Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 601: The Assassination of Momochi Never Killing

The Land of Rain has been shrouded in rain all year round, and many areas have suffered greatly from it. In order to pray to God not to rain, people in some places built many temples for prayer and sacrifice.

In a temple hidden deep in the mountains, Nagato and Xiaonan came here early, waiting to receive new members.

"Itachi Uchiha, who wiped out the Uchiha clan, really wants to join us?" Konan was a little uneasy, "It can't be Konoha's conspiracy."

"Sacrificing the Uchiha clan to let Uchiha Itachi join us, heh, the Third Hokage doesn't have such courage." Nagato said lightly, "Besides, Uchiha Itachi was absolutely invited, and his information will not be wrong. Of course, if Uchiha Itachi has two minds, just kill him."

Xiao Nan nodded, and said: "Now in the organization, I team up with Payne, and Jue and Scorpion. After Uchiha Itachi comes in, do we need to regroup?"

"Isn't Scorpion still reforming himself? If that's the case, let Uchiha Itachi and Zetsu form a team for the time being." Nagato said, "Xiaonan, take some time to go to the country of water again, and it's about time to recruit him into Akatsuki as well." gone."


Nagato said: "The dried persimmons and ghosts of Wuyin Village."

Xiao Nan asked: "It's also an absolute piece of information."

Nagato nodded: "Bringing the trick into the organization really saved us a lot of energy."

Just as Xiao Nan was about to speak, a paper crane flew over with flapping wings.

Xiaonan reached out to take the paper crane, and said with a smile, "Itachi Uchiha is here."

In the front room of the temple, Tiandao Yahiko, Jue, the head of the Six Paths of Penn, and the Red Sand Scorpion stood in a row, quietly listening to the approaching footsteps.

"A new member has arrived." Yahiko said.

The Red Sand Scorpion snorted coldly, he didn't have the slightest affection for the Uchiha clan.

A few days ago, he received a report from Jue to block Uchiha to seal the fire, but in the end he blocked Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Shisui. After a big battle, not only did he not get the slightest benefit, but he also broke the scarecrow. up.

And that Orochimaru, who was about to die, turned into hundreds of white snakes and fled in all directions. According to Medicine Master Dou, as long as one of these white snakes escapes, Orochiwan can be revived. After all, it is too late for the scorpion to attack. One step, he escaped many white snakes.

Therefore, for several days, Scorpio was in a very bad mood.

If Payne hadn't personally invited him this time, he wouldn't have appeared here at all.

Jue stood at the very edge, his head huddled in the leaves of a giant pitcher plant, with a weird smile on Yin Yang's face.

Outside the house, Uchiha Itachi's figure slowly approached in the sunlight, his eyelids lifted, revealing a pair of writing sharing eyes of Sangouyu.

At this time, Uchiha Itachi is still wearing Konoha Anbe's costume, but there is already a conspicuous nick on the ninja forehead on his forehead. This nick is a symbol of rebellion.

"Welcome to Akatsuki, Itachi Uchiha." Yahiko Tenmichi threw out a ring indifferently.

Uchiha Itachi reached out to take it, and looked down, there was a word 'Zhu' on the ring.

"Jue, since you invited him in, then you will be in charge of him for the time being." Tendou Yahiko said, "until new members come in."

"I know." He said with a smile.

In the foggy village.

After accumulating strength for several years, the young master of the beheading sword, Momochi, decided that it was time to assassinate the fourth Mizukage Goju Yakura.

Although Wuyin Village's blood mist policy is very suitable for Motochi Zabuzhan's appetite, he still feels that Goju Yakura is no longer the real Goju Yakura.

Therefore, killing him and making the water shadow yourself is the best way to open the blood mist policy!

And the dried persimmon ghost shark has been watching him secretly.

All these years, Taodi has not beheaded and frantically recruited younger brothers, Ganshi Kisame thought that he was going to fight for power and profit, but he didn't expect that he was going to assassinate the fourth Mizukage.

This simply overturned his three views.

He reported the matter to the Fourth Mizukage Kuju Yakura, but strangely, Kuju Yakura didn't order him to kill Momochi to avoid future troubles, but only let him continue to monitor, that's all.

After Dried Persimmon Kisame agreed, he left.

But a strange idea came to his mind: Could it be that Mizukage-sama deliberately indulged Taoji and then launched an assassination without beheading him? So that he can find another reason to clean up a batch of ninjas?

It's too...

But thinking of the blood mist policy, the fourth generation of Mizukage seems to be able to do this.

What's the point of monitoring yourself?

Dried persimmon ghost shark was a little confused.

In the past few years, with the implementation of the blood fog policy, Kisame Kisame increasingly felt that he was redundant, and each of the tasks he took over made him feel that he was a false existence, and made him blue and thin.

Momochi Zabuza's "Mizukage Assassination Plan" was carried out as scheduled one night, and a large number of ninjas surrounded Kutachi Yakura's house and killed them inside.

And Anbu, who protected the fourth Mizukage, had already been bought by Momochi Zabuzhan, not only did not resist, but killed all those who got in the way.

The fourth Mizukage Yakura sat on the tatami mat, looking at the assassins outside with no emotion in his eyes.

"Mizukage-sama, please don't take offense at visiting late at night."

Taodi Zabuzhan was carrying a huge beheading sword, with a wild smile on his face, "After all, I'm here to send you to see Mizukage-sama!"

"That's right, then come on." Goju Yakura said lightly, without taking his own life or death into consideration.

Momochi sneered again and again, and when he was about to speak, he saw the shadow beside Goju Yagura, as if something was moving, which made him feel uneasy.


No more shouting coldly, and then he took the beheading sword and slashed at Goju Yagura's neck~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the same time, the ninjas outside also shot in an instant, and a large number of poisonous kunai, Senbon and Shuriken shot towards him, and at the same time, a ninja who was good at sealing technique quickly formed a seal, ready to seal Rokuo Shigeaki inside Kutachi Yakura at any time.

At the same time, Gan Shi Gui Jiao stood on a tree not far away, watching the scene coldly.

The assassination is approaching, but he still hasn't received a clear order to rebel, as if the fourth Mizukage has forgotten him.

Kisame Kisame once again felt that false existence.


Suddenly, violent explosions came from the Four Generations Mizukage House, and a heavy air wave swept all directions under the night. A large number of ninjas could not maintain their figures under the air wave, and retreated in embarrassment.

Goji Yakura held a stick with a hook at the front and decorated with green flowers, and walked out calmly. The powerful aura on his body was like a stormy wave, attacking the opposite peach field wave after wave.

"As expected of the fourth generation of Mizukage, the strength is really powerful!"

Buzhan stuck out his tongue excitedly and licked his lips, and in the next moment he brazenly swung the beheading sword and charged forward.

"Four hits with the Coral Stick."

Goju Yakura poured chakra into the stick in his hand, and hit Momochi's body continuously, and the last hit made him go to the sky, and then Goju Yakura formed a one-handed mudra and spewed out a berserk The water flow will not cut the peach field and blow it away.

Seeing that the boss Momochi was defeated so easily without cutting, the ninjas around dared to attack Goju Yakura, and they fled into the darkness one after another.

Goju Yakura looked around, and then said to Kisame Kisame who was hidden in the dark: "I suspect that this attack was planned by a daimyo, you should investigate it clearly."


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