Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 154 Kishimoto Is A Manga Drawer, Hokage Who Knows A Hammer

Chapter 154 Kishimoto is a Manga Drawer, Hokage Who Knows a Hammer


Naruto fell slowly from the sky and stopped on the most bustling street in Konoha.

This place, which left many bad memories for Naruto, has become a ruin.

The degree of destruction was even worse than that of Payne's "Super Shenluo Tianzheng". Except for a few people in Konoha, most of the villagers have disappeared.

On the contrary, after releasing such a super big move, Naruto himself didn't consume much energy.

As he said, he just planted a seed, and the rest is the Konoha Villagers' own 'evil'.

All he did was collect all these evils and give them back.

They were the ones who destroyed Konoha, they killed themselves.

If they had no ill intentions towards Naruto, they would not be harmed at all like Jiraiya over there.

However, although the power of "Flower of Bad Omen Kai" is powerful and has no upper limit, it cannot be used as a regular move, let alone represent Naruto's strength. The range of strength and weakness of this move is too great. When it is weak, it may not be able to break a fart. When it is strong, it can theoretically kill everything in an instant.

It is not suitable for fighting, it belongs to Konoha's exclusive move.

"The world in the future will change dramatically, and only the "son of prophecy" can change everything. This child will bring unprecedented peace or destruction to the future of the ninja world, and his choice will also lead the world to peace or destruction."

"Little Jiraiya, find this 'Son of Prophecy' and take him as an apprentice. Guide him to choose the right path."

Jiraiya looked at Naruto with a complicated expression, and the prophecy that the Great Toad Sage once gave him when he was practicing on Mount Myōboku was always echoing in his mind. He spent his entire life looking for the Prophet's Son, but he never thought that the Prophet's Son was actually in Konoha, and he was also the child of his apprentice.

He had thought that the Son of Prophecy was the Rinnegan boy with the same eyes as the Sage of Six Paths, whom he had met in Rain Shinobi Village many years ago.

Also thought that the child of prophecy was his apprentice, Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato.

It seems all wrong now, not them, but Uzumaki Naruto in front of him.

"The Son of Prophecy is Minato's child?"

"Naruto is the son of prophecy?"

"So I failed to find the Son of Prophecy"

At this moment, Jiraiya only felt deep regret. If she knew it, she would have come back earlier and accepted Naruto as an apprentice earlier.

If he had taught himself, Naruto would never have come to where he is today.

It's just that there aren't so many ifs and early-knows in this world.

'It must be Danzo's fault that Naruto became like this, it must be his bewitching Naruto. '

"The guy who destroyed Konoha, I can't just sit idly by."

A green figure came to Naruto one step faster than the sound, followed by a fierce wind, which was an extremely fast kick.


Naruto raised his hand and firmly caught the kick.

The person who came was Konoha's blue beast—— Might Guy.

He had no malice towards Naruto, and he survived the destructive move unscathed.

"Mr. Guy"

Just as Naruto was about to speak, he was interrupted by Guy, who didn't intend to listen to Naruto's explanation (suddenly) at all.

"Even if you are Kakashi's disciple, I will not show mercy." Guy's face was slightly gloomy, and he stared at Naruto solemnly. The attack just now made him understand that Naruto is a super martial arts master.

"Open the door!"

An astonishing momentum erupted from Guy's body, forming a blue Chakra wave visible to the naked eye like an explosion, and then a Chakra wave gradually turned red.

"Xiu Gate, Sheng Gate, Hurt Gate, Du Gate, Jing Gate!"

Guy opened the Sixth Gate in one breath, not only the waves of Chakra around him, but even his skin turned red.

Ultimate's speed lifts the air and lifts the ground as it moves.

"To the peacock!"

I saw Guy punching the air continuously, and then formed countless waves of attacks similar to qigong bullets, constantly attacking Naruto, forming a scene like a peacock spreading its tail.

This move is a high-speed positive fist that rubs against the air to generate flames, and uses the shock wave formed by hitting the air to attack the opponent.

In other words, it is empty! gas! gun!

'The most fearful thing is this kind of fool who doesn't give people a chance to explain at all. '

"A da da da da da da!"

Seeing that Guy didn't listen to the explanation at all, Naruto could only swing his arms violently, smashing the air cannons coming from the front one by one.

Naruto can even resist the qigong wave now, let alone just the air cannon.

The Sixth Gate Guy's attack wasn't enough.

Compared with Shennong who gained the power of Zero Tail, his attack is still a bit worse.

‘Isn’t it an opponent even opening the Sixth Gate? That's the only way to open the Seventh Gate——Shocking Gate! '

‘Do you want me to enjoy the Madara treatment in advance? ’ Aware of Guy’s intentions, Naruto intends to launch Yang Dun Chakra Mode to subdue Guy before he opens the Seventh Gate.

Just when both sides were about to act, a smaller green figure stood in front of Guy and Naruto.

The same red blast, the same flushed skin.

Locke Lee!

"Xiao Li, what are you going to do?"

Seeing that it was his beloved disciple, Guy also slowed down his attack.

"Mr. Guy, if you want to continue attacking Mr. Naruto, pass my level first."

"Li, get out of the way, the person in front of you is the one who destroyed Konoha!"

"Naruto must have his reasons for doing this, I believe in Naruto." Li stood firmly on Naruto's side.

"Guy, let's just listen to what they have to say." Kakashi also rushed over at this time.

Like Guy, he has no ill will towards Naruto at all, and naturally he can't get hurt.

His goodwill towards the people of Konoha Village had long since disappeared with his father's death, and his father's death could not be separated from these Konoha Village people.

If it wasn't for Obito, Lin, and the Fourth Generation couple, I'm afraid he would have long been an empty shell that only knows how to complete tasks.

Although with the departure of these cherished people, the current him is no different from an empty shell.

Let him choose between Konoha and the teacher's child, with a high probability he will choose to side with Naruto, and with a small probability he will choose neither.

"Mr. Guy, don't be impatient." Seeing that he could speak, Naruto launched a mouth attack: "Didn't you notice it?"

"However, after decades of building the village, Konoha has already rotted. Kuchiki Ye's top management only knows how to hold power and refuses to hand it over."

"Konoha hasn't changed the upper layer for decades, right? It's all those old guys. How many amazing and talented ninjas have appeared during this period. Why are they still there?"

"That's because of public opinion, this is what the people want." Guy said very naively.

waiting for your words

"Public opinion. Hehe Mr. Guy, public opinion is the easiest to manipulate. Stupid, ignorant and hateful."

"In the world of ninjas, the strong are respected. Since it is public opinion, why do these amazing and talented ninjas die in the end? Have you ever thought about this?"

Guy was speechless, compared to other ninja villages, Konoha has too many powerful ninjas who chose to leave, which is really unusual.

"You should have discovered that there are illogical places in many places."

First ask questions, question the other party, and then affirm the other party. Guy's thoughts began to follow Naruto unconsciously. Not only Guy, but also Kakashi and Xiao Li's thoughts followed Naruto.

"There's so much intrigue going on in there."

"What I say next may offend Mr. Guy."

Seeing that the foreshadowing has been completed, Naruto dropped a blockbuster.

"Has Mr. Guy thought of a question?"

"Why did the completely irrelevant Wuying Qidao appear there so coincidentally when you were performing your mission back then."

"Why did your father appear there by such a coincidence?"

Kishimoto is a cartoonist, and the plot is full of loopholes after careful scrutiny, and many places are completely designed for the plot.

As long as you think about it carefully, it's full of conspiracy theories, full of cannibalism.

(end of this chapter)

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