Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 172 I Might Die If You Punch Me

Chapter 172 I might die if you punch me

In the sealed space, Naruto, Goku and Kakarot sat together.

"Teacher, do you remember how you came here this time?"

It stands to reason that Naruto should add the surname in front of the teacher to show respect. Kakarot is called Sun Wukong, so Naruto should call him-Mr. Sun.

The question is so called, Naruto always feels that it is too dramatic, as if he has returned to the time when he was studying in the previous life, so Naruto still only calls the other party a teacher.

Fortunately, Kakarot didn't care about that either.

Kakarot spread his hands and shrugged: "I don't know, I just saw Uncle Hades when I arrived in the underworld, and before he could make arrangements, he came again."

Kurama shrank himself into a small one again, squatting in the corner of the sealed space, keeping his eyes on Kakarot. Xiao's strength was already terrifyingly strong, but an even more terrifying one came unexpectedly. Kurama felt that even if the old man of Six Paths came, he would not be this big opponent.

It's not just that the opponents' strengths are not in the same dimension at all.

After a brief conversation, Naruto also learned some things, such as why he left without saying goodbye last time. This is critical, and Naruto wants to know why. And Kakarot replied that he suddenly returned to the original Kaiwang planet when his eyes were closed and opened that day, and then the halo on his head disappeared.

It was inexplicable when it came, and it was also inexplicable when it went back.

'The halo of light above the head disappears,' Naruto caught the blind spot keenly.

The disappearance of the halo represents resurrection, and the only one who can resurrect Kakarot is Shenlong. So it is not known whether Kakarot returned to the original Dragon Ball world because of his resurrection.

The most important point is that Kakarot has been in Naruto's body for three years, but Kakarot said it didn't take long.

It seems that the time flow rate is different.

"Teacher, how did you die this time?" Naruto said cautiously, "Did you encounter a super powerful enemy?"

According to the timeline of Dragon Ball, Kakarot should have died in the Sharu chapter this time, and died with Sharu's self-destruction and Kaiwangxing.

"Ahahaha." Kakarot scratched his head and laughed a little embarrassedly: "It's not because of some powerful opponent, it's because of heart disease."

"Teacher, are you saying that you died of a heart attack?" Naruto raised his voice a little, and his eyes became strange.

There are many branches in the world of Dragon Ball, and one of the points of disagreement is whether Kakarot will die or not.

In the Dragon BallZ story, the chapter of the robot after the chapter of Frieza, the emperor of the universe, has passed. If Kakarot dies of a heart attack, the plot changes, creating a chain reaction.

Unexpectedly, his teacher was not Kakarot from the main universe, but Kakarot who died of a heart attack in the future time and space.

The time and space of Grand Trunks in the future world, referred to as the time and space of Grand Trunks, is also the most tragic time and space for Z fighters in all Dragon Ball branches.

The Z fighters are almost wiped out, only one Trunks is left to fight, and the whole earth is devastated because of the artificial man.

The lone Z fighter.

But no matter which world it is, the current Naruto can't help, and his strength is only a wave of man-made people.

Kakarot was very open about his own death again, and it could even be said that he didn't care, but he was a little regretful that he couldn't fight against the strong. His character is like this, very open-minded.

Especially at the end of Dragon BallZ, at that time he could be called a great master of martial arts.

Little Wukong couldn't understand this, he felt hungry, he picked up a piece of barbecue and ate it, and Kakarot, who smelled the aroma, also ran to get a bunch of food, and began to feast on it.

"Little one, oh, I can't call you little one anymore. Now you are almost as tall as me." Kakarot said while eating, his mouth was full, and he didn't hinder his speech at all. I have to say that watching a Saiyan eat is a shock every time.

After swallowing two palm-sized buns in one gulp, Kakarot continued, "Then I'll call you Naruto."

"The name is just a code name, you can call me anything, teacher."

It didn't matter to Naruto, anyway, if Kakarot wanted to, he could continue to call him little one.

Although the fast-growing Naruto is not much shorter than the 1.75 Kakarot at this time.

"Hahaha, I'll teach you a few powerful moves later." Kakarot quickly stuffed food into his mouth and muttered, "This ramen tastes good."

"This is Ichiraku ramen." Naruto added, "My favorite food."

finally coming? Kaiwang Fist, teleportation and even fusion!

Naruto also picked up a bowl of ramen and began to eat. Kakarot's eating made him feel hungry. He ate so deliciously.

The Saiyans are going to eat and broadcast, and what about those big eaters.

"I remembered, it's the one I watched you eat before. So it's so delicious." Kakarot drank the ramen soup in one gulp, wiped his mouth and picked up an oversized bowl of ramen and began to eat.

"By the way, Naruto."

"Who is that kid? It looks like me."

"He." Naruto naturally knew who Kakarot was talking about, and rolled his eyes: "He is your second son, teacher, and his name is Sun Wutian."

"Oh?" Hearing that Kakarot stopped the chopsticks in his hand, he asked in surprise, "Do I have a child again?"

"I lied to you."

"Hahaha, I'll just say it." Kakarot started to eat again.

If you hadn't died of a heart attack, teacher, then you would indeed have a child, and it would indeed be called Sun Wutian.

"He was you in another time and space when you were a child. Do you remember? The time when you drank super magic water and beat Piccolo." Naruto explained the origin of Little Goku.

"Hey, I said why Qi looks so much like me, it turned out to be me." Kakarot was only slightly surprised, and then accepted the fact smoothly. Maybe it's because I had too many magical experiences in my childhood adventures, and I have seen too much. Of course, it may also be because my nerves are too thick.

"By the way, Naruto." Kakarot swallowed a piece of roast meat as big as his head, and said, "You can fight with me later."

"Let me see your progress during this time."

Kakarot said with a fighting spirit.

Naruto's hand holding the chopsticks immediately froze in place, swallowing hard.

'Let me fight with you? are you serious? '

As a Martial Daoist, you need to challenge the strong at all times to make progress. This is true. But you can't find a strong man whose strength is several dimensions behind.

Naruto thought of the situation in the original plot where Kakarot slapped Kiki into a serious injury, and hoped that Kakarot could control the strength in his heart.


‘If you punch down, you may have to kneel down and beg me not to die. '

(end of this chapter)

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