Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 600: Gentleman Uchiha seals the fire

When Akimichi Dingza left, there was grief and indignation on his face, and a look of lovelessness on his face, which made Nara Shikahisa and Yamanaka Kaiichi very happy.

"Ding Zuo, it's just a kid messing around, don't take it to heart." Nara Shikahisa comforted with a smile.

"Lu Jiu, Hai Yi, you all see that there is something wrong with the tea, why do you still let me drink it, I, I, I...you are not enough friends." Qiu Dao Ding Zuo's eyes were full of aggrieved tears.

"Ah, this." Yamanaka Hai said, "We only noticed the abnormality after you drank the tea."

"Is that so?" Akimichi Dingza looked at Kaiichi Yamanaka and Shikaku Nara, thinking that these two guys have such high IQs, could they be fooling him again?

Blue skinny shiitake mushrooms.

In the Fenghuo mansion, Didala drank three cups of tea with added ingredients, his face was black and blue, and he stared at Fenghuo with a disdainful face.

This will seal the fire with a happy face, Obito has already gone to the snow country, Danzo was run away by him in anger, Didara drank three good teas again, it is really eight (nine) out of ten good things in life.

"Bastard..." Didara gritted his teeth in hatred.

"Didara, an inch of time is an inch of gold, an inch of gold is hard to buy an inch of time, don't waste time on my beauty in the prosperous age, pick up your little album, and try to figure out your art a lot, you know? Don't know it all day long Making bird eggs, grasshoppers, and small fat birds is useless!" Fenghuo said earnestly, "I eat more salt than you walk, listen to me, you must be right."

Didara said no, but still honestly took out the small album.

When he reacted, he suddenly became angry from embarrassment: "Uchiha Fuhuo, what kind of illusion did you **** give me, why did I listen to you, **** it, you despicable and shameless bastard!"

Feng Huo smiled and patted the dog's head, then left without looking back.

Leaving home, Feng Huo went straight to the orphanage of Yakushi No Naoyu.

"Sister Pharmacist?"

When Feng Huo found her, he found that she was reading a thick medical book.

Pharmacist No Naiyu saw Feng Huo coming, quickly put away his medical books, and said with a gentle smile, "Such a major event happened in the village, why do you have time to come and see me?"

The major event is naturally the Uchiha genocide event.

However, Fenghuo II is a human being, and he left the Uchiha clan since he was a child, and even had an unpleasant fight with the Uchiha clan at one time, so Fenghuo's feelings for the Uchiha clan are not as deep as Yakushi Nonoyu imagined.

"Sister Yaoshi, I came here this time because I have something to discuss with you." Feng Huo said solemnly, and at the same time used the chakra perception technique to sense the surroundings, and confirmed that there was no shadow or root monitoring, and then he was relieved.

"What's the matter?" Pharmacist Nonaiyu asked.

"Yes... that, actually." When the words came to his lips, Feng Huo didn't know how to speak.

Pharmacist No Naoyu lived a good life here, if he asked her to go to Snow Country, I'm afraid she would not agree.

But since they all came and promised Bai, they could only bite the bullet and say it.

"Snow Country?" Pharmacist No Naiyu showed surprise, "It turns out that Bai is in the Snow Country, the environment of the Snow Country is indeed very suitable for his Blood Successor Boundary, but..."

Hearing this, Feng Huo knew the answer of pharmacist No Naoyu.

Sure enough, Pharmacist No Naoyu tactfully rejected Fenghuo's request.

Konoha is the place where she grew up. She likes it very much, and doesn't want to leave her hometown to go to the distant snow country. Although Bai was in the Land of Snow, there were more children of hers in the orphanage, how could she be willing to leave?

"Okay, Sister Yao Shi, I respect your choice, but this matter..."

"Don't worry, I will keep it a secret." Pharmacist Nonai Yu smiled and patted Feng Huo's head, "Feng Huo, you have grown up, don't waste too much time on me, do what you want Let's do it."

Feng Huo looked depressed: You also know that I have grown up so much, and you still touch my head, don't I want to lose face?

When Feng Huo left, the pharmacist No Naiyu sighed, and then he turned out the medical book and read it. The content in the medical book was obviously related to cells!

After leaving the orphanage, Fenghuo went to Kurama's house to visit Kurama Yakumo.

But because of Kurama Yakumo's body, he didn't say anything to let her go with him, otherwise, let alone whether Kurama Yakumo was willing or not, her father would beat him to death anyway.

After pouring a few bowls of poisonous chicken soup into Kurama Yakumo, he sealed off the fire and finally came to Yuhihong's house.

Yuhihong is a three-tailed jinchuriki with a yin attribute, and she has left the village a handful of times in recent years, and the only few times were under the protection of Yuhi Mako or Anbe.

After all, Yuhihong's strength is still too weak, and she can't control the yin attribute Sanwei, so the village is also protecting her by doing so.

For these, Fenghuo knows all about it.

Of course, in this way, it would be very difficult for Feng Huo to take her away.

"Fenghuo." Xi Hihong opened the door and saw Fenghuo, with a charming look on her face, and hugged her with a smile on her face.

Feng Huo hugged her very reservedly and then let go~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He looked like a gentleman, when he entered the room and saw that Yuhi Zhenhong was not at home, it was okay, so he rushed up to hug her and started to chew.

At the same time, the three Nara Shikahisa are also reporting to the Hokage Studio.

"So, Fenghuo doesn't want to go back to Anbu, right?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed while smoking his pipe, "This kid is really..."

Previously, because of the sealing of the fire, Hiruzaru Sarutobi took Bai away privately, but Hiruzaru Sarutobi just drove him out of Anbu, but Hiruzaru Sarutobi's character is a good old man, who attaches great importance to affection and nostalgia for old times. Removing the fire ban?

Take Danzo as an example. Danzo colluded with Yunyin Village, the country of thunder, to commit a felony of treason. Is the evidence conclusive, the result?

As a result, Danzo was pushed to the end, and after a while, under the lobbying of Zhuanshu Xiaochun and Mitomen Yan, didn't Danzo stand up happily?

As for Fenghuo, Hiruzaru Sarutobi wanted to reinstate him without any persuasion, but unfortunately, Fenghuo did not agree.

"Hokage-sama, Fenghuo said that he wants to learn from Ziraiya-sama, and travel around the ninja world." Qiudao Dingzuo said with a bitter face.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed, he knew it was just an excuse to seal the fire, but... "Ding Zuo, why have you kept such a sour face, what happened?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at Dingza Akidou curiously.

When Fatty Qiu heard it, his face became even more bitter, and then he glared fiercely at Shikahisa Nara and Kaiichi Yamanaka, and told them with his eyes, if he dared to speak out, hum, hey, friends will die! break up!

Shikahisa Nara and Kaiichi Yamanaka held back their laughter, it was so hard.

Sarutobi Hirizhan was excited and kept asking questions, but Fatty Qiu was very aggrieved.

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