Chapter 15

inside the sealed space.

Naruto and Fourth Generation sat together with their eyes facing each other.

Seeing that Naruto didn't really intend to tear the seal, Nine Tails went to sleep. What happened just now was too frightening for the fox, and he felt that he was really going to suffer from a nervous breakdown.

The first nervously broken tailed beast ever?

He who doesn't want to get involved in the Fourth Generation's family affairs has already hid in the deepest part of the sealed space.

"What the hell happened between you and Nine Tails? It's the first time I've seen him want to stay away from someone so much. Not even when Kushina was fine and tied him to a post."

"It's nothing, just played a few games with Kurama." Naruto didn't want to delve into this issue, so he said a few perfunctory words.


The atmosphere fell silent for an instant.

The two continued to stare at each other.

Fourth Generation looked at Naruto with some headaches. After all, he was a father for the first time and had no experience. He really didn't know how to communicate with his son. He didn't know if Naruto knew him, and he didn't know if Naruto heard Nine Tails clearly just now. As he said, he is an irresponsible father, and he couldn't say the sentence "I am your father" stuck in his throat for a long time.

This feeling is really uncomfortable, it would be better to have a big battle with Rock Shinobi.

To be honest, Naruto doesn't know how to communicate with Fourth Generation, he doesn't like Fourth Generation as a father, and he doesn't have any ill feeling towards him.

After all, Naruto came here alone since he was a child, and he has never lived with the Fourth Generation, so he has no relationship foundation.

His impression of Fourth Generation is also limited to the plot of his previous life. He was very sunny, strong, and loved his wife very much. Then, it was gone.

If it wasn't because he couldn't practice ninjutsu, he wouldn't have summoned the Fourth Generation out.


"So you did this to summon me?" Or was the Fourth Generation the first to break the silence: "You know me?"

Naruto nodded very simply and admitted: "Well, I sensed your anger a long time ago."

"Qi?" Hearing this unfamiliar word, Fourth Generation was a little puzzled but didn't continue to ask. His time was running out.

"Then what's the purpose?" Fourth Generation asked cautiously after considering for a long time.

Looking at the picture of Fourth Generation afraid of saying the wrong thing, Naruto felt a little funny, but he answered Fourth Generation truthfully.

"Learn ninjutsu."

"Learning ninjutsu?" Fourth Generation was stunned. He had many ideas, but he never thought that Naruto would summon him for this reason.

"If you want to learn ninjutsu, you can ask Lord Third Generation, someone will teach you, you don't need to specialize."

"No one in Konoha will teach me." Naruto interrupted Fourth Generation very roughly, his tone was slightly cold and mocking, and the good mood at the beginning was swept away.

Who taught himself ninjutsu? Who will teach themselves ninjutsu?

Is it the Konoha Villager who has the most malice against him?

Is it his "loyal" half-bottled Hokage guards?

Or his apprentice, Hatake Kakashi, who almost fell into darkness and couldn't even save himself?

Or Toad Sage Jiraiya, which never appeared?

Is the hypocritical Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen?

Or the Konoha Lion Majesty Shimura Danzō hiding in the shadows?

No, no one, he Naruto is a person from beginning to end.

Fourth Generation was stunned: "How could that be?"

"you do not believe?"

Naruto's right eyebrow was raised, and his blue eyes were fixed on Fourth Generation, as if he wanted to see into the other's heart. His half-closed eyes revealed a very complicated expression. Naruto, who knows the direction of the plot, has no resentment towards Fourth Generation, but if this kind of thing is put on a normal person, it would have been blackened, even Naruto, who has an adult mind, is sometimes on the verge of eruption.

Not everyone can be slapped on the left cheek and let the opponent slap the right cheek, and then laugh it off.

Naruto suddenly proposed: "Do you want to see? My past and everything I have experienced in these years."

"Yongdaimei." Nine Tails suddenly cut into the topic: "If I were this brat, I would have destroyed this village full of malice anytime and anywhere. It's rare that he can endure until now."

"Probably because you cherish the village you protected with your life."

On the surface, this stinky fox pretends that I don't interfere in your family affairs, but in fact, he has been lying on the side and listening to the wall.

"I" Fourth Generation opened his mouth, Naruto's words made him feel ominous, and Nine Tails' words made him even more uneasy.

Naruto's real situation seems to be very different from his original assumption.

The desire in his heart still made him say the word: "want"

"Okay, since you want to see it, let me show you."

Naruto stretched out his right hand, a ball of light flew out, exploded in the air, and the fluorescence scattered.

The entire sealed space gradually distorted and changed into another scene.

In the center of the scene is once a young Naruto.

Qi already has the power to share and perceive emotions. Kakarot once sensed their battle on Namek by touching Krillin's head. In addition, this is the sealed space in Naruto's body, so he can seal it at will. It couldn't be easier to show the past by changing the skin of the space.

When he was one year old, he was maliciously poured boiling water and almost couldn't speak. Although he was rescued, his vocal cords were still damaged, so that everyone who speaks now has a unique hoarseness.

When he was two years old, he was hanged up by the aunt who took care of him because he went out with his left foot first. If it wasn't for Third Generation'coincidentally' passing by, Naruto might have been cold.

Since weaning, Naruto's food has always been mixed with some strange things.

Sand, weeds, and small stones are commonplace, and there are flies and cockroaches, and what's more disgusting is that there are

The ban of the Third Generation made the villagers no longer call Naruto by the demon fox, but 'that'.

The villagers were also ordered not to do anything to hurt Naruto, so ostracism, cold violence, and verbal violence followed one after another. Children also became full of hatred for Naruto because of adults, and the villagers even encouraged children to bully Naruto. It continued until none of the peers was Naruto's opponent.

There is always malice, malice or malice.

Naruto still faces life with a smile.

The reason why he is strong is not only because he is Uzumaki Naruto, but also because he has an adult mind inside him.

Not wanting to eat weird things anymore, Naruto started to live independently and cook by himself when he was three years old.

No one in the village is willing to sell him anything, and Naruto keeps all the subsidies issued by the village, because they cannot be spent.

So Naruto built his own hut by himself, plowed the land by himself, fished and hunted by himself, made ponds to store food by himself, and supported himself by himself. Naruto fantasized about his future life, self-sufficiency and self-reliance.


home destroyed again

No one knows where that humble and cozy hut is in Naruto's mind.

No one knows Naruto's mood at the time.

What they didn't know was that what they destroyed was not only Naruto's home, but also Naruto's heart.

(end of this chapter)

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