherwise he wouldn't let me rescue you." Uchiha Shisui persuaded.

"It is precisely because of this that I blame myself even more. All of this was obviously caused by my stubbornness, but the one who got hurt in the end was Fenghuo, which is not fair to him!" Obito struggled with pain, the left side of his face was disfigured It was even more ferocious under the thunder and rain, and the three hook jades in the left eye were even more eager to move.

Uchiha Shisui rolled his eyes and his eyesight was excellent. Seeing this scene, his heart skipped a beat: "Obito, your Sharingan seems to be..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the three-god jade in Obito's left eye stopped changing.

Uh... this is embarrassing.

"What's wrong?" Obito asked strangely.

Uchiha Shisui's words distracted Obito's attention, and made his strong emotional stimulation slacken, as if someone had prepared tissues and large pieces, and ended up taking off his pants, and someone ran over and knocked on the door to check the water meter...

Uchiha Shisui blinked his eyes twice, feeling like he wanted to jump off the second chakra dance pose so that Obito could re-enter the state just now.

But he also knows that his death can make Uchiha Itachi evolve into a kaleidoscope, but it is absolutely impossible to help Obito, unless the person who died was Fenghuo, ahem, thinking far away.

Shisui Uchiha smiled wryly and shook his head: "Sorry, Obito, I was too talkative just now."

"What?" Obito looked puzzled, not knowing that he had missed an excellent opportunity to evolve a kaleidoscope, otherwise he might jump up and hit someone.

Konoha, the country of fire, the Uchiha clan.

The terrified Erzhuzi ran home all the way. The corpses all over the floor made his legs tremble, and his eyes were blurred with tears. He pushed open the door of his house. The huge mansion was as quiet as the land of the dead.

"Father, mother, brother!"

Erzhuzi stood at the door and shouted, but there was no echo from the house. He rushed in with a yelp, searched all the way through the entrance, living room, and main hall. Unforgettable image.

His father and mother fell lifelessly in a pool of blood!

"Dad, Mom..."

Er Zhuzi's hands and feet were stiff, and he took a step with difficulty, but the door behind him was suddenly shut hard.

A figure slowly walked out of the darkness, and the familiar footsteps made Er Zhuzi feel relieved.

"elder brother!"

Seeing his eldest brother, Erzhuzi's eyes flashed with joy, "Mom and Dad..."


A handful of kunai suddenly flew out of Uchiha Itachi's hand, rubbing Erzhu's left arm and nailing it to the wall.

Erzhuzi screamed, covered his bleeding wound, and looked at his beloved brother in disbelief: "Brother, you..."

"Stupid brother, you still don't understand."

"Brother?" Er Zhuzi was at a loss.

Uchiha Itachi lowered his head and walked slowly to Erzhuzi: "Then, let's go through it again."

The three Gouyu in Shulunyan instantly connected and turned into a kaleidoscope, looking directly into Erzhuzi's panicked eyes, "Yuedu!"

In the illusion world, Erzhuzi stood in the Uchiha clan, watching his brother Uchiha Itachi slaughter the tribe, until finally, he killed his father and mother!

It's not true, it's not true, it's not true...

Er Zhuzi couldn't believe what he saw in front of him, and knelt down covering his head in pain.

"Why...why did you do this!" Er Zhuzi burst into tears, snot, and saliva, sobbing uncontrollably.

Itachi Uchiha walked over slowly, strangled Erzhuzi's neck, lifted him up against the wall, and said coldly: "You are too weak, you are not even worth killing, hehehe, stupid brother , if you want to kill me, hate it! Hate it! Then live ugly! Run away, run away, and live in mediocrity!"

Er Zhuzi held Uchiha Itachi's hand with both hands, struggling hard, but the air sucked into his throat was still getting less and less, his brain was starved of oxygen, his face was flushed, and even his consciousness seemed to be blurred.

"elder brother…"

Seeing Erzhuzi's miserable state, Uchiha Itachi finally softened his heart, put him down gently, then turned and left.

Erzhuzi regained his freedom, took a big gulp of fresh air, and then looked up to see his parents lying in a pool of blood.

"Dad, Mom."

Thinking of the picture he saw in the illusion before, Erzhuzi's young mind has been ruthlessly destroyed.

He yelled and got up to chase Uchiha Itachi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and asked him loudly why he did this.

Uchiha Itachi ran ahead, as if he was afraid that Erzhuzi would not be able to keep up, his speed was slow and slow, and he would say a few words from time to time to stimulate him.

Under strong emotional stimulation, Er Zhuzi's eyes turned red, and he successfully awakened Shan Gouyu's Sharingan!

When Uchiha Itachi saw this scene, he was very pleased. Sasuke was only eight years old this year and was able to open the single-god jade, and his talent is definitely not inferior to him!

I thought so in my heart, but my face was still expressionless, and I left indifferently.

Erzhuzi was not reconciled, gritted his teeth and was about to rush forward, when he saw a large number of masked ninjas rushing into the Uchiha clan.

"Is it... Anbe?"

Erzhuzi was physically and mentally exhausted, and when he suddenly saw the 'rescue soldiers', he lost his consciousness at that moment and fainted to the ground.

In the Hokage Tower, the news that the Uchiha clan was exterminated by Uchiha Itachi alone has been passed on.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's face was black and blue, and he immediately ordered Sakumo Hatake to take Anbu to recover the remains of all the Uchiha clansmen!

At the same time, Danzo, who had been searching for nothing to seal the fire, also rushed to the Uchiha clan for the first time, but as far as he could see, among the corpses everywhere, everyone's Sharingan had been completely destroyed!

"Damn bastard!"

Danzo was completely angry.

Uchiha Shisui's Bietianjin Kaleidoscope was robbed, and all the Uchiha Clan's Sharingan were destroyed. After planning for many years, he got nothing in the end!

This is more than that, the three Sharingan on his right arm used the forbidden technique Izanaki once because of the mortal crisis, that is to say, he only has two Sharingan left now!

Uchiha Sealing Fire, Uchiha Itachi, you all deserve to die!

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