Konoha: Genocide Night? I Will Stand In The Sky!

093 Surprisingly Asking The Underworld To Collect Protection Fees?

The living room of the apartment.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa had already finished taking a shower, and was sitting on the sofa in a white nightgown. The two white feet dangled slightly in the air, and their eyes were fixed on the group chat interface in front of them.

Poison tongue old fat: @沙砖集主, hello! Have you done it yet?

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: What's the hurry? To negotiate this kind of thing, you must first put a little bit of pressure on the other party. Only in this way can the maximum effect of negotiation be achieved. Don't you understand such a simple truth?

The corners of Kasumigaoka Shiyu's mouth twitched:? Just wearing that outfit...can also bring psychological pressure to the other party?

If he didn't burst out laughing like thunder, it's already giving you face, okay?

Sand Sculpture Group Owner: Not a big problem. At my stage, clothes are just foreign objects. The main reason is that I have enough aura, and I can completely hold small flaws.

Poisonous old man: I think you are shameless enough and have no sense of shame at all!

She didn't follow Wuyue to the Saito group to make trouble, because she was afraid of losing face.

Even Wuyue herself didn't care about it, but she still couldn't pass the test in her heart. She didn't want people to know that such a shameless guy was actually her boyfriend...

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: Axia, you are still too young after all. What is shame? Is it necessary to be strong? Can it make us billionaires?

Poisonous Old Fat: No! But at least shame can make you a person!

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: Humans have limits.

Poisonous Old Fat: Playing JOJO memes, right?

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: Cough, I'm just telling the truth. Humans do have limits! Only when they break through the limits can people undergo transformation! For example, look at a certain goddess of wisdom who is secretly spying on the screen in our house!

Mentally handicapped female nerves: Who, only the dark tide is peeping at the screen! They just don't want to talk to you!

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: Look at our brother Ran standing in the sky again, do they have the slightest sense of shame?

Hairspray Hand Man:  …

The corner of Aizen's mouth twitched vaguely, and he hesitated to speak.

How can I say something like shame, he thinks he should have some. At least that kind of women's pink pajamas, he would definitely not be able to wear them.

Mentally disabled female nerves: No wonder, this goddess still has a sense of shame! The one who really has no sense of shame should be the one who doesn't even have clothes that are out of season in front of others!

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: Hey, does not wear panties count as not wearing clothes?

Akuya's cheeks were flushed, and she quickly explained: Yes, they have clothes today! If you don't believe me, you can come and see for yourself!

Sand Sculpture Group Owner: Sorry, I'm not that pervert yet.

He ran over to see the girl's panties? Is he Uchiha Wuzuki like this?

Poisonous old man: I think you are pervert enough in my pajamas! The moment I saw you, I got goosebumps!

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: So, your mentality still needs to be tempered.

After the message was sent, Wuyue retracted her gaze, picked up the teacup in front of her, and took a sip.

Saito and his daughter, who were sitting under him, were whispering softly, with constantly changing expressions on their faces.

"Father, didn't you just say...

"Shut up! I didn't say anything! You didn't hear anything!"

"So you're planning to pay? Five hundred million yen, that's not a small sum..."

"Otherwise, what should I do, you go to fight with him?"

"Father, I gave birth to a daughter!" Saito Qingniao was stunned, and said with a face full of disbelief: "I will take care of you in the future!"

"Bastard, I can't wait to paste you on the wall right now!" Saito Kohei gritted his teeth and said with a distorted expression, "You were the one who called that damned Sakai into the team, right?"

Sakai, that is, the yellow-haired bad guy who threatened Kasumigaoka Shiwa earlier.

She used to be Saito Ayotori's senior at school, but after the other party knew that she was Saito Kohei's daughter, she was willing to become a younger brother for her to drive.

After Sakai graduated, Saito Aotori felt sorry for him not having a job, so he called him into the group. It is also because of this relationship that the younger brothers in the periphery all follow Sakai's lead.

It turned out that this product was so inflated that it caused such a big trouble for the Saito group.

It fully and vividly interprets what fan behavior is, and idols pay the bill.

"Knowing people, knowing face, but not heart." Saito Qingniao shook his head with admiration, and said: "It's just that I didn't expect that my father didn't see that this person is a scum.


Saito Kohei was stunned, looking at his daughter in disbelief. You still blame Laozi, whose friend is that?

"Both, have you discussed it?" Wuyue's impatient voice sounded.

Although this seems to be quite interesting for the father and daughter, money is still indispensable.

They traveled thousands of miles from the country of Sichuan to start a new business in this strange place, and naturally needed a large amount of start-up capital.

. . . "We're willing to pay, sir. Saito Kohei sighed deeply, and said: "I just hope that you can hold your hands high and let our father and daughter go." "

"You're talking like I'm a villain." Wuyue patted the dust on her sleeves, and said lightly: "Please don't forget, my wife is the victim of verbal violence."

God, what a victim of verbal violence!

Saito Kohei didn't even know how to complain.

These gangsters, it's impossible for them to be beaten up in front of the younger brother and walk away as much as they want, they have to talk about the scene. Otherwise, how will you mess around in the future?

But how could it turn into verbal violence in the other party's mouth? Compared with that, Sakai whose face is swollen into a pig's head, is it worse?

But Saito Kohei didn't dare to say this kind of big truth (good Zhao's), so he could only agree with it submissively. "I made a slip of the tongue, Your Excellency is right."

"Yeah." Wuyue nodded in satisfaction, and said, "In addition, I have a business here and I want to talk to the team leader."


"The security measures in your headquarters seem to be a bit ineffective."

"what do you mean...……."

"I have a group of professional security personnel here. With their all-round protection, even American soldiers can't get in! The commission is not much, what do you think of 200 million a year?"


Saito Kohei was stunned, his whole body was numb. Security guards? Commissions? Why does this sound so familiar?

It's protection money!

This is definitely collecting protection money, right? As the leading underworld organization in Chiba, their Saito group, unexpectedly, was charged protection money?

Is there any justice in this world?

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