Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 688: will know soon

The confident Orochimaru is sure of winning, looking at Fenghuo proudly.

At this moment, he seemed to be standing on the huge waves of the times, swallowing thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, holding the sun, the moon and the stars...

Swelled Swelled Swelled.

Orochimaru lowered his head slightly: "Mr. Fenghuo, now, tell me your choice."

Feng Huo closed his eyes, took a deep breath, he knew that he had no choice, even if he didn't want to, he had to go down with Orochi Maruko until Namikaze Minato was resurrected!

Half pay, he opened his eyes: "Then... let's cooperate."

"Very good, then, let's talk about the details of the assassination of the third Hokage, Fenghuo-kun!" Orochimaru was very excited.

Fenghuo immediately turned his face and complained endlessly: "Oshemaru, the third Hokage is the strongest Hokage in Konoha. He is not only proficient in five-attribute ninjutsu, but also masters various mixed ninjutsu, forbidden techniques, and sealing techniques. His psychic beast is a ninja monkey. The family is powerful, and can be transformed into a big stick that can be long or short, big or small, and can stab anyone he wants! He also has Konoha Shirato Hatake Sakumo and a whole Anbu guard by his side, so he can't be offended what."

Seeing Feng Huo's flamboyant expression, Da She Wan was both angry and funny, and couldn't help humming: "Don't worry, I will..."

Feng Huo hurriedly interrupted him: "Oshemaru, there is one thing I must declare in advance, there is no reconciliation between me and Danzo, and I will never cooperate with him!"

In the original book, although Orochimaru is disgusting, at least in the later stage he succeeded in cleansing himself with the help of Erzhuzi, but Danzo, under the eternal kaleidoscope of Erzhuzi, the ugly figure of struggling to survive with a dozen or so sharing eyes on his right arm, was permanently erased. Inscribed on the pillar of shame.

Before the fire was sealed off, the grievances and grievances with Danzang in the village were added, so it was impossible to cooperate with Danzang.

"It's so cruel." Orochimaru didn't care, and said with a smile, "In that case, I'll wait and see. I don't think you will let me down, Mr. Fenghuo?"

Feng Huo rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "If it is changed to assassinate Danzo, then I will definitely go all out, how about it?"

Orochimaru smiled: "Danzo is still my partner at the moment, it's not in my interest to kill him, Mr. Fenghuo."

"Then I'll kill him casually, no problem." Feng Huo continued to provoke.

"If you can do it." Orochimaru was noncommittal.

Coming out of the snow-capped mountains, sealing the fire seems like a world away.

"Sure enough, the plan can't keep up with the changes." Feng Huo looked at the heavy snow falling slowly from the sky, feeling very moved.

Looking back on the past, the three generations sought stability, and Danzo and the elders were hindered. Fenghuo couldn't develop insignificantly in Konoha, so he left the village. He originally wanted to quietly improve his strength in Takinobu Village and wait for Namikaze Minato's resurrection ', turned against the wind, but he didn't expect that the snake Orochimaru could find the location of Minato Namikaze, so he turned against the wind first.


Fenghuo sat on the back of Chaolunwu II and flew towards the snow peak where Obito and the others were.

Next, he still has many problems to face.

For example, how to explain to Obito and them?

Once he assassinates the third Hokage and becomes a traitorous ninja, it won't take long for this matter to spread throughout the ninja world. If Obito and Shisui ask him, how should he answer?

Tell them about Namikaze Minato?

Also, how should he face Konoha's friends, especially... Kurenai Yuhi!

Feng Huo scratched his head in distress.

Compared with this, the assassination of the third Hokage is really not a problem.

Through the original book, Fenghuo knew that Orochimaru had feelings for the third generation, otherwise he would not have made a big move to launch the Konoha collapse plan to personally send the third generation on the road.

Compared to being killed by Fenghuo, Orochimaru obviously wants to kill the three generations with his own hands.

So from this point of view, Orochimaru asked Fenghuo to assassinate the third generation, not really wanting him to kill the third generation, but throwing stones to ask for directions, asking him to make a "cooperative gesture".

...Well, even if Orochimaru really wanted him to kill the third generation, Feng Huo would definitely show mercy.

Anyway, Konoha is so powerful, even if he can't kill the third generation, Orochimaru has nothing to say.

At the same time, after Orochimaru came out, it was discovered by Xue Ren.

There was a big wave when I went in, and you were the only one who came out, and all the Xuenin dared not speak out, and even stepped forward to invite him respectfully to the Daming Mansion in the capital of the Snow Kingdom.

Feng Hua Nu Tao had already received the information half a step ahead of time, so he went straight to the point.

"Oshemaru, your mission has been completed. I don't care about those dead Yukino, but you promised to help me find the treasure. You should not forget this matter!"

"What a pity." Orochimaru spread his hands, and looked at him with golden vertical pupils mockingly, "Actually, I don't intend to help you find the treasure, haha."

"You...!" Fenghua was so angry that the Chakra armor on his body was shining.

The same is true for the snow ninjas around him, each piece of Chakra armor exuding a powerful aura flickered like fireflies, flickering on and off.

Orochimaru looked around, dismissed these messy things, turned and walked outside.


Fenghua Futao stared coldly at Dashewan's back, the veins on the back of his clenched fists were exposed, but he did not give the order to make a move in the end.

One of the legendary Konoha Sannin, he has no confidence to fight.

"My lord, what shall we do now?"

"Oshemaru is gone, what about Uchiha Fenghuo and those people?"

A group of Xue Ren looked at the wind, flowers and raging waves with inexplicable grief and indignation.

"Oshemaru is one of the legendary Konoha Sannin, and Uchiha Fukao is also a strong man in the ninja world, not to mention there are survivors of the Uchiha clan beside him..." Speaking of this, Fuka Nu Tao narrowed his eyes slightly. After the destruction of the Uchiha clan, the limit of blood successors such as Sharingan has become extremely precious. It would be a lie to say that he is not tempted, but it is too unwise to act rashly. Also think about the long term.

After Fenghuo joined Obito, Bai, and Didala, the group first went to the village, which is the remote village where Shishui is located.

When everyone met, it was naturally a pleasant exchange, and then they naturally talked about the previous incident.

Obito's mouth is big, and he can tell about the collusion between Orochimaru and Xueren Village~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fenghuo sighed, and said: "Obito, don't talk about it, the matter is over."

Obito was stunned, and finally couldn't help asking: "Fenghuo, actually, after you came back, I found that something was wrong with you, what happened?"

"Fenghuo, are you alright?" Zhishui obviously saw it too.

Bai looked at Fenghuo nervously.

Xia Rixing and his wife were also slightly worried, but Didala, this kid sitting next to him, was researching new bombs heartlessly, completely addicted to his own world.

Facing everyone's questioning, Feng Huo said with a tragic face: "Don't ask, you...you will know soon."

I saw a few rhythmic book reviews, the general meaning is that I didn't write according to what he said, and then I was dissatisfied with all kinds of dissatisfaction, and I was also unhappy. Why should I write according to your ideas? I write with my own outline and my own routine, why do you deny everything about me? Of course, if you tip a golden lord, my morals will be lost, and I can write whatever you want me to write, but starting from millions of paying readers, how many readers have this tipping ability? We all live in the same world. It is not easy for me to write a book. It is not easy for you to go to work and he to go to school. Why make things difficult for each other and make everyone unhappy?

I believe that even the Platinum God would not dare to say that everyone loves to read and everyone loves to read. Carrots and green vegetables each have their own love. If you don’t love me, I can’t help it. After all, I am not money.

Finally, I'm sorry to let everyone spend an extra penny.


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