Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 628: messy black soil

Land of Earth, Hidden Rock Village!

The third generation of Tsuchikage Onoki floated in the air, staring at his granddaughter Heitu with a livid face, and said bitterly: "Heitu, this is Tsuchikage's office, you give me enough time!"

"Grandpa Smelly, you don't mean anything!" Heitu stared at Shui Lingling's big eyes, puffed his cheeks, and said viciously, "Brother Didala has been missing for so long Oh, Grandpa Smelly, you haven’t heard from him until now, you’re just trying to fool me!”

"Nonsense! I have sent Anbu to investigate, but there is no definite news yet." Onogi gritted his teeth, "Besides, as Dokage of Yanyin Village, I have so many jobs to do every day, so I don't have time to waste On the **** kid Didara!"

"Damn it, old man, you always make excuses like 'busy at work', I think you might as well retire!"

Heitu didn't even call out his grandfather this time.

"You idiot granddaughter!" Onoki was so angry that his face was redder than his nose, and he stared hard at the black soil while floating in the sky.

The old and the young looked at each other for half the salary, and soon, Onoki couldn't hold it anymore, and laughed dryly: "Hehe, black soil, the matter of Didara is more complicated than you think, grandpa has tried his best."

"I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen..." Heitu covered his ears and shook his head desperately.

"..." Ohnoki was helpless and wronged. He really sent someone to find Didara, but the information collected so far shows that Didara has been captured by Uchiha Fuenhuo, and now it is estimated that he is in the wood. Leaf's in jail.

what can he do

He is also very desperate.

But in the face of his precious granddaughter who is obviously in a rebellious period, Ohnoki has trouble and can't tell.

"Heitu, what do you want?" Onoki sighed, it would be great if Heitu was a boy.

If she had been a boy, Ohnoki would have kicked her into the sky to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun!

Seeing Onoki's compromise, Heitu secretly rejoiced, and said, "I'm going to track down the whereabouts of Brother Didala myself!"

"I can promise you everything else, but this is the only thing I can't do!" Ohnoki regained his toughness, but seeing Heitu's appearance of crying, he hesitated for a second, and said with a smile, "Heitu, let's change the conditions, okay?" Okay, don't embarrass grandpa, grandpa is doing this for your own good."

Heitu rolled his eyes, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and said: "Then let the brothers of the blasting team go to Brother Didala!"

Didara was a member of the demolition team before leaving Yanyin Village, and had a good relationship with the ninjas in the team.

Heitu knew this, so in her opinion, only the members of the blasting team would try their best to find Didala.

"In that case, okay, I promise you." Onoki heaved a sigh of relief.

Then he regained his majesty, immediately called the members of the blasting team, and ordered them to go to the Land of Fire immediately to find Didala's whereabouts with a serious face in front of Heitu!

The members of the blasting team immediately took orders to leave.

"Heitu, are you satisfied now?" Ohnoki said with a smile.

"Hmph, barely enough." Heitu proudly raised his head and chest, and left with the victor's footsteps.

As soon as she left, Ohnoki hurriedly recruited an Anbu, and gave instructions in his ear.

Anbu nodded, and immediately left with the instant body technique.

Ten minutes later, the Anbu caught up with the members of the blasting team who had left before.

"please wait for a moment!"

The Anbu ninja jumped in front of them and said, "Master Tukage has ordered you not to go deep into the Land of Fire when looking for Didara!"



The ninjas of the blasting team nodded one after another.

When Anbu left, the team members were all puzzled.

"What does this mean, Master Tukage?"

"Do you want us to only look for it at the border of the Land of Fire?"

"Is Didara on the border?"

"Maybe he doesn't want us to get Deidara back."

"This brat has been restless since he was a child. If we really want to get him back, the whole village will be blown up by him."

"I heard that he was taken away by Uchiha Fuho. Those of us are not enough for Uchiha Fuho."

"Yeah, I've seen Uchiha Fuho fight against Tukage-sama and Four-Tails Jinchuriki Laozi more than once."

"Hey, he is a famous ninja in the ninja world. All of us together can't beat him. We should follow the order of Master Tukage and don't go deep into the land of fire."

The members of the blasting team finished their discussion and hurried on their way again.

When they came to the border between the Land of Earth and the Land of Fire, they obeyed the order of the third generation of Tsuchikage Ohnoki, and only searched back and forth along the border. Not to mention, they found many... bandits?

The members of the blasting team were idle and idle, so they fought and released bombs in various mountains and forests, knocking down several small mountain peaks.

But what they didn't expect was that what they did would alarm a ninja hiding here.

No, it should be said to be rebellious.


Many years ago, after Beiruhu defected from Konoha, he did not give up on his own research. Instead, he intensified his efforts because he had no constraints~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Carrying out human experiments on Onimaluo crazily!

He is not worried about things being leaked, because on this border line, there are a large number of bandits hidden in the deep mountains and old forests, and there are many businessmen who come and go. Several people will die every few days. In this case, how many people are missing? Isn't it a normal thing?

Therefore, Beiliuhu is doing human experiments here, so don't be too happy.

It's just that this time the blasting team made too much noise, and the crazy blasting caused half of his underground laboratory to collapse. Bei Liuhu expressed that he couldn't bear it!

It's just that when he hid in the dark and saw so many members of the demolition team, and even many ninjas of the Jnin level, Bei Liuhu couldn't help but feel soft: Or, let's forget it?

But immediately, his eyes lit up!

The duty of the blasting team, as the name suggests, is to be responsible for blasting. The main methods are detonating talismans and the destructive earth escape ninjutsu, but there are also 'heterogeneous' among them.

Such as hunting!

Hunting is a member of the blasting team. He has the Blast Escape Blood Reach Limit. One punch is equivalent to a bomb, and its power is equivalent to the detonating charm.

‘That’s right, this is definitely the Blood Successor Boundary Explosion that combines Earth Dun and Thunder Dun! '

The purpose of Beiliuhu's research on Gui Yaluo is to integrate all kinds of blood successors into one body. When he meets the blood successor he likes, he naturally doesn't want to give up!

'Although I don't know why these rock ninjas appear here, but with the relationship between Yanyin Village and Konoha, I'm afraid they will withdraw to Yanyin Village soon, and it will be difficult for me to catch him again! '

Bei Liuhu pondered for a while, and decided to observe and observe again.

If these guys have been together, then he can't hit the rocks, but if the other party disperses...

Hey hey.

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