Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 127 What If The Dead Can Be Resurrected?

Chapter 127 What if the dead can be resurrected?

When the Chūnin exam was in full swing, two figures, one tall and one short, appeared on Konoha Street.

Both of them wore bamboo hats on their heads to hide their faces, but the eye-catching black robes with red clouds on their bodies and the black nail polish on their fingers still revealed their true identities.

A member of the Akatsuki organization.

"Mr. Itachi, the leader didn't say to let the two of us go to Konoha." Among them, the man with a shark's face carrying a huge weapon said to his companion.

Wu Ninja Village's S-class rebellious ninja, Hoshigaki Kisame.

The one he calls Mr. Itachi is Konoha S-class rebel ninja—Itachi.

Obviously Itachi is much younger than Kisame, but Kisame respects him very much and always uses honorifics.

"The task this time is to be carried out by two groups, Kakuzu and Scorpion." Kisame showed his sharp teeth, and stared at his companions with mung bean-sized eyes: "Isn't it appropriate for us to come here?"

I don't know if he said it intentionally or unintentionally.

"Or is Mr. Itachi coming to Konoha for other purposes?"

"." Itachi didn't speak, just stood on a high place and quietly looked at the bustling Konoha below.

Since he joined Xiao, he had a faint feeling of being watched, but he couldn't find any flaws in Fang Yin's hidden methods.

In addition, not long after he rebelled against the village, he went to the contact point set up with Third Generation according to the agreed time, and was attacked in the end.

When he found that the situation had changed, he completely calmed down and lurked in Xiao Nei with peace of mind.

As a result, the stay lasted for three years.

Seeing Itachi didn't talk to him, Kisame thought he was angry, and quickly calmed down, "I'm just kidding, I think."

"Mr. Itachi won't mind?"

Ferret: "."

Still did not speak.

At this time, the sky-shattering cheers from the Konoha Arena attracted the attention of the two.

Cheers signaled the end of the first match, Neji's fight with Naruto.

Kisame seemed to have thought of something, and said softly: "I heard that Mr. Itachi's younger brother participated in this Chūnin exam. It seems to be the most popular contestant."

"Mr. Itachi wants to see his younger brother, Uchiha Sasuke?"

Kisame glanced at Itachi again without leaving a trace after saying this.

“After all Uchiha”

"Don't mention that surname again." Itachi didn't react until Kisame mentioned Uchiha: "I have been removed from that surname."

"Hehe." Looking at Itachi who finally reacted a bit, Kisame let out an incomprehensible laugh.

"Let's go, Kisame." Itachi said calmly: "The leader's plan is going on normally, so we'll lurk and find a chance to confirm the legacy of the Fourth Generation."

"As you wish." Kisame grinned even wider: "Then where do we go now?"

"Eat a bunch of meatballs."

"Huh?" Not far away, the two passed a white-haired ninja.

Looking at the direction in which the two left, the white-haired ninja was thoughtful.

The white-haired ninja is Jiraiya.

With the end of the battle between Neji and Naruto, this Chūnin exam has been upgraded several grades. After seeing the wonderful battle between the two, it is difficult for the princes and nobles present to be interested in the usual ninja battle.

Roll out a new height, roll out a new level, and roll out a new style.

All in all, it's just one sentence - Konoha Scroll King, roll you to death.

Neji and Naruto, who were "injured" due to the "intense" competition, were carried by the ninjas in the medical class on a stretcher and sent to Konoha Hospital.

Seeing Neji being carried away, Hiashi couldn't sit still any longer, got up and walked towards the hospital.

Since the battle between the two caused serious damage to the playing field, in order not to affect the mood of the big shots watching the game, it was necessary to take a break at halftime to repair the damaged field.

Fortunately, with the presence of Earth Style ninjas, it doesn't take much time.

Consider it an intermission.


Tanokuni Music Ninja Village Base

Yakushi Kabuto pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and sealed all the equipment and test items in the laboratory in front of him into the scroll.

The bodies of Otonin were lying on the ground under their feet.

At this time, it was at a critical stage of the plan, and Otonin, who was almost capable, was sent to the front line. Now is the time when Yinnin Village's defense is weakest.

Coupled with Dou's familiarity with the base, the so-called defense facilities are useless in front of him, no different from paper.

He went to the Orochimaru Forbidden Technique room very skillfully, rummaged through the collections that filled one wall, found a small scroll with the word 'corpse' printed on it, and carefully put it in his arms.

This is the purpose of his trip, and it is also the task assigned to him by Mr. Hattori.

In other words, this is a nomination certificate.

Then he closed the door again without even looking at the remaining Forbidden Technique.

"I really didn't expect that world-famous top rich man."

"It turned out to be the dead Fourth Generation"

Dou recalled the scene a month ago in his mind at this time.

Under the leadership of Xiang Rin and others, Dou was taken to a place, and met the Mr. Hattori they were talking about.

When the other party revealed his true face, Rao Yidou's city government was stunned.

It was the Fourth Generation who died during the Nine Tails Rebellion twelve years ago.

And Fourth Hokage seemed to know him very well, and he was very fond of him, and took the risk of early exposure to 'invite' him.

I want to rely on him myself.

As a professional spy, Yakushi Kabuto, there is no difference between being a spy for one person and being a spy for several people. Anyway, he is more than just a spy for one person.

However, it was not his espionage ability that the other party took a fancy to.

And Fourth Generation seems to have seen through the idea.

The next moment, Fourth Generation made a promise to Dou.

This commitment brought Dou to the verge of collapse.

Finally standing beside the Fourth Generation, the words of the masked man became the last straw that crushed reason.

"Du, you really want to see her."

"To see her alive, to see her once, to talk to her all night, to manage the orphanage with her, to touch her, to hug her, to say sorry to her personally, and to say sorry to her personally. Let her say thank you."

The voice of the man named 'Uzumaki' is full of temptation, like the devil who induced humans to sign a contract, like the serpent of Eden who induced Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.

But for Dou, it's an angel! It's the incarnation of God!

This is a painful pain that Dou can't let go of for a lifetime, and it is also a regret for his entire life.

If possible, he is willing to use all of his own to make up for it.

"Mother." Dou murmured to himself.

The she that Uzumaki said was his adoptive mother - Yakushi Nonoyu.

Konoha is a survivor of the Battle of Mount Kikyo, for some reason he lost his previous memory and was sent to an orphanage by the Konoha Shinobi.

When he first arrived in Konoha's pocket without any memory, he was so helpless and confused, unable to find the meaning of existence, as if the whole world had abandoned him.

The director of the orphanage, Yakushi Nonoyu, warmed his heart when he was most helpless.

It was No Naoyu who accepted him, gave him a name, and gave him a 'home'.

During that time, Dou felt that it was the happiest time of his life.

However, the good times didn't last long, someone had his eye on the orphanage, and on No Naiyu's ability.

Yakushi Nonoyu, nicknamed: 'Walking Miko', Konoha's strongest spy.

In order to protect what he cherishes, Dou stood up and tried to replace Nonaiyu, and "voluntarily" became the root spy.

Too bad he was up against Danzo.

Children only do multiple choice questions, I Danzo choose

"I want both spies."

Since that day, Dou has been regarded as a spy, wandering among the five great ninja villages and stealing a lot of information.

The longer he goes undercover, the more secrets he knows.

If you know too many secrets, you can only deal with them.

So Danzo chose to kill the donkey.

Send people to assassinate.

Unexpectedly, Dou's strength improved rapidly, and he killed the assassin. However, when the man's face was revealed.

Dou felt that he was going crazy, and the one he killed was the person he cherished the most.

What made him desperate was that his adoptive mother looked at him with confused eyes.

"Who are you?" These words pierced the pocket's heart like a knife, again and again.

Dou's world view completely collapsed at this moment.

It's all Danzo's plot to turn two spies who know too many secrets against each other.

For this day, Danzo also faked Dou's growth experience, so that Yakushi Nonoyu couldn't recognize Dou at all.

Danzo is worthy of the title of Konoha Nabekage. There are 10 black pots in the world, and Danzo accounts for 9.9 points, and the rest of the people share 0.1 points.

After Nonaiyu died, he was like a walking corpse, returning to that confused and helpless state again.

The timely appearance of Orochimaru gave him the meaning of existence, so Dou will always imitate Orochimaru.

Just to find the meaning of my existence.

In fact, he himself didn't know if it was right to do so.

What if Yakushi Nonoyu, who was killed by mistake, can be resurrected?

What if Yakushi Nonoyu could stand in front of Dou again?

What if you could give Dou a chance to make amends and choose?

Although the boundary between life and death in the Hokage world is not as blurred as in Dragon Ball, it is not impossible to resurrect.

There are many, many people who were resurrected in the original plot.

There are several methods that Naruto knows.

One of them is this scroll of Forbidden Technique that I got from Orochimaru.

Taking off his glasses, tears slipped from the corners of his eyes without knowing it, and he stroked the frame very gently.

This was given to him by his most cherished person, and it was his most cherished treasure.

His fingers touched the mirror frame that was beginning to decay slightly. No matter how cherished he was, he couldn't resist the decay of time.

"For our common ideal!"

Dou's voice became high-pitched, but in the next moment it became extremely gentle.

"For my mother too"

If Obito could destroy the whole world because of Lynn's death.

Then Dou can sacrifice everything for Nonoyu.

PS: The story of Itachi being attacked in the original animation is a patch for Itachi lurking for several years without sending any information.

But it is better not to apply this patch, because it is not the Third Generation who took the blame by himself, and it is Danzo who is responsible for it.

There are a bunch of patches on it, and the Third Generation is not black and cannot be written and explained.

(end of this chapter)

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