Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 17 Shadow Clone And Multiple Shadow Clone

Chapter 17 Shadow Clone and Multiple Shadow Clone (12)

Some people say that what Naruto experienced was just a little indifference, he didn't suffer any substantial harm, it was just the hypocrisy of a kid.

This view is extremely ridiculous.

Naruto is an orphan. His father died shortly after he was born. Naruto is considered by the villagers to be the incarnation of the demon fox. Almost everyone transfers their hatred of Nine Tails to Naruto.

As many people were sacrificed in the Nine Tails Rebellion, as much hatred was transferred to Naruto, no, maybe more.

People are group animals. In modern times, even if one person treats you coldly and violently, you can't stand it. What Naruto is facing is a whole village of people who are coldly violent to you.

And exclusion and bullying!

A village of PUA!

Not even adults can bear it, let alone a child.

Don't persuade others to be kind if you haven't suffered from others; don't persuade others to forgive you if you haven't been sinned by others!

People who say such sarcastic remarks are no different from 'you only lost your life, and what she lost was love'.

Naruto felt that the qi on Fourth Generation's body seemed to have changed completely. It was no longer as warm as the midday sun, but instead brought a trace of unusual evil?

Naruto couldn't describe that feeling. After seeing what he experienced, the breath of Fourth Generation became different.

I can't say whether it is good or bad, the Fourth Generation is still the same Fourth Generation, but the anger has become different from before.

Qi can reflect a person's state of mind.

It is often mentioned in the world of Dragon Ball that evil aura refers to the other party's state of mind.

Although this judgment method is very subjective.

"What can I do." Fourth Generation closed his eyes in pain, and vaguely felt a cold liquid wriggling on his cheeks, and then slowly opened them after a long while. His eyes were full of confusion, and the unfocused pupils were like a With an empty shell.

He felt that all the hard work, all the sustenance, and the huge gap between the ideal and the reality made it difficult for him to accept. Dim eyes looked at Naruto: "Naruto, how can I make it up"

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted angrily by Naruto: "I don't need compensation."

It is not you who should compensate.

It's Konoha!

"No, I mean. What should I do." The Fourth Generation, who has a perfect personality, always looks clumsy in front of Naruto.

Can't say fear, only that he wants to make up for Naruto.

Naruto said firmly: "Teach me ninjutsu."

This is why Naruto summoned the Fourth Generation.

"I may not be able to satisfy you with this." The Fourth Generation sighed softly: "My time of existence is limited."

"If I take up too much time, I'm afraid Kushina won't have the chance to talk to you." Fourth Generation said a little dejectedly, he finally managed to do something for Naruto, but in the end he didn't do anything, and his time can only be maintained One hour.

"Don't worry about this." Naruto said lightly, he was able to call out the Fourth Generation and naturally thought that the Fourth Generation would not be able to stay for long. After saying that, he walked up to the Fourth Generation, stretched out his right hand and spread it upwards, milky white light immediately gathered in the palm of his hand, and gently pushed against the Fourth Generation, the white light enveloped the whole body of the Fourth Generation.

That's Chi, Naruto's Chi.

Naruto gave part of his body to the Fourth Generation.

"What kind of power is this?" Fourth Generation looked at his body in amazement, and he could feel that the time he could last was slowly increasing.

"Natural energy?"

"No, although very similar, it is not natural energy."

Naruto said lightly to Fourth Generation: "This is Qi."

The Fourth Generation was very curious about the power system of 'Qi' which is completely different from Chakra, but seeing that Naruto had no intention of explaining it, they kept silent and did not ask further questions.

The magic of the Qi in the Dragon Ball is that although it is life energy, it can act on the soul.

Frieza, whose body was cut off half of his body and was on the verge of death, suddenly became alive and well after receiving the Qi distributed to him by Kakarot, and was even able to sneak attack Kakarot.

Qi can act not only on the living, but also on the dead, and its effect on the dead is the same as that on the living.

Qi is really amazing.


Fourth Generation, as the first civilian Hokage in the history of Konoha, not only has a wealth of ninjutsu theoretical knowledge, a solid foundation, but also superb ninjutsu skills. Whether it is ninjutsu, taijutsu or illusion, he has quite high attainments.

The level of teaching can be described as quite good, stronger than Kakarot in the King of Kai era.

The Chakra attributes of the Fourth Generation are: fire, wind, thunder, yin, and yang.

It can be said that in addition to soil and water, the seven Chakra attributes are complete.

Although the ninjutsu background is not as good as that of Third Hokage, a doctor of ninjutsu, C-A level ninjutsu is also easy to come by, and he even created his own A-level Muji ninjutsu Rasengan.

Having been handed down by the Fourth Generation, Naruto's strength has grown by leaps and bounds, not by leaps and bounds.

With Naruto's current strength, it can grow a little bit, and Fourth Generation's ability is really good.

"Shadow Clone Technique." Along with a burst of white smoke rising, an existence exactly like Naruto appeared in front of him.

Shadow Clone Technique.

The B-level ninjutsu developed by Second Hokage uses Chakra to create physical clones. They can act and fight like the caster, and have a consciousness independent of the caster's body and a certain ability to resist blows. Memories and experiences go back to the body.

Claims to have all the abilities of the main body except the total amount of Chakra.

As long as there is enough Chakra, it can continue to exist without being fatally injured.

No matter from which angle you look at it, Shadow Clone is quite a practical ninjutsu.

Naruto looked at his clone with satisfaction, and the clone also looked at Naruto's body with a very satisfied look.

It's a wonderful experience.

The same will, the same thinking, different feelings and experiences.

It's amazing and fun.

For most ninjas, Shadow Clone Technique is an auxiliary ninjutsu, mostly used to confuse enemies and spy on intelligence.

Senju Tobirama developed this ninjutsu for spy warfare.

Because it needs to consume a certain amount of Chakra on the body, and because the clone is too fragile, it is generally difficult for Shadow Clone to form combat power.

But for Naruto, the meaning of Shadow Clone is completely different.

In Naruto's view, Shadow Clone is the biggest improvement for a physical ninja like Naruto.

The setting that it will not disappear as long as it is not fatally injured is simply too strong.

The strongest point of phantom ninjas lies in their unpredictable illusions, and the strongest point of ninjutsu ninjas lies in their powerful ninjutsu. The power that these Shadow Clone can inherit is limited.

The physical ninja is different, the strongest part of the physical ninja is his body, and Shadow Clone can perfectly copy the body of the physical ninja.

How scary do you think it is?

Just imagine, in the battle between Kakarot and Raditz, if Raditz is facing several Kakarots. Even if they can be knocked down with one blow, Raditz wants to defeat Kakarot It also takes a lot of work.

Raditz's combat power at that time was more than three times that of Kakarot!

After learning Shadow Clone, Naruto's combat effectiveness can be doubled at least.

It is simply a trick tailor-made for the current Naruto, a physical ninja.

A few beings who can beat Nine Tails with bare hands.

Thank you "Bandaru" for a reward of 100 starting coins

Why did hundreds of characters suddenly disappear in the small black house? ? ? ?

(end of this chapter)

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