Konoha: Genocide Night? I Will Stand In The Sky!

092 Now That I Can See A Hero, I Wish To Give It To You

The headquarters of the Saito group.

Located in the southern suburbs of Chiba City, in an ancient building at the foot of the mountains.

Saito Kohei, who was the leader of the Saito group at the time, was sitting at the coffee table, holding the tea handed over by the servant in his hand. Facing the little daughter opposite him, he said indifferently: "How is the progress between you and that young master?"

His youngest daughter is named Saito Aotori, and she is sixteen years old this year.

With long blue hair hanging behind his head, fair skin, straight nose, and a lovely appearance.

Its appearance can be said to perfectly inherit all the advantages of her mother, but she lacks her mother's gentle Yamato Nadeko temperament, and she is more like a bad girl than a noble lady

"There is no progress." Saito Qingniao picked out his ears and said lightly: "People don't seem to like my style."

In fact, she didn't have much interest in that "Master Emperor". To be more precise, what she is really not interested in is falling in love itself.

She prefers to ride her beloved locomotive on the highway rather than a love affair between a man and a woman. Or have a fist-to-meat fighting match with those self-righteous boys, and beat each other into a pig's head.

Saito Aoori thinks that these 28 are what girls should really do. Instead of being like those little girls in school, when they see a handsome guy, they become nympho and want to post it.

However, due to her father's request, she still decided to go and get along with that "Master Emperor".

In the end, Saito Qingniao heaved a sigh of relief, the other party didn't like her at all.

"Really?" Saito Kohei nodded slightly, but he didn't feel any surprise.

Although my daughter has an advantage in appearance, her bad personality and different preferences are too deductive, and it is normal for her to be rejected by the other party.

After all, that was the young master of the Sijo family, what kind of beautiful girl had never seen before, how could it be possible to fall in love with a girl just because of her appearance?

Letting my daughter develop a relationship with the other party is actually just a gamble of being forced to do so.

Maybe it happened out of nowhere?

In the end, he still thought too much.

never mind.

Now that this route is completely blocked, he can be regarded as giving up his thoughts. Next, he could only accept the conditions offered by that young master Huang Guang.

To be honest, Saito Kohei really didn't want to get involved in the disputes of these wealthy children, if not, the entire Saito group would be buried with them.

But he couldn't fight at all.

The Jidao Society sounds majestic, but in the face of the top chaebols who really dominate the entire island country, they can only live as humble as a dog.

If you don't want to be a dog, you can only die.

"Father, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first." Saito Aotori seemed completely unaware of the misery in his old father's heart, stood up and said, "Gengping is still waiting for me on Nanshan Road."

"Go racing with others again?" Saito Kohei pulled his face, his expression was a little ugly.

"Of course not, I have listened to your words and changed my past!" Saito Aotori scratched his head and said carelessly: "There is a boxing match over there, and Genghei invited me to be the ringleader!"

You might as well go drag racing!

Saito Kohei was so angry that he was half dead, and his breathing became a little short. He raised his finger and pointed at the nose of this rebellious woman, wanting to say something, but suddenly heard a gunshot from outside the yard.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

"Fire quickly, he's coming!

"Monster! This guy is a monster!"

The cries and shouts quickly joined together, and the Saito father and daughter also heard the messy footsteps coming from the corridor.


The door was opened, and a servant ran in in a panic and said, "Master, Miss, let's run! There are enemies coming in!"


Saito Kohei's expression was fixed, and he hurriedly said: "Where did the enemy come from? The Dragon Ball team or the Long Island Club?"

"No, no!" The servant said with panic in his eyes, "Yes, it's a monster! A pink monster! Mr. Bai Chuan and Mr. Kanda have already been killed, and he is already coming this way!"

Pink monster?

Saito Kohei and his daughter looked at each other with bewildered faces. This description is too abstract, they can't figure it out at all.

What kind of pink monster is so terrifying?


Where are there any real monsters in this world? This is not a world of comics or light novels!

Saito Kohei suddenly stood up and picked up the samurai sword hanging on the wall. "Go, take this old man to meet that monster!"

I think he was also a hundred people when he was young, and he came from the same school as the sword ghost of the Dudao family who is famous overseas. To be the junior of Sword Demon, who the hell isn't a monster!

He wanted to see who was so bold as to come to the headquarters of Kuang Kuang Group!

"Oh, oh, is the swordsman Saito coming back?" Saito Aotori showed an expectant expression on his face.

When they came to the yard, the two found a certain teenager in pink pajamas standing on the fence of their house.

"Are you the leader of the Saito group?"

The silver moonlight reflected the boy's handsome and ultimate cheek, and his expression was slightly mocking. It's like walking out of the cold moon palace, overlooking the gods in the world.

It's just that the pink pajamas, which are obviously women's, and the smiling white kitten's head on it slightly destroy this awe-inspiring sense of sanctity.

The whole painting style is slightly crooked.

"Who are you?" Saito Kohei did not underestimate the other party because of his attire, and asked with serious eyes.

Only one person can completely defeat the defense force of the Saito group, this boy definitely deserves the title of "monster".

This is a rival!

It seems that he really has no choice but to use his sword next time at Jianhaozhai!

"Blue Bird." Saito Kohei snorted softly, holding down the hilt of his sword with his right hand. "Father, today I will let you see how outrageously wrong your choice of abandoning the sword and practicing boxing is!"

"Yes, father." Saito Aotori also put away the cynicism on his face, and his expression became serious.


As soon as the words fell, the boy squatted down and jumped off the wall, landing in front of Saito, his father and daughter like a cannonball.

The air waves are layered and the wind is overflowing!

Saito father and daughter's cheeks hurt from the scratch, and they unconsciously stretched out their hands to block it.

Open your eyes again.

I saw that the ground originally paved with cobblestones in the yard had directly formed a huge pothole with a diameter of more than ten meters. Around the potholes, one after another black cracks are densely spread around like spider webs.

"Wow, swordsman?" Muzuki blinked at Saito Kohei, with an expression of interest on his face.

"This is my Saito family sword!" Saito Kohei trembled slightly, and raised the long sword in his hand with its scabbard. "I haven't met Allah for a hundred years! Now I can see a hero "hands in hand in Xiaxia!".

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