Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 256 The Invaders Of Nami Nemesis (4000 Words)

Chapter 256 The Invaders of Nami Nemesis (4000 words)

Namike is more than ten times the size of Earth, but it is a seemingly inhospitable planet.

In fact, Nami Buster was originally a planet more beautiful than the earth, and the ancient Nami Buster once had extremely developed technology, but due to excessive development, Nami Buster was once seriously polluted, the carbon dioxide protective layer was destroyed, and the radioactivity of cosmic rays killed Make Namicus a dead star, and most of the Namicians are almost extinct. Only a small number of people survived, either alive or fleeing to other planets.

Now there are only more than one hundred Nam killers on the entire planet.

As soon as he arrived at Nami Nemesis, Naruto felt that there were many auras that were not weaker or even better than his own. After turning the spaceship into a universal capsule and hiding it, Naruto flew towards the location of the breath.

Planting green vegetation, the Nambusters seemed to have sensed it, they all stopped their movements, and all raised their heads to look at Naruto's position.

Breath sensing is standard for almost every adult Nambuster.

Every adult Nambuster, even if he is not a fighting type, will always surpass the fighting power of humans on Earth.

Just imagine, highly developed technology, coupled with the ability of Nami Busters to assimilate and become stronger, if Nami Busters do not suffer disasters, all Nami Busters are not needed, only all fighting Nami Busters need to be fused, and a Nami Buster will be born A top expert with absolutely terrifying strength.

"Cosmic people?" A chubby Nami nemesis looked at the gradually falling Naruto and said, "There have been no aliens from other planets here for many years."

The area is huge but extremely desolate, plus the previous over-development has resulted in no useful minerals on Nami Buster, and the combat effectiveness of the Nami Busters is not bad in the universe, so even the Frieza Legion of the space real estate tycoon They are not willing to patronize.

The income and expenditure are not proportional, and the price cannot be sold, and it is rated as a waste planet without any value.

If it wasn't for Vegeta's eavesdropping on Dragon Ball, maybe Frieza wouldn't have gone to Nami Nemesis in his life.

"Hello, friends from Nami Nemesis, I'm from Earth." Naruto landed slowly, showing a sunny smile at the other party.

Seeing Naruto's friendly attitude, the chubby Nami nemesis also smiled back: "Hello, friend from Earth."

In an unfamiliar environment, facing strangers, it is the best way to smile back, because a smile can infect others.

For example, Naruto used a smile to show that he was not malicious.

Then the two had a brief exchange.

During the communication, Naruto learned that the other party was the elder of the village, named Siru.

Naruto claimed that he was on an interstellar journey. He originally planned to go to the sub-Della star to learn the magical ability there, but he strayed into the Nami nemesis star.

After hearing this, Siru warmly entertained Naruto, but the special thing they served was water.

Nambusters generally don't eat food and can live only by drinking water, so the food they entertain guests is naturally water.

Well, the water is delicious and sweet, but not full.

The attitude of the Nami Busters is as friendly as rumored.

In fact, the main reason is that Naruto's qi is not evil in their view.

Otherwise their attitude would not be so friendly.

For example, the elder of the village in front of him may seem ordinary, but in fact his combat power is as high as 1,200 points.

Put it on the earth, it is definitely a world hegemony level existence.

None of the Dragon Ball fighters including Goku and Piccolo are his match.

Piccolo's pitiful 280 combat power is really nothing in front of him.

"Can I practice here for a while?" Naruto said his purpose after "satisfying food and water".

"Of course." Elder Xilu agreed without hesitation, and patted a tall Nami nemesis standing beside him, saying: "Plue is the strongest fighter in our village, if you want to practice, you can ask him for help."

"With his strength, he will be a very good opponent."

Now the Nami Busters on Nami Buster don’t like to fight, so there are probably only two or three fighting Nami Busters in a group, and some villages even have only one.

For example, the village where Naruto is located has only one combat Nami nemesis.

This is Prue.

The strength of combat-type Nambusters is generally around 3000 points, and the combat power of this combat-type NamKeeper named Prue is at least around 4000.

This is considered strong among the fighting Nambusters.

Naruto looked at Prue and smiled politely: "Then please give me your advice during this time, Mr. Prue."

"It's an honor." Prue said coolly.

Another piccolo-style Nambuster.

In the next period of time, Naruto practiced with Prue during the day and trained in the gravity room at night. In addition to training, daily life is training, and his strength has improved rapidly.

Sure enough, only fighting against the strong is the fastest way to improve your strength.

Although the Nami Busters automatically master Qi when they become adults, and can hide their own breath to change their combat effectiveness, they have unique ways to use Qi. However, in terms of combat skills, they are far inferior to the Martial Daoists on Earth, and can even be described as a mess.

Obviously Prue's fighting power is higher than Naruto's, but he can't take advantage of Naruto's advantage in fighting.

Just like when Krillin and Gohan first arrived on Nami Nemesis, they only had 1500 combat power, but they were able to play with Dodoria, who had a combat power of more than 20,000. He rescued Tiantian in front of his face and finally escaped safely. However, when the three Nami nemesis with over 3,000 combat points faced Dodoria, they had no power to parry and were beaten to death one by one.

Their combat experience against the enemy is really poor.

If you think about it, you can understand that the Nambusters don't like fighting and are not good at fighting.

Unknowingly, several months passed by.

If it wasn’t for the fact that he bought a lot of food on Earth when he came here, and there are some small animals and fishes on Nambuster, Naruto would have been hungry, um, literally.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, Naruto can withstand more than twenty times the gravity.

A spaceship with a strange shape in the space is slowly heading towards the direction of the Nam buster.

"King Dales, there is a planetary energy reaction ahead." After a few strange-looking aliens in the spacecraft operated for a while, a series of numbers were displayed on the screen, and only one alien said: "According to the display of the computer, This is a living planet."

"Send scouts to test the purity of this planet, and land on this planet if it is suitable for planting."

A cold voice came from the shadows.

"Yes, King Dales." After hearing that figure, all the cosmic people around replied in unison.

Moments later, a small aircraft flew out of the spaceship.

Hours later, the spacecraft received a message from a small craft.

"King Dales, according to computer analysis, spiritual trees can be planted on this planet."

The spiritual tree, a very magical plant in the universe, absorbs nutrients from the planet as a source of growth, and can bear the fruit of the spiritual tree that is said to be enjoyed only by gods.

As long as you eat one piece, even just one bite, you can increase your combat power a lot.

"Oh?" After hearing the reply from his subordinates, Dales showed a rare look of excitement: "How many are expected to be produced?"

"It is expected to produce no fewer than ten fruits."

The whole universe is very big, but there are not many planets suitable for planting spiritual trees. Most of the planets can only grow one or two fruits, and depending on the quality of the planets, the combat effectiveness of the fruits produced is different. It can only increase by a few hundred points, and some can increase by thousands of points.

It is said that the fruit with the best quality can increase the combat power by hundreds of thousands of points.

But that fruit only appeared in legends, at least Dales had never encountered it after eating so many fruits. The fruit of the spiritual tree that he had eaten the most increased combat power only increased his combat power by 2,000 points.

"Very good." Dales shook the red wine glass in his hand a few times with a cold expression, and then drank the liquid in the glass: "Land down on this planet."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

At the same time when the spaceship was falling, Prue and Naruto seemed to have sensed it, and raised their heads to look at the sky together.

Prue: "There is a very large and evil Qi approaching."

‘Frieza Legion? It should be six years before their invasion. Could it be that they knew the secret of Dragon Ball in advance? '

Coincidentally, the place where the spaceship landed is not far from the village where Naruto is located.

"Elder Xilu, lead the children to hide. I'm afraid a fierce battle is inevitable."

After explaining to the elders, Naruto and Prue looked at each other, and flew towards the location of the spaceship.

"This planet looks quite desolate. There is no life response except for a few small animals." After the spacecraft landed, several strange-looking aliens came out. One of the red-skinned strong men looked at the surrounding environment and said, "Is it really possible to grow a spiritual tree?"

This strong man is the most human-like among them.

"The computer shows that it is ok, so it must be ok." Another short alien answered him.

"I don't know if King Dales will give us some leftovers after eating the fruit."

"Even a little bit of leftovers can greatly increase our strength."

The cosmic human with long hair and a skull face said: "If the fruit produced is less than ten, then don't even think about it."

"Let's finish the task first."

Several people made a huge deep hole in the ground reasonably, and then took out a seed-like thing and threw it into the deep hole.

After a while, thick roots emerged from the deep pit, and then a bud sprouted out. The bud grew crazily at an extremely fast speed, and in a short while it grew into a towering tree.

"Hahaha, I've seen this growth rate last time. It seems that we are blessed." The red-skinned burly man laughed loudly. As the earliest veteran who followed Dales, he naturally knew what a fast growth rate meant.

"At least it can bear hundreds of fruits."

Along with the crazy growth of the big tree, the green plants and trees around him were withering at an extremely fast speed, the river began to dry up gradually, and the small animals fell to the ground and died as if their lives had been taken away.

Robber-like predatory growth.

"The plants around are crying, and that tree is taking their lives." Prue and Naruto just saw this scene: "This strange tree must be destroyed."

"That's not okay, Greenskin. We won't let you do that."

Just as Prue was about to act, the red-skinned alien stopped him.

"Get out of the way, or we will defeat you together." Prue looked at the growing giant tree very anxiously, and his tone became tough.

The red-skinned alien pointed at Prue and said, "Beat me? Hahahaha, did you hear that? This kid said he was going to beat me."

Even if his combat power is far inferior to Dales, he is still a good little master in the universe.

"Just in case, check the combat effectiveness of these two guys first."

The skull-faced alien said, and the short alien standing next to him pressed his combat power tester of the same style as Naruto.


"One thousand points." The short alien said the value displayed by the combat effectiveness tester.

One thousand points of combat power is the standard configuration of the Frieza Legion's combat organization, that is, the combat power of miscellaneous soldiers. This value is definitely not high, but it is not very low.

Most of the races in the universe cannot afford this data.

Hearing the exact combat power, several people were relieved and laughed at the same time: "Hahaha, what, I thought it was so powerful, but they are just two rubbish with only one thousand points of combat power."

"No, the 1,000-point combat power belongs to that green-skinned boy. The other one has less than 500 points." The short alien added.

"It's all rubbish anyway." The red skin continued: "Don't worry at all."

"Because our combat effectiveness is all at 3000 points."

Naruto looked coldly at this group of undead guys, blindly believing that the value displayed by the detector would make their death very ugly.

The iconic thing like the spirit tree must be the theatrical version of Dales.

These guys seem to be weaker than those in the movie version.

"Do it!"

Naruto and Prue shot at the same time, rushing towards those people.

"Leaf Hurricane!"

Naruto kicked the red-skinned stomach, and the moment he touched it, his combat power skyrocketed.

"Impossible, I have 3,000 points of combat power, you are just a trash with 500 points." After being hit in the abdomen by Naruto, the red skin looked at his stomach in disbelief, and had a feeling for the data tested by the combat power tester. Blind trust like a mystery, after saying this sentence with difficulty, he rolled his eyes and fell straight down.

Naruto kicked the opponent unconscious with just one kick.

Instant kill with one move.

As a former ninja, Naruto knew the importance of making up the knife, so he threw another qigong bullet at the red-skinned man.

The qigong bomb hit the red-skinned strong man's body, leaving no residue in an instant.

(end of this chapter)

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