Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 170 Three Fighting One

Chapter 170 Three Fighting One

Three months have passed since Lord Fifth Hokage was "rested".

Naruto barely managed to catch Third Raikage in the 'weighted rock technique' state.

This is the completion of the first stage of training.

What is about to start is the second stage of cultivation.

"Impure World Reincarnation!" Naruto cast Impure World Reincarnation again, and of course the sacrifice was White Zetsu. This time Naruto summoned an Impure World Reincarnation on the basis of Wuhe Third Raikage.

If the first stage of training is purely for physical exercise, then the second stage of training is an advanced version of basic training—actual combat!

"Lightning Style·Chakra Mode·Full Power" saw azure blue Chakra and lightning all over Third Raikage's body, the hair on the back of his head stood up, and his body was activated to the maximum extent, forming a wall between Chakra and lightning barrier.

This is the signature skill of Third Raikage, known as absolute defense - Lightning Style·Thunder Armor!

Roughly, another absolute defense after Revolving Heaven, Sand Armor, and Susanoo.

In this state, Third Raikage is not only extremely fast, but also has extremely high defense power. What is even more exaggerated is that it is immune to most attacks in the ninja world. It is a problem for ordinary people to break the defense, let alone hurt Third Raikage. .

"Earth Style·Aggravated Rock Technique!" Second Generation Yanying did not make a move, and it was the familiar gravity technique again, with a familiar feeling.

"Little devil, don't think that you can block the old man's attack just by barely catching up with the old man's speed." Third Raikage reminded kindly, of course he didn't know the fact that Naruto beat his son half to death.

"Are you sure you want to deal with the old man in this state?"

"Even a third person is required to make a move."

While speaking, a fiery wind of fist passed through the air, it seemed that the air was about to be ignited, and the fist mixed with the destructive aura hit straight towards Naruto.

"Of course." Naruto said lightly, the muscles in his arm quickly swelled up, and he firmly received Third Raikage's fist.

Then the two sides stood in place and began to compete with each other.

It is a pity that although Third Raikage has the record of cutting off the horns of Eight Tails, his strength is still in the category of normal humans. Even with the additional state of the Thunder Armor, he is far from Naruto's opponent.

It was thrown directly by Naruto.

"No matter how many times I watch it, I feel amazing. I didn't expect that besides my son and Eight Tails Jinchūriki, there are people who can compete with me in terms of physical strength. Hahaha."

"But don't underestimate shadows."

Naruto: "I never underestimated any shadow."

"Then I'm not welcome!" Third Raikage laughed and stretched out his right hand, and silently pressed a finger.

"Hell Spike·Four Hands"

Third Raikage's ultimate secret art, concentrates Lightning Style on the hand to form a thrust, and the power increases exponentially with the reduction of fingers, and has the title of the strongest spear.

When the number of fingers is reduced to one, it is the state of the strongest attack. It can be said that people block and kill people, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

"Illusion · Dark Walk Technique"

Accompanied by Third Raikage's Hell Thrust, the third attack from the filth arrived silently.

Compared to Wu's reticence and Third Raikage's openness, this person is obviously an old man.

Shot at the most critical moment.

Second Hokage Senju Tobirama.

Although Senju Tobirama was sealed by the Third Generation with ghouls, but the country of the original vortex is controlled by Uchiha, Naruto should not be too easy to unlock the seal.

When the Fourth Generation was smuggled back to life, the souls of the Second Generation and First Generation were liberated.

Naruto's eyes suddenly became pitch black, and there was no light around him, as if the light of the whole world had been taken away.

This illusion is specially customized by Second Hokage for the Uchiha family, and it specializes in pupil art.

Of course it works wonders for others too.

Even though he was deeply in darkness, Naruto didn't panic at all, and even closed his eyes simply.

Whether you can see it or not has little effect on Naruto.

At the moment when Third Raikage was about to touch Naruto's body, Naruto moved and tilted slightly to the left, avoiding Raikage's attack dangerously and almost brushing his body.

Then a beautiful elbow hit Raikage's abdomen. Fortunately, the thunder armor was so strong that it withstood the blow.

But instead of one hit, Naruto hit three.

Bang, bang, three consecutive violent attacks, the Chakra around Raikage kept shaking, and the Thunder Armor was almost defeated.

Third Raikage immediately cast Lei Shun and left the spot.

"Little ghost is very strong. I am afraid that there is no one in your age who is your opponent." Third Raikage pressed another finger, and now there are only three left: "Even if the old man's son is not at this age. You are strong."

Your son is not as strong as me now, and I have already broken an arm.

"Hell Spike·Three Hands"

This time the speed was twice as fast as before.

Unfortunately, such an attack was still easily dodged by Naruto.

Qi can perceive the opponent's movements in advance. In this kind of close combat, it is almost like cheating.

"Water Style Water Horn Technique!"

Second Hokage performed another ninjutsu silently, and a trumpet-like stream of water rushed towards Naruto, which was fast and ruthless.

"Water Style·Water Severing Wave"

Immediately afterwards, there was another ultra-high-pressure thin water column, which was equally powerful, and it cooperated with Third Raikage's Hell Spike to attack Naruto.

Naruto sideways avoided the water horn Technique, and then a white air flow seemed to ignite on his body, and Naruto slapped Second Hokage's Water Severing Wave in pieces with a slap in the explosive state. Then he punched Third Raikage again, directly shattering the Thunder Armor. Half of Third Raikage's body was shattered. If it wasn't for the immortality of Impure World Reincarnation, he would have instantly killed Third Raikage.

The Thunder Armor, known as the absolute defense, was no different from paper in front of Naruto.

"not enough!"

With the blessing of Qi, Naruto's physical defense has increased to an unbelievable level.

Not only that, he also has a certain defense against elemental attacks.

At the beginning of Dragon BallZ, when the Saiyans appeared on the stage, the effect of Napa's Qi gathering was directly like a thunderbolt. Not only did the thunderstorms not hurt him at all, but it gave him a lot of momentum.

"Hell Spike·Two Hands"

After seeing Naruto's true strength, Third Raikage also became serious. This is his second strongest attack.

"Water Style·Heaven Cries!"

Senju Tobirama spewed out a Thousand Water Style from his mouth, this move has a very strong penetrating power, and the number is very dense.

It's a pity that Naruto dispelled this ninjutsu with just an explosion, and directly faced Third Raikage's "Two Skills".

The strongest spear, representing the second thrust, was blown down again, along with the half of Third Raikage's body.

Naruto's fist has already exceeded the limit of a normal ninja.

"Water Style·Water Dragon Bite!"

"Water Style·Water Waves!"

Two consecutive powerful Water Style ninjutsu attacked Naruto.

"Hell Spike·One Hand"

Third Raikage has only one finger left.

The strongest spear appears.

Like a sharp arrow, it aimed straight at Naruto.

Then in this neutral position, Senju Tobirama created a vortex in his hands, and condensed the form into a water javelin, rotating rapidly in layers and without direction, like a drill bit.

"Water Style Hard Vortex Water Blade!"

"Flying Thunder God Stage 2!"

In the next moment, Senju Tobirama appeared behind Naruto, one in front of the other with Third Raikage, in a double-sided position.

(end of this chapter)

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