Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 595: Uchiha Itachi's Menace

Chapter 595: Itachi Uchiha's Threat (Page 1/1)

Soon, Er Zhuzi, who was unconscious on the ground, was discovered by Gennin and brought to Danzo.

"Master Danzo, this child is the only survivor." Genin put the two pillars on the ground.

Danzo saw that it was Uchiha Sasuke!

At the same time, the root ninjas also brought all the corpses of the Uchiha people here and lined them up in several rows on the ground.

Danzo walked and watched with a dark face, and suddenly his eyes were fixed, but he saw Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto couple, but unfortunately, their Sharingan was also ruined by Uchiha Itachi!

Of course Uchiha Itachi didn't know that his father had opened the kaleidoscope, otherwise, it would be really difficult to say the ending of the Sharingan.

Danzo finally came to Erzhuzi again.

His eyes were gloomy and flickering fiercely, wishing to take off Er Zhuzi's eyes on the spot, but as far as he knew, Er Zhuzi hadn't opened Sharingan yet, if he took off his eyes at this time, the gain would outweigh the loss.

At this time, Hatake Sakumo also led Anbu to arrive.

"Danzo-sama, please hand over the corpses of the Uchiha clan to Anbu!" Hatake Sakumo came up and said, "This is Hokage's order!"

"Hmph!" Danzo snorted coldly, "Since it is Hokage's order, then take these corpses away."

Hatake Sakumo was taken aback, Danzo is so easy to talk to?

It wasn't until he saw the eyes of the Uchiha corpses on the ground that he realized that if the Sharingan was destroyed, then these corpses would have little use value for Danzo, no wonder they were so 'generous'.

Hatake Sakumo waved his hand, and a large number of Anbu ninjas jumped out from behind, sealing the corpses into the scroll.

As for the two pillars who fainted on the ground, they were naturally sent to Konoha Hospital by Anbu.

"Danzo-sama, I think you have to give Hokage an explanation for this matter!" Hatake Sakumo looked at the busy Anbe, walked to Danzo and said in a low voice.

Danzo said coldly: "Uchiha Itachi succeeded in killing the Uchiha clan, I don't need to explain to anyone!"

Hatake Sakumo's pupils shrank, and he couldn't believe it.

In the huge Uchiha clan, not to mention the ordinary ninjas with single and double knuckles, there are dozens of jounin who have activated three kokamas, and elite jouninjas. Can Uchiha Itachi single-handedly kill all of them?

Hatake Sakumo's heart skipped a beat: Could it be that Itachi Uchiha, like Fenghuo, opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan?

"Have you caught the 'ninja' who assassinated me?" Danzo asked suddenly.

Hatake Sakumo came back to his senses and replied: "There is no clue yet."

"Hmph! Anbu's efficiency is really too low." Danzo narrowed his eyes and said, "Now that the Uchiha clan has been wiped out, if Anbu is incapable, let Nebu take over the police force."

"Let's leave this matter to the third generation." Hatake Sakumo said with a smile, "Master Danzo, it's almost here. I'll go back and report to the third generation."

Saying that, Hatake Sakumo tiptoed and left quickly.

Danzo looked at Hatake Sakumo's leaving back, snorted coldly, turned and left.

But as he walked, he noticed something was wrong.

The night was gloomy, but the surrounding environment was suddenly unbelievably silent. In the huge street, only the sound of his footsteps echoed back and forth.

Danzo paused, his face calm.

At this time, he has not re-transplanted his right arm. If he encounters a fatal attack at this time, he will definitely die!

Damn it, could it be that the **** Uchiha Fenghuo came to assassinate him? !

Although he was anxious and angry, the city for many years kept his face unchanged, as if the crisis in front of him was just a small hurdle, and he could pass it with a light step.

"Master Danzo!"

The figure of Uchiha Itachi slowly walked out of the darkness, staring at Danzo expressionlessly, "I feel your killing intent towards Sasuke, if you dare to attack him, I will sell all the information in my hands to the enemy country , and at the same time carry out a crazy assassination of you and everything you care about!"

Danzo narrowed his eyes and looked at Itachi Uchiha coldly: "Do you dare to threaten me?"

Uchiha Itachi's pair of three-curved jade sharing eyes instantly turned into a kunai-shaped kaleidoscope, and the power of the ferocious pupils was like a wild beast rushing towards Danzo: "Danzo-sama, do you understand."

Danzo stared at Itachi Uchiha's eyes, and the veins on his temples throbbed: Kaleidoscope, kaleidoscope, this **** Uchiha Itachi also turned on the kaleidoscope! !

No wonder he was able to wipe out the Uchiha clan by himself, that's how it is!

But immediately, there was a trace of regret in his heart.

If he knew this was the case, he should have taken off Uchiha Itachi's Sharingan early in the morning!


Now that Uchiha Itachi, who has opened the kaleidoscope, his strength will inevitably increase greatly, and may even be comparable to Uchiha Fenghuo. Danzo has to carefully consider his threat.

Half-pay, Danzo closed his eyes, and said slowly: "I understand."

Itachi Uchiha turned off the kaleidoscope, and then a crow hovered beside him, screaming and slowly melting into the darkness.

Afterwards, Danzo lifted his eyelids, and heard the voice from the outside again in his ears. He turned his head to look, and saw Genin around him as if they had just woken up from a dream, and he felt great fear in his heart.

He didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately went back to Gennin's headquarters, no matter what happened, first transplanted the right arm first!

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After Feng Huo took Didara out of the mansion at home, he went around outside, returned to the mansion, and hid in the secret room of the study.

Didara was still the same as before, swearing, with a rebellious look, most of them sneered at the order to seal the fire.

This made Feng Huo have to suspect that his 'other gods' had failed.

Of course, he can’t experiment extensively now, so as not to anger Didara. Although this grandson’s Chakra is sealed, it can be seen from the little bird bombs planted in the mansion before that his lawless character has nothing to do with Chakra. Well, if this bully's temper comes up, and he doesn't care about it and makes a fuss to attract Gennin's attention, it will be very bad.

Now, the only thing he worries about is bringing soil and stopping water.

I don't know if Shisui arrived in time to save Obito.

He wanted to channel the second form of chakra round dance to ask about the situation, but he was afraid that it would be a critical moment over there, and he was afraid that his channeling the second form of chakra round dance would affect them.


The night outside gradually receded, and the sun slowly rose eastward, bringing light to Konoha.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi stayed up all night, looking at the information in his hand in silence.

Uchiha Itachi exterminated the clan, this incident shocked him greatly!

He didn't believe that Uchiha Itachi did this voluntarily, and Danzo must have done something in it.

Hiruzen Sarutobi came to the roof of Hokage Building, looking at the Uchiha clan's clan land in the distance, there is now a blank space there.

Suddenly, a figure descended from the sky, and suddenly landed behind Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

The nearby Anbu was shocked, and immediately rushed to protect Hokage.

Sarutobi Hiruzen waved his hand indifferently, signaling Anbu to step back, then smiled wryly at the visitor, and said, "Itachi, you're here."

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