Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 126 Daming: Really? I Do Not Believe

Chapter 126 Daming: Really? I do not believe

After growing two tails, Naruto's various values ​​have been significantly improved by several levels. Neji, who was still able to keep up with Naruto's attack, is now a little tired under Naruto's continuous attack.

"Oh ho ho ho ho. That's amazing. Elder Danzo, I didn't expect this little guy named Uzumaki Mingming to be so powerful." Seeing Naruto being so powerful, the daimyo in the VIP box danced and waved the folding fan in his hand.

Although the daimyo couldn't see the details of the battle between Naruto and Neji, he understood the general idea with the explanation of the two root members.

These two roots are quite rare sentient ninjas, and they were specially arranged by Danzo for the daimyo after he listened to Naruto's suggestion. The good eloquence of the two made the daimyo very satisfied.

"He was taught by the old man himself." Danzo said shamelessly: "The whole Konoha is better than him, and I can count it with one hand."

"Oh? Elder Danzo, even that genius ninja Kakashi can't compare to him?" Daimyo is just an ordinary person, how can he know which ninja is stronger, and his criterion for judging the strength of ninjas is their fame.

In Daimyo's eyes, besides Third Hokage, Konoha is most familiar with Sarutobi Asuma who protects the Twelve Warriors, and the other is the famous copy ninja Kakashi.

He also only remembers these two names. If you ask him what the name of Third Hokage is, he may not be able to name it.

"Him?" Danzo looked disdainful when he heard Kakashi's name.

Is a wasted genius worthy to compare with my Nine Tails Jinchūriki?

"That guy is no longer Naruto's opponent."

"Really? I don't believe it." Daming instantly possessed himself.

Danzo:. If you are not a big name, believe it or not, I will blow your head off.

"Eight Trigrams Big Empty Palm!"

This is a long-range attack method that is more powerful than the Eight Trigrams Air Palm.

It's a pity that the slap missed, and the ground that Naruto avoided was shattered, revealing a big pothole.

This slap slapped the person either dead or injured.

Naruto exerted the power of Ultimate in the form of two tails, not to mention Neji, even the veteran Elite Jōnin could not withstand this level of attack.

He had to use a more powerful attack.

"Eight Trigrams · Mountain Breaking Strike!"

A laser shot out from Neji's palm, Naruto narrowly avoided it, hit the wall outside the ring, and was knocked down in half.

Another laser blasted the wall on the other side.

Looking at the big hole in the wall, and at the age of twelve years old on the field.

The audience felt unreal.

‘Is the current Genin this strong? '

Then came another: 'That is already so strong, if you don't control it, it will be dangerous, right? '

'Aren't we in danger? '

'Is that going to take revenge on us? '

Discussions sounded from the crowd, and fear mixed with deeper malice pervaded the entire arena.

Apart from Naruto, the only one who can perceive these malice is Karin who has opened Kagura's Mind Eye.

"There is a disgusting smell everywhere, and I feel suffocated just standing here." Xiang Rin, who was hidden in the crowd, showed deep disgust in his eyes: "The sin of Naruto's tragic childhood, Fugaku godfather, Mikoto Godmother and Sister Quan’s hatred for exterminating the family, and the sin of forcing Neji’s younger brother’s father to death.”

"It's better to destroy such a place as soon as possible."

In order to prevent the audience from being injured, the members of Konoha's enchantment class quickly set up an enchantment around the auditorium, but they were still shaken by the aftermath of the battle between the two.

The battle between the two is almost out of the normal ninja category.

"Hahahaha, that stinky fox's Jinchūriki only has the power of two tails, so there is nothing to worry about." Gaara is in a very bad state at this time, because Shouhe is very active today.

The main reason is that the voice is too loud, making my head buzzing.

"Little devil, you must listen to me when you meet Jinchūriki who are stinky foxes, first do this, then do that, and beat them hard!"

Facing the chattering Shouhe in his body like a Tang monk, Gaara just wanted to say to him:

'are you crazy. '

"Oh Do-san, do you know what Neji big brother used?" Hanabi opened her big eyes and looked at her father suspiciously.

It was alright at first, she could still understand Neji's moves.

Now the battle between the two has gone beyond her cognition, so she can only turn to her father for help.

"Hehe. Hahaha. It goes without saying." Looking at his daughter's innocent eyes, Hiashi wanted to tell her the truth.

I don't know that kind of weird stuff for my father

laser? ! I have been practicing Gentle Fist for decades, and I don't even know there is such a move.

But in order to maintain his father's dignity, he still forced himself to be sloppy.

Neji's endless attacks, Hyuga Hiashi went from being excited at the beginning to being shocked, and now he feels numb. Neji has a lot of moves that he can't use, and he hasn't even heard of them.

Even if you tell him that Neji is the reincarnation of Hyuga Tennin, he won't be too surprised.

If you have the ability. If you have the ability, you can use the mysterious meaning "Eight Trigrams·Three Hundred and Sixty-one Styles" in the Gentle Fist legend.

"Naruto, take my strongest blow!" At this time, Neji's eyes became more serious than ever, and the momentum of his whole body reached its peak.

Tick. With the sound of spring water dripping, a super-giant array of Eight Trigrams appeared at Neji's feet.

This huge Eight Trigrams array enveloped the entire playing field.

"This?. This! This!!!" Under Hyuga Hiashi's eyes that were beyond shock, Neji moved.

"Eight Trigrams Three hundred and sixty-one styles!"

Neji's body turned into countless afterimages, and countless Neji rushed towards Naruto together.

This is to seal the enemy's 361 acupoints in one breath and kill the enemy with one move. It is the strongest esoteric art in Gentle Fist.

At the same time, Naruto also moved, and the demon fox clothes on his body suddenly swelled, but it did not exceed the level of Erwei, and countless red arms made of Chakra appeared on Naruto's back.

Like countless invisible hands, they grabbed at Neji.

Countless Chakra's arms and hands turned into countless afterimages of Hyuga's acupuncture points.

The two forces collided, causing massive destruction.

Both of them flew upside down and hit the ground heavily.

Finally Neji tried to stand up but had no strength, Naruto stood up tremblingly.

"Uzumaki Naruto wins." Genma Shiranui announced as the referee.

"It's so fake." Sasuke curled his lips with disdain.

'What a pity, the genius of the Hyuga family was almost able to defeat that monster. ’ A small voice came from Sasuke’s ear.

Sasuke turned around immediately upon hearing this and glared.

If it weren't for the publicity, Sasuke would at least take a few parts from the other party.

Sasuke can complain about Naruto, others say that Naruto is not good, but Sasuke wants to hammer the head of the opposite dog.

Under Sasuke's threatening eyes, the man's voice became smaller and smaller until he disappeared.

But he can shut up one person, but he can't shut up a group of people.

The voices of discussions continued to come from the mouths of the villagers.

Without exception, they are either cursing Neji's trash or expressing dissatisfaction with Naruto's victory.

Why can he win? How can he win?

Sasuke clenched his fists tightly, only feeling a rush of blood rushing up, on the verge of erupting at any moment.

Naruto came to Sasuke and loosened his clenched fist: "Relax, relax, bro."

"Get ready, the next show will be your exclusive show."

After speaking, he patted him on the shoulder, leaned into his ear and said, "Don't forget, follow the plan."

In the original time and space, Naruto defeated the genius ninja Hyuga Neji and completed a perfect counterattack to defeat the genius at the tail of the crane. Such Naruto still failed to become Chūnin.

mind? judge? analyze?

It is true that the battle where Shikamaru defeated Temari in the original time and space is a very classic tactical battle.

But Naruto's fight against Neji wasn't exciting enough? Naruto's tactics are bad?

Konoha is not as good as Naruto's Chūnin, why can they become Chūnin?

Because ah. Someone didn't want Naruto to be Chūnin.

this is public opinion

They don't want Naruto to become Chūnin.

PS: Some of the moves used by Neji above are from the game. Neji is really a genius of the Hyuga family, a powerful faction who can't cheat among the twelve small strong.

Neji, you died so badly!

countdown 3

(end of this chapter)

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