Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 597: Obito wry smile

On the roof of the Hokage Tower, Obito looked at the aging Hokage in front of him, some words were stuck in his throat and he couldn't ask them.

"Obito, you are as kind as you were when you were a child." Hiruzaru Sarutobi seemed to see what he was thinking, showing a slightly bitter smile, "Ask whatever you want."

"Master Hokage, Itachi really..." Obito gritted his teeth, "How could he do it alone?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi turned around, looked up at the white clouds in the sky, and said: "Itachi's Sharingan has evolved, just like Fenghuo, it has awakened a stronger power, and no one in the Uchiha clan can resist it."

"This is Hokage-sama's order." Obito lowered his head, clenched his hands, his veins exposed.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed and said: "Obito, no one ordered Itachi to do this, if you have to blame it, just blame me, if I take measures after learning that the Uchiha clan is gathering at Nanga Shrine, maybe it won't happen Such a tragedy, I was too naive."

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How could Itachi... The Fuyue patriarch is his father!" Obito couldn't accept it.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't dare to look into Obito's bloodshot eyes, because he had indeed lied.

If it is told that Obito Itachi was threatened by Danzo to do the extermination of the clan, then a new problem will arise.

Since it is a mission, Itachi is 'innocent', why would he defect from Konoha and become an S-rank rebel?

Is Sarutobi Hiruzen going to tell him Itachi went to a mysterious and dangerous organization as an undercover agent?

This is obviously impossible!

You know, itachi is working as an undercover agent. At present, even the elder advisors such as Danzo, Zhuanju Koharu, and Mitomonyan, as well as Hatake Sakumo and Nara Shikaku, don’t know about it. How could he tell Obito?

Therefore, Sarutobi Hiruzen could only conceal it, and then labeled Uchiha Itachi as a traitor.

Only in this way can Uchiha Itachi enter that organization smoothly. As for the various pursuits and killings faced after becoming a traitor, with Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope, Sarutobi Hiruzen believes that unless someone at the level of Fenghuo takes action, otherwise No one can threaten Itachi's life.

"Obito, things have already happened, don't be too sad." Hiruzaru Sarutobi comforted him.

Obito shook his head: "No, no, I...I want to find him, I want to know why he did this, **** it!"

"You..." Hiruzaru Sarutobi frowned slightly.

"Hokage-sama, please allow me to track down Uchiha Itachi, no matter how long it takes, I will find him!" Obito said firmly.

Hiruza Sarutobi was in a trance for a while, as if he saw his disciple Jiraiya, when he left the village to track down Orochimaru, he seemed to look like this.

"In that case, then... alright." Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded in agreement.

He had no reason to stop Obito, and besides, it might be good for him to temporarily let Obito leave the village.

After leaving the Huo Ying Building, Obito thought about it, and then walked towards Feng Huo's house.

Fenghuo is comfortably huddled in the secret room of the study, the flowery boy No. 1 shadow is squatting in the corner and using Chakra perception to guard, while Deidara is standing next to him and reading a book with an awkward face, or the picture is more suitable, this is for Fenghuo. To broaden Bai's horizons, he drew all kinds of rare birds and animals, such as tigers, wolves, lions, pythons, bears, and even dragons. Now it's the second use, and it's the turn of Didara to broaden his horizons.

"Didara, don't look at that expression, look at the things you made yourself, what a thing? Bird eggs, grasshoppers, little fat birds, you don't think it's embarrassing to take it out, I hate it! Can we create some high-end atmosphere? High-end stuff?"

Feng Huo pointed to the album, and said, "Don't stare at me all the time, read it carefully, and write a summary after reading it. Only by finding out your own shortcomings can you make continuous progress. Do you need me to teach you such a simple truth? ?”

Didara's hand grasping the picture album showed bruises, and his forehead and temples twitched even more. He wanted to tear up the picture album and shake Feng Huo's face, but for some reason, there was always a voice in his heart telling him: Feng Huo's father was right. , Fenghuo's father is right, Fenghuo's father is right...

His diaphragm is so uncomfortable!

Fenghuo whistled triumphantly.

He had suspected that other gods had failed before, but in recent days, he found that Didara has become more and more 'obedient'. Although his eyes and tone are still very annoying, his body is still very honest.

At this moment, the No. 1 shadow clone of the handsome boy suddenly stood up, and the Chakra perception technique was no longer needed. Fenghuo saw that it was okay, and then pointed at him and shouted: "Rebel, you!"

The flowery male No. 1 shadow clone said quietly: "Bring the soil back."

Feng Huo's eyes lit up, he was overjoyed.

With the soil back, then he can appear in the village as a matter of course!

He immediately walked out of the secret room, and he saw Obito wandering around his house, and he didn't regard himself as an outsider at all.

"Block the fire!" Obito's eyes turned red with excitement when he saw him, "That's great, it's good that you're fine."

Feng Huo hurriedly signaled him to keep quiet, and then led him into the study.

The door of the secret room was closed, and he wasn't worried that Didara would overhear their conversation, even if he overheard, it didn't matter.

The two each briefly described what happened during this period of time, and then looked at each other speechlessly.

For half a fee, Obito took out a glass test tube, and inside it was an eye that had lost its light~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was the kaleidoscope that sealed the fire.

"Shisui asked me to return it to you." Obito said in a low voice, "Sorry, it's all my fault."

"You're fine."

Feng Huo sighed in his heart. When he took off this eye and handed it to Uchiha Shisui, he had already had a premonition. Sure enough, Uchiha Shisui lived up to his expectations and destroyed his kaleidoscope.

He touched his left eye, how about taking Zhishui's eye as compensation for destroying his kaleidoscope?

Thinking about it this way is really a little exciting.

Obito then asked about Itachi.

"Fenghuo, why did Itachi do this? Hokage-sama said it was his personal wish, but I don't believe it. Compared to you and me, Uchiha Itachi's father is the patriarch!"

"Itachi was threatened by Danzo." Fenghuo unceremoniously told Obito that Danzo Nasasuke's life threatened Itachi.

Obito was furious when he heard this: "It turned out to be like this! Damn, why did that **** Danzo do this! And Itachi, him, why did he become a rebel? Isn't this Danzo's order? Isn't Hokage-sama do you know?"

Feng Huo patted him on the shoulder: "How could the third generation not know?"

"..." Obito froze in place, his three views were shattered.

Why did Hokage-sama lie to me?

Does he not trust me?

Yes, I am the Uchiha clan, a criminal clan determined to launch a coup, how could he trust me.

In a daze, Obito seemed to see his young self in front of Rin, Kakashi, and Fenghuo clamoring to become Hokage's hot-blooded appearance.

The more I looked at it, the more ridiculous it became, showing a bitter smile.

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