Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 171 How Many Monkey Kings Are There In My Body?

Chapter 171 How many Monkey Kings are there in my body?

Under the attack from both sides of Third Raikage and Senju Tobirama, Naruto had no way to avoid it, so he could only take the moves of the two. I saw Naruto's eyes fixed, and the aura on his body exploded again.

This time, the burning airflow on Naruto's body has become real, reaching the point where even ordinary people can see it. I saw that Naruto blocked Third Raikage's straight hand with one hand, and received Senju Tobirama's hard vortex water blade with the other hand.

The high-speed rotating Uzumaki drill continuously rotated between Naruto's palms, trying to penetrate the substantial air flow and penetrate Naruto's palms.

However, the seemingly thin airflow cannot be broken through no matter how hard Senju Tobirama tries.

"It's a pity your drill can't break through the sky."

Naruto sighed softly, and then squeezed it hard, an incomparable huge strange force struck, crushing the drill bit formed by the water flow together with Senju Tobirama's arm.

Then he punched Senju Tobirama's Impure World Reincarnation body.

Compared to the troubles Senju Tobirama caused Naruto, the damage caused by Third Raikage was much more serious.

Third Raikage's index finger touched Naruto's palm, and although Naruto crushed his wrist quickly, Naruto clearly felt that he was injured.

Spreading his palms, he saw a piece of mung bean-sized cortex turned up between Naruto's palms.

Naruto's eyes gradually became serious.

A trace of Bloodline oozes from it.

You must know that Naruto was serious just now. Except that the strongest Yang Dun Chakra Mode was not turned on, he had already used all the Qi in his body, but even so he was injured.

It is enough to explain the terrifying penetrating power of a consistent hand.

This was the first time he was injured since he practiced Guixian Style.

Naruto rubbed his palm hard, and the skin layer was torn off, and a new skin layer grew back soon. Even if he didn't practice Yang Dun, he still has Kurama in his body. Naruto's recovery speed can only be described as terrifying.

So if you didn't look carefully just now, Naruto has recovered.

In fact, Naruto can also change the attack method of Third Raikage to crack this trick, just like the original time and space, let Third Raikage's spear break through his shield, but this is not very meaningful, so Naruto chose hard catch.

Being able to break the defense means that you still have a lot of shortcomings, so...

"Continue training."

"Third Raikage, I want you to use a Kanshou every time."

"Second Hokage, I want you to use your strongest Flying Thunder God Slash."

"Second Tsuchikage, I want you to perform the Weighted Rock Technique with all your strength."

At the same time, Naruto lowered his tone by a notch. If you are not injured, training is meaningless, and the effect of training cannot be achieved.

Anyway, with Naruto's resilience, he will be able to recover soon.

"Just three people is not enough! Then add a little more pressure!"

Naruto put his hands together again.

"Impure World Reincarnation!"

Called by Naruto, two more coffins slowly rose up.

"Let me see who summoned me again."

An arrogant voice came from inside the coffin, with one gold and one silver hair color, Six Paths beard-like texture on his cheeks, and the most important thing is the two erected horns on the top of his head.

This is the most vicious felon in the history of Cloud Shinobi Village - Golden Horn, Silver Horn.

But they don't have the treasure of Sage of Six Paths in their hands.

The Unweighted Rock Technique exercises body strength, the battle with Third Raikage exercises combat awareness, and Senju Tobirama's Dark Row Technique exercises Qi perception. Interspersed with Senju Tobirama Forbidden Technique and Golden Horn and Silver Horn as emergency training for emergencies, it can be described as a comprehensive practice.

Most importantly, with Impure World Reincarnation as an immortal body, Naruto can shoot with all his strength without worrying about damaging the opponent's body.

Simply the perfect sparring partner.

Coupled with White Zetsu as a sacrificial offering, the five of them can unleash their greatest power in their heyday.

Anyway, White Zetsu is all over the street, just grab a few when you use it.

Back then, Madara was able to play the Five Kages in the palm of his hand by himself. Today, I, Uzumaki Naruto, can also fight against the Three Kages plus Gold and Silver. Although Naruto's opponent is not the same as Madara's Gokage in terms of strength.

Back then, Kakarot completed his training on Kaiwang, and his combat power increased from a few hundred points to more than 8,000. Now, I, Uzumaki Naruto, can double my strength, right?

Time passed day by day, and under all-round practice, Naruto's strength was also improving rapidly.

As soon as he adapts to the battle and feels that the pressure is not enough, Naruto will summon a new Impure World Reincarnation body. Over time, Impure World Reincarnation has more and more sparring partners. In the middle, Naruto also took the time to go to the country of water, and dug up the ancestral grave of Kirito along the way.

In the end, the five shadows of wind, fire, thunder, earth, and water gathered together, plus many vicious criminals and elites.

Roughly estimated, the sparring team of Impure World Reincarnation has expanded to the level of a platoon.

Naruto reckoned that Senju Hashirama could be summoned after a while, and enemies of that level could progress faster.

Watching Naruto continue to strengthen his training outside, Little Wukong in the sealed space also started clamoring for training.

This is a hard time for Kurama, Shuzuru was tricked once, and after being beaten up by Xiao Wukong, he was beaten to death and refused to come to Naruto's sealed space as a guest again. So Xiao Wukong's training object is only Kurama.

Eating, sleeping, and beating Nine Tails became a daily routine.

"You're abusing the tailed beast! I'm going to sue you to Mr. Six Paths!" Finally one day, Kurama couldn't take it anymore, pointing at Little Goku's nose and yelling.

Little Wukong's eyes widened immediately, and he asked innocently, "Is the Six Paths grandpa you mentioned strong?"

Faced with Goku's question, Kurama remained silent.

Mr. Six Paths is naturally strong, but Nine Tails always feels that even if Mr. Six Paths comes, he will be beaten all over his head in a short time.

In order not to let Mr. Six Paths be beaten, Kurama can only choose to bear all this silently.

Poor Kurama, the chubby belly grew out with great difficulty, but it disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the body gradually became stronger. Even without the Yang Dun Chakra Mode, the whole body is full. It's muscle.

Just like a devil muscle fox.

"It's not good, brat. Something serious happened."

Naruto, who was still doing daily training that day, heard Nine Tails' exclamation.

Naruto: "?"

"Come and see the sealed space."

Naruto lifted Impure World Reincarnation, and hastily ended today's practice.

When he arrived at the sealed space, he saw a familiar figure that he hadn't seen for a long time, and an aura that was countless times stronger but extremely familiar.

Kurama curled up in the corner of the sealed space with a terrified expression. Judging from the huge bag above his head, he should have been beaten. And in the middle of the sealed space, one large and one small, two figures in orange Taoist suits were staring at each other.

Who is that big figure if it's not Kakarot?

"Teacher!!!" Naruto rushed to the gate of the sealed space like flying.

"Hey, little one, long time no see." Kakarot with the familiar halo on his head greeted Naruto with his right hand, the gesture was exactly the same as when he met Naruto at the beginning of the year: "I didn't expect you to grow so big."

Seeing Kakarot's familiar face, Naruto sighed in his heart.

‘How many Monkey Kings will I have in my body in the future? '

(end of this chapter)

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