Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 155 Naruto's Other Mouth

Chapter 155 Naruto's other mouth

"Mr. Dai is just a Genin. Although it is offensive to say so, according to the regulations, he is not qualified to leave Konoha alone."

"Especially in times of war."

Generally, ninjas perform tasks in the form of teams. A Chūnin captain and several Genin subordinates form a basic ninja team.

Even if all teammates are dead, they will be assigned to other teams. A separate Genin team theoretically does not exist.

Only Jōnin is eligible to form a solo team.

"Don't you find it strange that there are so many coincidences in it?"

Guy's Genin team encounters the Wuying Qidao during the execution of the mission. squad. What's even more incredible is that Dai actually rushed to the battlefield at the most critical time, as if he knew in advance that Guy would encounter Wuying Qidao.

I don't believe it if I say that Naruto was killed inside without any tricks.

"I looked through the information collected by old man Danzo and found a very interesting thing."

Don't ask, it's recorded by Danzo. The information collected by Danzo is the most complete in the ninja world.

"Do you know? The information of Senior Dai and Senior White Fang are both"

"S-level top-secret files."

"Senior Guy, who is a Jōnin, should know what this S rank stands for."

"Senior Guy, you should know that Eight Inner Gates is Konoha Forbidden Technique."

Eight Inner Gates was not invented by Dai, but someone earlier, the author is unknown. According to Madara's description of seeing the Dead Gate Guy, it can also be seen that Madara once saw the existence of the Eight Gate fully opened.

"Some Jōnin of this Forbidden Technique can't obtain the cultivation method. How did you obtain this Forbidden Technique as Senior Dai Genin?"

"Mr. Guy is not stupid, you just don't want to think about it."

Guy’s performance when he was a child can’t be called smart, but he can also be called precocious. Since Dai’s death, he has completely changed his appearance, and his mouth is full of youth and youth. guilt.

He's not stupid or stupid, he's just too lazy to think about it.

Guy's team was performing a mission, and it was a coincidence that Wuying Qidao were all performing the mission together. Not to mention, Dai arrived at the most critical time just in time, and successfully opened the Eight Gate to defeat Qidao.

This plot seems to be deliberately arranged by someone, just to test the power of Eight Inner Gates.

Naruto's words silenced Guy.

Some things calm down and think carefully.

You are fine, you are fine.

"In addition to Senior Dai, Senior White Fang is also the same." Naruto turned his gaze to Kakashi: "Mr. Kakashi, Senior White Fang made a lot of contributions to Konoha back then, but his death is too strange."

Back then, White Fang was forced to death just because of a mission failure. It is unbelievable to say it.

It's even more incredible than Sand Shinobi's practice of selling his own Ninja Village heroes and getting paid. After all, Ye Cang can be explained by saying that Luo Sha has no room for people and is the most victim of politics.

It is too far-fetched for White Fang to explain only suicide.

Sand Shinobi can have political victims, but Konoha can't?

The same five big countries, why?

Isn't that how Hyuga Hizashi died?

How can Hyuga Hizashi die but Mu Ye Bai Ya not?

White Fang and Ye Cang have one thing in common. They were both heroes of the village, and they both offended too many ninjas from other countries.

Faced with Naruto's revisiting the past, Kakashi fell into deep memories. At that time, he was still very young, and he couldn't remember too many details. He only remembered that when his father came back, he was a little depressed, and then committed suicide the next day.

To say it's weird is really weird.

Because it is very abrupt, very contrary to harmony.

The villagers' accusations were abrupt, the teammates' rebellion and accusations were abrupt, and White Fang's suicide in the end was also abrupt.

"Do you know what mission Senior White Fang performed?" Naruto asked the next question.

"Do you know who is the teammate who blamed him after he failed the mission?" Then came the second question.

The most ridiculous thing is that these Konoha Village residents kept saying that White Fang's failure in this mission caused heavy losses to Konoha, but how heavy is it? What did Konoha lose? What task is it performing? Can anyone come out and explain?

If you want to use the secret mission not to tell outsiders as an excuse, since it is a secret mission, why would the villagers know?

Who is the teammate that White Fang gave up the mission to save?

It's exactly like putting a shit bowl on you.

Saying it's shit is shit, and it's not.

"It's not so much that he couldn't bear the pressure and committed suicide, it's better to say that someone ordered him to commit suicide."

The most important point is that White Fang is not usually an unsmiling person. On the contrary, he usually likes to laugh, and a person who can develop funny moves like 'Thousand Years of Death' can't bear the accusations of ordinary people?

The so-called suicide is just an excuse.

The king wants his ministers to die, and the ministers have to die.

"The only person who can order him is." Naruto did not continue after saying this.

Kakashi understood who Naruto was referring to.

Speaking of this, the ninjas who followed the "President Hattori" also came to the ruins of Konoha Village one after another.

Naruto nodded to 'President Hattori' and stood beside him.

Then he said to Guy: "Mr. Guy, look, the public opinion is on my side now, do you think I am just?"

"If I am righteous, then you should also be on my side. If I am wrong, it proves that the public opinion you just said can be manipulated, and it also proves that what I just said is correct .”

Guy hasn't thought about problems for a long time, and often he pretends to forget to think about it, and he has given up thinking.

Faced with Naruto's remarks, Guy can only face it with silence.

To be honest, Konoha was gone, and he just wanted to take revenge at the first moment, but what Naruto said made him confused.

Is it worth it for one such Konoha?

"I don't know since when, the village has run counter to the original intention of establishing Konoha by First Generation."

"The current Konoha is no longer the Konoha it used to be, and it is almost becoming the private property of others."

"Necessary purges need to be carried out."

"Instead of trying my best to intrigue with those people, it's better to use a strong medicine."

Naruto said righteously, at this moment Guy seemed to see a light appearing behind Naruto.

"Just tear down and rebuild." Naruto waved his hand. Haki said incomparably.

The re-established Konoha. Then it is not necessarily called Konoha.

As expected of Naruto, both Guy and Kakashi fell silent, and they already agreed with Naruto's point of view in their hearts.

The power of Bie Tianzui is so terrifying.

"Guy, Kakashi, and Jiraiya!" At this moment, two untimely voices sounded, and two old bodies slowly appeared with several Anbu members.

"Hurry up and join forces to take down the Nine Tails Jinchūriki!"

Teammates of Third Hokage, Konoha's two advisors, and members of Konoha's Elders - Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura appear.

(end of this chapter)

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