Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 627: If you don't believe me, I'll kill you

On the sacred tree, the figures of Uchiha Itachi and Kisame Kisame loomed among the thick branches and leaves, and quickly jumped towards the top like a fleeting shadow.

"It's here."

Uchiha Itachi looked around, and soon found a lot of traces of people grinding with his **** among the branches and leaves.

"Could it be that Uchiha Fuho's purpose in coming to this village is to sit here?" Kisame Kisame asked curiously, "Looking at the scenery?"

"There is too little confidence, and I can't analyze his purpose."

Uchiha Itachi slowly walked to one of the positions, then sat down.

Dried persimmons and ghost sharks followed suit, and found a place to sit down, then looked left and right, and found that the environment here is really good. Sitting here during the day, you can enjoy the scenery, and at night, you can watch the stars .

It's just that a ninja who is famous in the ninja world sits here all day long just to watch the scenery?

Even the shit-dried persimmons and ghost sharks don't believe it!

"Itachi, did you find anything over there?" Kanshi Kisame asked.

Uchiha Itachi shook his head slightly, got up and stood up, and said: "As far as I know Uchiha Fenghuo, it is impossible for him to waste time looking at the scenery."

Kisame Kisame said: "In other words, we have to find him to know the answer, right?"

"let's go."

Uchiha Itachi jumped off the sacred tree first.

The country of fire.

It was definitely a smooth rendezvous with Orochimaru.

As a local snake, Orochimaru has already learned everything through Danzo.

"Kakuzu accepted a black market mission to hunt down Kakashi and capture his Sharingan, and now Kakashi has returned to Konoha safely, that is to say, Kakazu's mission failed, he should be dead " Orochimaru said to the elusive Jue with a smile.

"I want to see people in life, and I want to see corpses in death." Jue tilted his head and said, "Oshewan, this is Payne's request."

"Really? It seems that we need to go to the country of Taki." Orochimaru looked at Jue's body, suddenly showed a look of interest, and said with a smile, "Je, every time I see the way you appear Make me wonder, if you don't mind, can you give me some of your blood?"

Juewei looked at Dashewan with a smile, and said, "Sorry, I don't have blood on my body, I'm a plant, hehe."

"Plant? It's really interesting." Orochimaru's eyes glowed, "Since there is no blood, it's okay to give me some cells, because... we are the same organization."

Jue shook his head and said, "Even if we are both in the Xiao organization, it won't work!"

"It's so straightforward to refuse." Orochimaru slowly narrowed his eyes.

"Because my body is the foundation of my survival, how can I leave it to others to study?" Jue laughed.

"So, what about Uchiha Shin?" Orochimaru tentatively asked, his golden vertical pupils staring closely at Jue's yin and yang face, not letting go of any expression.

"Aren't the Uchiha clan dead, except for Itachi's younger brother, Uchiha Fenghuo, and Uchiha Obito?" Asked strangely, "Who is Uchiha Shin?"

"Hehehe, Jue, it seems that we are the same kind of people." Dashewan pulled a strange smile from the corner of his mouth.

He teamed up with the Red Sand Scorpion before, and through excellent routines, he has already obtained a lot of information from the scorpion.

For example, the reason why Sun Scorpion appeared in that small village in the Land of Rain to attack and kill Obito was because of the excellent source of information!

What's interesting is that Uchiha Fuho was obviously not present in that battle, but the intelligence provided to Xie was that Uchiha Fuho's whereabouts were discovered!

With Zetsu's excellent ability to collect information, it is obviously impossible for such a mistake to occur. The only explanation is that Zetsu and Uchiha Nobu are in the same group!

At the beginning, Orochimaru and Uchiha Shin cooperated. Orochimaru was responsible for luring Uchiha Fenghuo to the Land of Rain, and Uchiha Shin was responsible for hunting him down.

But in the end, Nobuo Uchiha appeared in Konoha, so the Red Sand Scorpion who suddenly appeared in the Land of Rain and attacked and killed Obito was definitely the helper Uchiha Nobu found!

At first Orochimaru thought that Uchiha Nobu and Scorpion were acquaintances, but later found that Uchiha Nobu was not only not a member of the Akatsuki organization, even Scorpion didn't know Uchiha Nobu!

In this case, the source of the information must be very, very suspicious.

Orochimaru joined Akatsuki for the purpose of Uchiha Itachi's Sharingan, and it is clear that there is an ulterior purpose in entering this organization!

"Absolutely, I think we will have opportunities to cooperate in the future, right." Orochimaru showed an expression that everything was under control.

He smiled and said, "Who knows."

"Then, let's go to the country of Taki." Orochimaru turned and led the way.

After Fenghuo and Didara left Takinobu Village, they rushed on non-stop. In order to prevent traces from being followed by people, Fenghuo also psychically sent out the chakra dance brothers, flying for a while, walking for a while, and flying for a while, like this Come on, if Xiao's people want to find them, they can only rely on luck.

A few days later, they left the country of Taki and returned to the country of fire.

Deidara suddenly became dissatisfied: "Hey, didn't you say we won't go back to Konoha?"

"Didn't I say I was looking for someone, that person will never appear in Konoha's~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Feng Huo said casually.

"Well, that's about the same." Didara crossed his arms and flicked his golden ponytail, and said, "Then who shall we go to?"


"Tsunade? One of the legendary Konoha Sannin?" Although Deidara was young, he had heard of Sannin's name before. "What do you want her for?"

"You also said that you are the legendary Sannin, so looking for her is naturally a way to learn." Feng Huo said with a smile.

"Tch." Didara looked disbelieving.

"By the way, why haven't you read the album recently?" Feng Huo asked casually.

"That kind of thing has long been thrown away." Didara snorted dissatisfied.

"No, I drew it meticulously!" Feng Huo felt sorry for himself for three seconds.

Didara proudly said: "That kind of thing, I will remember it at a glance!"

"Okay, just look in."

While chatting, the two hurried on their way, and soon arrived at a town.

"Let's go, let's go to the casino first." Feng Huo said with a smile.

"Casino... isn't it? Didn't you come to find someone?" Didara's face turned dark.

"What are you thinking about?" Feng Huo Dayi said awe-inspiringly, "Do you think I look like the kind of person who is addicted to gambling? Let me tell you, I have never been in a casino since I was a child. Do you believe it or not? If you don't believe me, I will kill you!"

"..." Didala suddenly felt that what Feng Huo said made sense, and he was speechless for a while.

This town is not large, but although the sparrows are small, the five poisons are all, 呸 呸, all the five internal organs, what are the ever -winning casinos, wealthy casinos, men's bathhouses, women's bathhouses, mixed bath halls, and the eyes of the fire are spent. .

How about taking a bath first?

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