Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 629: new member?

When Beiliuhu was staring at Kahehehehe, who possessed the limit of the **** escape, a strange head was 'growing' on the trunk of a tree not far away.

This head is white all over, and it is obviously Bai Jue, no, it should be Bai Jue's clone.

Although Jue at this time followed Orochimaru to the country of Taki, a large number of clones of Bai Jue spread all over the country, collecting important information.

And on the border between the Land of Earth and the Land of Fire, there is naturally a clone of Bai Jue.

'Konoha's betrayal and humility? Rock Hidden Village Demolition Team? '

Bai Jue recognized the identities of these people, and immediately retracted his head into the tree trunk, lurking quietly.

A few days later, Beiliuhu finally found his chance!

Perhaps because they felt that dealing with these bandits could not threaten them at all, the members of the demolition team finally dispersed and decided to complete the order of Master Tukage first and search the border of the Land of Fire!

Beiliuhu stared at Kari with glowing eyes, and fell tightly behind him.

Half a day later, Kari came to a valley alone. The valley was full of trees and overgrown with weeds.

Hunting in the valley, looking around, seeing any suspicious places, he would throw a thunder fist and blow up that place directly.

So all the way he passed, there were big craters formed after the explosion everywhere, grass clippings and plaster everywhere, in a mess.

Beiliuhu followed behind silently, the more he looked at it, the more joyful he was, and the power of this explosive escape was even more touching when viewed from a close distance, and he couldn't control himself.

After he has collected Bakudun and several powerful Blood Successor Limits, he is ready to hunt Kakashi, or Uchiha Fuu, and **** the Sharingan Blood Succession Limit from them!

Thinking of the excitement, Beiliuhu couldn't help breathing harder.

This time, it startled the hunting.

"who is it?!"

He suddenly turned around to look in the direction of Beiliuhu, then his eyes narrowed, and he rushed over with a punch, "Explosive Escape-Land Thunder Fist!"

Beiliuhu showed a sneer and said quickly.


The fist hit a tree, and the big tree as thick as a man's waist was blown to pieces, and a large number of shattered pieces of wood scattered in all directions, shooting out like kunai!

Beiliuhu jumped onto a tree, squatted halfway among the branches, looked down at Kari with a smile in his eyes, and asked, "What's your name?"

Kari looked up at Beiruhu, and said coldly: "Look at your forehead protector, are you Konoha's traitor? If that's the case, then there's no need to be polite to you!"

As he said that, he jumped up and rushed towards Beiliuhu. He was in the air, and he had already made the posture of 'Pegasus Meteor Fist', and then with the momentum of falling, he punched him with a bang: "Explosion Escape-Land Thunder Fist !"

Beiliuhu made seals with both hands, and spewed out a hurricane while leaping back.

Wind escape - big breakthrough!

The hurricane blew on Karu's body like a substance, scraped a few bloodstains on his arm, slowed down his fall, and finally smashed his fist between the branches.


The airflow formed by the violent explosion carried a large number of sawdust and broken leaves dancing in the air, filling the sky.

Beryuhu quickly fell to the ground, and then continued to hide.


There was another explosion from the tree, but it was Kari who punched again.

"Get out!"

Hunting jumped to the ground, looked around and punched, and then punched whatever he saw. Every punch was an explosion, and the trees, mountains and rocks all exploded without exception.

Soon, Satoshi cleaned up all the obtrusive things within a radius of half a mile.

But such a high-intensity chakra consumption also made him short of breath and his face flushed.

At this moment, Beiliuhu suddenly got out from the ground.

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

"Fire Escape - Fire Dragon Bullet!"

"Earth Dun-Earth Spear!"

As soon as Beiliuhu came out, he opened up his firepower and output crazily.

At this time, hunting was too exhausted, and he couldn't stand it anymore. After a while, he was blasted up and down, and couldn't rest for a long time.


Kari squatted on the ground, his body was covered with scorched marks from the flames, and there were many wounds from the wind blade, **** and bloody.

Bei Liuhu clasped his arms proudly, and said coldly: "The power of Explosion Escape is very powerful, but unfortunately, you don't know how to use it at all!"

Saying that, Beiliuhu couldn't help laughing, "Don't worry, I won't kill you right now!"

"What exactly do you want?" Hunting narrowed his eyes, wanting to delay the time, he used Blast Escape so crazily just now, naturally there is also the meaning of attracting the attention of his companions.

"You will know soon." Beiliuhu looked around and said with a smile, "This is not a place to talk, go to my laboratory, although it has been half destroyed by you."

Belyuhu didn't wait for Kara to open his mouth, punched him unconscious, then picked him up and left quickly.

After he left, Bai Jue's clone slowly floated out from the trunk of a tree half a mile away, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh, it's really dangerous, I was almost discovered."

He looked at the direction of Beiliuhu's departure, pondered for a while, and then followed.

He doesn't know much about Konoha's traitorous tolerance, but the current Akatsuki is in urgent need of manpower. If Helyu's strength is strong enough, maybe he can be considered to join Akatsuki!

Bai Jue's body merged into the tree trunk, and then quickly followed.

As soon as Orochimaru and Zetsu entered the country of Taki, they met Uchiha Itachi and Kisame Kisame who left Taki Ninja Village and went south!


When Orochimaru saw him, his golden vertical pupils shot greedy eyes immediately, and couldn't help sticking out his tongue and licking his lips.

Seeing Orochimaru, Uchiha Itachi was expressionless.

Kisame Kisame said, "It's you, hehe, when we were tracking Didara, we accidentally discovered that Kakashi had already killed Kakashi. Your mission is over."

"Really?" Orochimaru's eyes flickered, and he asked with a smile, "What about the corpse?"

Jiaodu possesses an immortal body, a person who claims to live the same life as heaven and earth. Although he was killed in the end, Jiaodu's corpse is still very valuable to him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ First of all, reincarnation from the dirt, As long as Jiaodu's soul is recalled from the pure land, it will be a powerful boost!

Moreover, it would be wonderful if one could obtain the 'Skill of Immortality' by studying his corpse!

"The corpse has been destroyed." Uchiha Itachi said.

Orochimaru's eyes shrank slightly: "Are you sure?"

Uchiha Itachi said: "When Kakashi killed Kakuto, Uchiha Fuu was also there."

Orochimaru believed it immediately: "Damn it!"

The forbidden technique of reincarnation, with Uchiha's character as a chicken thief who sealed the fire, must have known it, so he would never leave Kakuzu's cells to him.

"This guy is really damned!" Orochimaru suddenly looked at Itachi Uchiha, and couldn't help washing his face with his tongue again, "Then, since our mission is over, let us join you."

Orochimaru lowered his head slightly, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, "After all, it is not an easy task to get Didara alive from Uchiha Fuho."

Uchiha Itachi narrowed his eyes slightly and replied, "No need."

Then he walked forward, "Ghost, let's go."

"Understood." The dried persimmon ghost giggled, "It's really unreasonable. You deserve to be able to destroy the existence of your own family with your own hands."

The smile on Orochimaru's face remained undiminished, but his eyes were already narrowed into slits, and a terrifying murderous aura emanated from him. If someone who is not firm in his will touches him, he may directly see a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, which will scare him into a diabetes insipidus.

But among the people present, which one is Yi Yi's generation?

Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Kisame left in a relaxed and unrestrained manner.

Standing aside, with a weird smile on his face, he suddenly said, "Oshemaru, my avatar has found an interesting person who may become our new member."

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