Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 596: Obito with twists and turns

"Itachi... sorry, if it wasn't for my naivety, things wouldn't have gotten to where they are today, it's all my fault."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed, with a miserable expression on his face.

"Hokage-sama, it has nothing to do with you. You have done your best. It's the tribe who don't appreciate it." Uchiha Itachi said in a deep voice.

"If we talk about this now, the tragedy cannot be undone." Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at Itachi Uchiha and said slowly, "Can you tell me the specific details."

Uchiha Itachi nodded, and Dang even told Sarutobi Hiruzen the whole story of last night's genocide night.

"I didn't expect someone other than Danzo to threaten you." Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked solemnly, "That person really has Sharingan?"

"Yes, and he turned on the kaleidoscope. I suspect that he is the murderer of the tailed beast rampage that killed four generations of couples eight years ago!" Uchiha Itachi said solemnly.

"What?!" Sarutobi Hiruzen's face suddenly flashed fierce, "Itachi, are you sure?"

Uchiha Itachi nodded, then shook his head: "There is no direct evidence yet, but he invited me to join a mysterious organization, and I have already agreed."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at him puzzled.

"I plan to join this organization as a rebel, to collect more information, and at the same time prevent him from attacking the village and Sasuke again!" Uchiha Itachi said.

Even if others don't say anything about the extermination of the clan, he can't face himself, let alone face the young Sasuke. In other words, when he decided to exterminate the clan, he had already made arrangements for himself and Sasuke. the future!

"If that's the case, your sacrifice is too great." Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know what to say at this moment.

"As long as Hokage-sama can protect Sasuke's growth, I'm willing to make any sacrifice!" Uchiha Itachi said seriously.

"I assure you, I will definitely take good care of Sasuke and let him grow up healthily!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi said solemnly, "I won't let anyone hurt him!"

"Thank you, Hokage-sama."

Itachi Uchiha thanked him softly, then looked up and looked around the huge village, with a trace of reluctance and sadness in his eyes, but when he thought of his young brother, the emotion in his eyes slowly disappeared, leaving only indifference, "Then, I'm leaving. "

After Uchiha Itachi left, the news about his extermination and defection to become Konoha's S-class rebel ninja quickly spread to the entire ninja world centered on Konoha.

Not to mention what people in other countries and other ninja villages think, anyway, in Konoha, it undoubtedly caused an uproar.

The Hyuga Clan, Ikacho Clan, and Yuu Clan each sent people to Hokage to inquire about what happened.

Recently, the relationship between the Uchiha clan and the village has become more and more tense, but no one would have thought that such a thing would happen suddenly.

Uchiha Itachi, actually exterminated the whole family by himself?

Where did the promised coup go?

Hiruza Sarutobi was tirelessly negotiating with people from the major families, comforting them, and at the same time selecting someone to fill the vacancy caused by the police force, he was very busy.

As for Danzo, he originally planned to use the police force as a gap to further expand his influence in the village after the Uchiha clan was wiped out, but at this time, how could he still have such a mood.

Not to mention the kaleidoscope that was finally snatched from Uchiha Shisui, even the writing sharing eyes of the Uchiha clan were all destroyed by the grandson of Uchiha Itachi, and even the writing sharing eyes in his own collection were missing. Stealing a chicken is not a loss, so Mi said it was him.

At this time, Danzang is sending people to search and arrest the fire in the village.

As long as you find Fenghuo, you can prove that he did not leave Konoha, you can prove that he did the assassination last night, you can get back Uchiha Shisui's kaleidoscope, and you can even kill Fenghuo in one fell swoop. Adviser charged!

It's a pity that after several days in a row, even though Genin searched everywhere, he still found nothing.

Until... the return of Obito!

After Uchiha Shisui sent Obito to the border of the Fire Country, he sat on the chakra dance 2 and turned around the Snow Country. For the rest of the way, Obito hurriedly and slowly returned to the village.

As a result, as soon as he entered, he found that the ninja guarding the gate was staring at him strangely.

After Obito registered his name, he finally couldn't help but ask, "Why are you looking at me like that? Has something serious happened in the village?"

The ninja opened his mouth, not knowing whether to tell him or not.

"Is something wrong with sealing the fire?" Obito grabbed his collar and lifted it up, his eyes were red.

"Didn't Master Fenghuo leave after you left?" The ninja looked at the excited Obito and smiled wryly, "It's the Uchiha clan."

"The Uchiha clan? What's the matter? Could it be..." Obito had an ominous premonition in his heart. Could it be that the family really launched a coup during his absence?

"Don't you know yet?" The ninja sighed, staring at him strangely, and said, "A few nights ago, the Uchiha clan was betrayed by the S-rank Uchiha Itachi... the clan was wiped out."

"What did you say?!"

Obito was stunned.

S-class traitor?

Uchiha Itachi?


"What are you kidding? Itachi, how could he do such a thing? How could he do it alone~www.wuxiaspot.com~?" Obito refused to believe it, and asked him excitedly, "Did the family launch a coup d'état?" , and then Anbu made a move?"

"This... I don't know, you should ask Hokage-sama." The ninja who guarded the door said that he was just an ordinary Chunin, so how could he know more secrets through that channel.

Obito walked into the village in a daze, and ran towards the Uchiha clan like crazy.

On the streets of the Uchiha clan, there are still blood residues, one piece here, one piece here, the usually lively street, at this moment, there is no one, and the silence is like a deep mountain and a distant forest.

He ran to the house of the patriarch Uchiha Fugaku, ran to the houses of several friends who had a good relationship, and ran down from family to family. After half a day, he didn't see a single person!

Really all dead?

Obito stood there blankly, a little at a loss, a little heartbroken, he wanted to hate, but he didn't know who to hate, he wanted to cry, but he didn't know who to cry for, he was sad, but he didn't know how to vent it.

He clasped his head in his hands and wailed in pain. The Sangouyu Sharingan in his left eye changed slightly amidst the wailing, and he was working hard toward the sickle-shaped kaleidoscope.

At this moment, a figure suddenly descended from the sky.

"Uchiha Obito, Hokage-sama, please!" Anbe's voice woke up Obito, and at the same time, the writing sharing eye of his left eye also returned to the state of Sangoudama, as if the previous change was just a passing cloud.

"I see."

Obito gritted his teeth, he had too many questions to ask Hokage.

The family is destroyed, and the heart of Obito cannot be calm after all, let alone face it calmly.

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