Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 16 Fourth Generation You Don't Understand People's Hearts

Chapter 16 Fourth Generation You Don't Understand People's Hearts

Naruto's malice from childhood was even ten times that of Kushina back then.

At least Kushina had Uzumaki Mito's care when she was a child, and Naruto had nothing around her.

When he is hungry, he can only figure out his own way, and no one cares about whether he eats well; he cannot sleep all night in an environment full of malice, and no one cares whether he sleeps late; when the night is quiet, he hugs the bedding and weeps silently, no one cares about him Whether he is tired or not; if he falls down, he can only get up on his own. No one cares about the pain of his fall; when he returns home exhausted after a day of practice, no one cares how much effort he has put in. No one, no one, no one. people.

Because Naruto is just alone.

In the end, even the only remaining identity as the son of the Fourth Generation was stripped away.

In order to prevent revenge from the enemy and protect him, he concealed the identity of the son of Naruto Fourth Generation.

They only care about whether Naruto is obedient, whether they are stable as a Jinchūriki, and whether Naruto will rebel against Konoha Shinobi.

Treat it like a tool.

It wasn't until Naruto grew up that an old man would appear in the house from time to time, pretending to be caring to win favor, and even sharing the few grilled fish.

Anyway, it's just a child, anyway, he won't remember, anyway, he's only one person.

Like giving alms.

Hey, who would have thought that Naruto would remember everything from birth to the present, Naruto not only remembered but also clearly.

Looking at those scenes, one scene after another flashed by, Fourth Generation fell silent, and his face gradually became gloomy as time passed. Come out, the mood of the Fourth Generation at this moment is very complicated.

He and his wife saved Naruto and the village with their lives, and sealed the Nine Tails demon fox on Naruto. They thought that the villagers would regard Naruto as a hero, but things went against their wishes. Disgusted, even the problem of food and clothing is difficult to solve.

Such a contrast is too unacceptable.

The indifference of the villagers.

Third Generation's inaction.

Even the Hokage guards and disciple Kakashi who depended on his life never appeared in Naruto's memory.

where did they go

"Master Third Generation. Why is Sir Third Generation?" Fourth Generation tremblingly said with the last glimmer of hope.

He trusted the Third Generation, just as he still handed over most of the power to the Third Generation after he became Hokage, just as he entrusted Naruto to the Third Generation as soon as he was dying.

Because he trusts the Third Generation, because he respects the Third Generation.

For this reason he entrusted Naruto to Third Generation.

It's just that Third Generation seems to live up to Fourth Generation's expectations.

The life Naruto lived as a child was far from what he imagined.

The original paved road, why is it completely different?

If Naruto knew what the Fourth Generation was thinking, he would have told him - because you are dead.

It is an eternal truth that people take tea to cool down.

Fourth Generation may be an excellent ninja in all aspects, with outstanding talent, superb ninjutsu, sunny personality, unparalleled affinity, and perfect personality.

But Fourth Generation, you don't understand people's hearts.

People change, and so do people's hearts.

In the face of interests and power, the Third Generation, who respect their elders, will become hypocritical, and the Shadow Guard, who are as close as brothers, will choose to be wise and protect themselves.

Never try to test human nature, because human nature cannot stand the test.

And Naruto's next sentence completely shattered Fourth Generation's last hope:

"I am Jinchūriki, the strongest Jinchūriki, Nine Tails Jinchūriki."

It seems that there is no beginning and no end, and there is no answer, but it actually hits the point.

Some straightforward but true.

Being able to become a Hokage, Fourth Generation is naturally not a ZZ idiot, and immediately figured out the cause and effect.

Compared with Fourth Generation's Tuogu, Naruto Nine Tails Jinchūriki's identity is the most important.

As the village's strategic weapon and deterrent, the tail beast is the most important.

Mastering the Jinchūriki is equivalent to mastering the Tailed Beast, and mastering the Tailed Beast is equivalent to mastering an army.

That's why Danzo went out of his way to get Naruto into the roots as well.

The reason why the Fourth Generation can become the Fourth Hokage, in addition to its own reasons, there is also an important external factor that cannot be ignored.

He is the husband of the former Jinchūriki Uzumaki Kushina.

If Nine Tails and Naruto are separated, and Nine Tails Jinchūriki is not Naruto, then the identity of the son of Naruto Fourth Generation need not be concealed. The Third Generation will also abide by the commitment to the Fourth Generation to cultivate Naruto into a talent.

Maybe Naruto's childhood will become like the original Fourth Generation envisioned, enjoying the treatment of heroes.

Happy childhood.


The temptation of Nine Tails is too great.

When a village falls into the vicious circle of power struggle, it is not far from destruction.

As Orochimaru said.

Decaying villages and rotten leaves are better destroyed.

'As long as there are leaves dancing, fire will burn. The shadow of the fire will illuminate the village and cause new leaves to sprout. ’ It seems logical, but it doesn’t make sense.

Fire will only set the tree on fire and will not bring new life.

The shadow of the fire will shine on the village and burn it up.

This is the correct follow-up.

Only when the rotten tree collapses and is completely destroyed and turned into nourishment can a new life be born.

"I'm sorry. Naruto, I...don't know." Fourth Generation looked at Naruto with unconcealable guilt, his eyes flickered, and he couldn't look directly at Naruto's same blue eyes as himself.

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Naruto said lightly, as if talking about other people's affairs.

And getting used to this sentence almost made the Fourth Generation go berserk.

Distress and guilt intertwined and mixed together.

This is his child, the only blood between him and Kushina, and it's the one that places all of Kushina's hopes.

To be trampled like this.

If Kushina knew, she would definitely overturn the entire Konoha to vent her anger on Naruto.

Chakra, which was originally as warm as spring in March in the Fourth Generation, has gradually become cold and gloomy.

Fourth Hokage has always been dubbed the embodiment of sunshine, the most perfect Hokage, and the gentlest leader.

That's according to Konoha Shinobi.

Where the sun is more intense, the shadows are deeper.

Fourth Generation is an out-and-out murderer in the eyes of Rock Shinobi and Cloud Shinobi.

The name of the yellow flash was not obtained by the humble gentleman of the Fourth Generation, but by the fearful ghostly body skills, bit by bit.

Eliminate 50 Rock Shinobi Jōnin in an instant, treat the enemy camp as if there is no one in it, come and go freely, and kill the entire ninja world with fear.

The Fourth Generation has never been soft-hearted.

He is a ninja, the only Hokage who was born as a civilian in all ages, and he climbed out of the sea of ​​corpses and blood.

And his sunshine has always been for his own people.

(end of this chapter)

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