Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 689: In front of Naruto

After staying in Xueren Village for a few days, Didara couldn't bear the coldness here, and wanted to leave here noisily.

Feng Huo followed the good advice and took him away from the Land of Snow.

Both Obito and Shiro remained.

After Orochimaru's attack on Taki Ninja Village before, they all realized their own shortcomings and decided to sink their hearts and practice hard.

"Hey, your state is really a bit strange, what happened?"

Didara walked beside Fenghuo, glanced over from time to time, "Beforehand, I don't care about you, um."

Feng Huo snorted, "Shut up, or I'll beat you to the sky."

Feng Huo is really not in the mood to talk now.

"Tch!" Didara snorted, flicked his ponytail unhappily, and strode away first.

Feng Huo was preoccupied, and followed silently behind, with constant distracting thoughts in his mind.

I think of Namakaze Minato, Kushina, the third generation, Kurenai Yuhi, Kakashi, Kai, Matt Dai, and many things that I thought were forgotten but are still unforgettable.

Finally, he thought of Shikahisa Nara.


Why did this guy come to mind in the end?

Shikahisa Nara is a middle-aged greasy man who is on the verge of fourth.

Feng Huo secretly did self-reflection.

After a while, a smile appeared on his sad face.

‘Isn’t it just being a traitor? What’s the big deal, when Brother Minato comes back to life, I will be a hero of Konoha again! '

Fenghuo quickly sealed the psychic psychic and performed the second form of the chakra dance, turned over directly, and then said to Didala in front of him: "Didara, you go to Longin Village and wait for me, I am going to do something big!"

"Big thing?" Didara didn't respond.

"That's right, a major event that can shake the entire ninja world!" Feng Huo said proudly.

Didara's eyes glowed: "Hey, take me, my explosion art will definitely help you, eh!"

Although Didara didn't know what Fenghuo was going to do, he would never give up any chance to prove his explosive art!

But it's a pity that the second form of Chaolun Wu has spread its wings and soared.

Didara didn't give up, released the giant clay bird, and chased after him, but within a quarter of an hour, the second chakra round dance had already left him far behind.

"Damn it, Uchiha Fenghuo, you bastard, I can't stop with you!" Didara roared viciously.

High in the sky, the Chaolun Wu Form II pierced the clouds and chased the sun, rushing forward like a bomber.

In less than a month, Feng Huo successfully returned to the Land of Fire.

Outside Muye Village, Feng Huo walked into the gate step by step with a sullen face.

After registering his name at the entrance, the figure of sealing the fire quickly disappeared into the bustling street.

But the news of his return spread immediately.

It was passed from Anbu to Sarutobi Hiruzen, and from the root to Shimura Danzo, and almost all the forces of all parties got this information.

Although Feng Huo has resigned from Anbu, he is still one of the most powerful ninjas in Konoha, which naturally attracts attention.

"What? The guy who sealed the fire is back?"

Outside a dense forest in Konoha, Kai looked at Kakashi with glowing eyes, "Kakashi, you are not lying to me, are you? Youth should not be wasted on lies!"

Kakashi rolled his eyes and snorted, "I just got the information too, but it should be true."

Kai shouted: "It's just in time to come back, I must beat him this time!"

As he said that, he hastily rushed towards Fenghuo's house.

Kakashi yawned and followed step by step, but for some reason, his right eyelid kept twitching.

Soon, the two arrived outside the mansion that was sealed off.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Kai looked at the messy paint graffiti on the outer wall of the mansion, with a confused look on his face.

Kakashi shrugged: "Well, it's a long story, but Naruto's kid should have done it."

Kai laughed and said, "Is that so? Haha, Naruto is indeed a young man full of energy!"

"Did you misunderstand something?" Kakashi couldn't laugh or cry, shook his head and said, "Go and knock on the door."


Kai went up and patted the door twice, but there was no movement inside. Kai got angry and kicked the door directly, and opened it violently.

"Is this really okay?" Kakashi covered his face and walked in behind Kai.

"Fenghuo, Fenghuo, come out!" Kai called and looked around, but did not get the slightest response.

"Didn't he go home?" Kakashi was a little surprised, and at the same time, his right eyelid twitched more and more.

In the commercial street, Fenghuo shuttled through the bustling crowds. At a certain moment, he clasped his index fingers together and created a shadow clone. The shadow clone lowered its head, drifted with the crowd, and soon disappeared.

Fenghuo went shopping for a while, then bought a white face mask, and put it on his face as if no one else was there.

Then, he stood there hesitating for a while, and finally walked towards the Huoying Building.

"Kakashi, is Fenghuo really back?"

In the mansion, Kaidu has searched twice, but still did not see Fenghuo.

"Probably...lost." Kakashi scratched his head, his long silver hair shaking slightly like green grass in the breeze.

"Lost?" Kai looked confused.

"Ah, there are always many divergences on the road of life, so, isn't it normal to get lost?" Kakashi opened his eyes and said nonsense.

Kai felt that Kakashi made sense because he was speechless.

Then, the two of them came out of the fire-sealed mansion hand in hand.

boom! !

At this moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a violent explosion came from afar, deafening and echoing continuously.

"What's that?!" Kai widened his eyes and looked at the distant sky, where a surging tongue of flame rose into the sky like a sea wave!

Kakashi's right eyelid jumped faster and faster: "That direction is..."

"Hokage Tower!" Kai shrank his pupils, pointed his toes, and instantly disappeared into an afterimage.

Kakashi also jumped up in an instant, and hurried towards Hokage.

In front of the Hokage Tower, surging tongues of flame rose nearly 20 meters high, violently shooting towards the Hokage Tower.

"Water escape-water chaos!"

"Water escape-water chaos!"

"Water escape-water chaos!"

More than a dozen well-trained Anbu ninjas lined up in a row, spraying water together, and united to resist the flames.

In the sound of squeak, water and fire collided in the air, and a large amount of steam was diffused.

More and more Anbu emerged from the Hokage Building, a small part began to disperse the crowd, and the rest surrounded the masked men who attacked the Hokage Building.

"Dare to attack Konoha, court death!"

"Take off the mask, you won't be able to escape!"

The Anbu ninja surrounded the masked man vigilantly, but did not strike immediately.

When the flames were finally extinguished, Anbu in front of the Hokage Building slowly receded to both sides.

The third Hokage, Sarutobi Hirizhan, walked slowly with a livid face and wearing a Hokage robe.

"No matter who you are, you dare to attack Konoha, be prepared!"


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