Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 257 Ru Mao Drinking Blood Dales (4000 Words)

Chapter 257 Ru Mao Drinking Blood Dales (4000 words)

The same situation also happened to Prue. His fighting power has also skyrocketed after training with Naruto. Now he is not only 4000 points a few months ago, but has more than doubled.

The only difference is that Prue defeated the opponent and did not make up the knife in time.

The kindness of the Nami Buster still prevents him from killing people, even if the other party is an intruder.

If you don't push the Nambusters into a hurry, they won't kill them.

But Naruto couldn't sit idly by, so the cosmic being defeated by Prue was instantly reduced to ashes.

Don't make up the knife? Waiting for others to turn against the water.

"Impossible?! The combat power tester shows that his combat power is only 500 points! Kakao and Daz have 3000 combat power. How could they be defeated by such mere rubbish?"

The rest of the cosmonauts screamed in disbelief.

In the universe of the Dragon Ball world, there are not many races that can freely control Qi and thus control their own combat power, and it can even be said to be extremely rare.

Most races do not have this ability. Most of the time, the combat power is generally a fixed value, which will only be lower than the value detected by the combat power tester. Of course, there are also forms that can be transformed to improve combat power.

At least these men of Dales haven't seen it.

"Could it be that the tester is broken?!"

"Well, that's right, my combat power is 500 points, remember that."

Naruto nodded and said yes, but the kung fu in his hand was not slow at all, and he came in front of other cosmic beings in an instant.

A few tricks with Prue, and soon solved most of these cosmic beings.

In just three months, his strength has improved rapidly. It should be said that he is truly worthy of the Dragon Ball world, and he can become stronger with hard work.

"King Dales save me."

The only remaining twin brothers among the cosmic beings were frightened by Naruto and Pruna's strange behavior that violated the results of the combat effectiveness test. They shouted and ran towards the spaceship they were on.

"Hmph, some useless trash." Along with a cold snort, a ray with a red border instantly killed the younger brother of the twin brothers.

"Chirp." The only remaining twin big brother yelled out his mother tongue in fright, neither retreating nor advancing, and could only stop in the air blankly.

"I can't do this little thing well." The figure slowly appeared, revealing his real body.

I saw a man with the image of Wukong at the age of eighteen (2-3 years older than Wukong) appearing in front of Naruto and Naruto. The only difference is that the other person's skin is gray.

Dales—the villain in the Dragon Ball movie version of Battle for Earth, has exactly the same appearance as Wukong except for his skin color, but unlike the kind-hearted Wukong, Dales has an "evil" side, with a sinister and cunning personality.

He himself is a low-level fighter of the Saiyans. He accidentally picked up the fruits and seeds of the spiritual tree, and then he got out of control. After seeing that Wukong has almost the same appearance as him, all the lower-level fighters who say Saiyans look similar. In fact, the only lower-level Saiyan with the same appearance as Wukong is Dales.

Many people suspected that his mother had an affair with Wukong's father Bardock. Many people jokingly called Raditz's second brother, but Raditz was actually hugged wrong.

"What do I need you for?" Dales pointed again, and the last of the twins was killed instantly before he even had time to snort.

Dales wiped out his subordinates with his own hands.

The villains in the Dragon Ball world seem to like to kill their subordinates who failed in their missions, as does Vegeta and Dales.

Except Frieza (not counting miscellaneous soldiers).

In a sense, Frieza, the cosmic real estate tycoon, is the good boss?

The "DiDiDi" combat power tester scanned Naruto and Prue, and Dales looked at the numbers above and said disdainfully: "One has a combat power of 500 and the other has a combat power of 1000. You should be able to adjust your own combat power, right?"

"I have seen existences similar to you, they can unleash their hidden combat power in one go."

"But it's a pity that even if I hide my combat power, I can't be my opponent."

Dales' tone was filled with immense confidence.

He does have this capital. In the Battle for Earth, his debut combat power was at least between 2.5W-3W.

After eating a spiritual tree fruit bred by the earth, his strength soared to at least 30W.

Wukong, who was under the fist of the ten-fold king, was pressed to the ground and hammered fiercely.

Although Dales at this time did not reach the exaggerated level of 2.5-3W, he still had a combat power close to 2W.

What is the concept of this value?

Combat strength exceeding 1W is already at the level of a master in the universe. Looking at the entire Frieza Legion, there are not many fighters exceeding 10,000.

Well, at least that's the way it is in the current universe.

"Is there a possibility that we can't adjust our own combat power." Naruto said suddenly: "We just instantly increase our own combat power by using secret techniques. For example, if I can increase my own combat power by more than ten times, he can increase it by five times." times."

"Oh? So you used secret techniques to improve your combat effectiveness in a short period of time?" Seeing that Naruto said so seriously, Dales immediately became interested.

In this world, there is actually a secret technique that instantly increases combat power, and it even increases combat power by ten times! Even if it is only five times, his combat power can soar to nearly 100,000 in an instant.

You must know that the full moon giant ape transformation of the Saiyans only increases the combat effectiveness by ten times, and there are many restrictions.

If you think about the great ape transformation and the secret technique, you will feel invincible.

"If you hand it over, I can spare you from dying."

He, Dales, wanted this occult technique too.

Leaving these little trash with hundreds of thousands of fighting power is simply reckless waste.

'Spirit tree plus occult, God bless me Dales. '

'At that time, it is not a dream to punch the Ginyut team and kick the universe emperor Frieza. '

Just when Dales was immersed in beautiful fantasy, I saw Naruto spread his hands: "Unfortunately we don't know that kind of thing, if you find it, please teach me. What you said earlier is right, we just can be free Just control the combat power."


The fantasy was just born and then shattered.

"You dare to trick me?" Dales became furious, and then stared at Naruto with a bloodthirsty expression: "I have decided, I will kill you in the most cruel way."

"Be careful!" When Dales took action against Naruto, Prue worried that Naruto would not react in time, and immediately appeared in front of him, crossing his hands to block Dales' fist.

'What a terrifying power. '

Prue's hands were numb from Dales' shock.

"Go away, trash!"

Dales spat and increased the strength of his fist at the same time. Originally, Prue was not Dales' opponent, and it became even worse after increasing his strength.

"Drink!" As a last resort, Prue could only burst out the hidden breath from his body in one gulp, and the huge airflow generated by the burst blows Dales away.

"The combat power has exceeded 8000." Dales looked at the number displayed on the tester and exclaimed, "Green boy, how about being my subordinate?"

"You guys who destroy the environment of Nami Nemesis are absolutely unforgivable." Faced with Dales' invitation to recruit Prue, it is naturally impossible to agree. After raising Qi to Ultimate, Prue feels that he has the ability to fight the opponent.

"Then you can disappear with that blond brat."

In the next second, Dales disappeared in place, but although his movement was fast, Prue caught his breath. Prue's figure also disappeared in place.

The speed has already exceeded the limit that ordinary people's naked eyes can capture.

Then I heard a series of dense 'cracking' sounds in the air, on the ground, and even in the sea.

You punch me and kick me in a fierce battle.

"Interesting, 10,000 points of combat power can't take you down."

Being able to be angry and not being angry can greatly narrow the gap between combat effectiveness. Furthermore, the strength of Dales' body is basically not obtained by hard work, but purely piled up by the **** tree. Although the strength is strong, the combat effectiveness is high, but there is a lot of water in it.

After all, he was originally just a low-level fighter with the lowest talent.

Saiyans are a race with a very strict hierarchy. Except for very special exceptions, the achievements of a lower-level fighter in a lifetime are only limited to a lower-level fighter, which cannot be compared with a higher-level fighter.

If there is no spirit tree, maybe Dales will be just a "little trash" with less than 2000 combat power in his mouth.

"Plue!" At this moment, a few green figures flew in the distance.

It turned out that they were scattered all over the Nami Buster. The Nami Busters from other villages sensed the anomaly and flew over together.

There are no fewer than ten combat-type Nambusters.

Naruto was a little disappointed after a glance. He didn't see a certain Naruto who was very similar to Piccolo, but at this time he was the strongest Nami nemesis fighter.

"Who is this guy?" A fat Namic star stared at Dales and asked.

But soon they were all attracted by the growing spiritual tree. The spiritual tree at this time can only be described as blocking out the sun.

"That big tree is destroying the environment of Nami Buster. I have never seen such a weird plant." Another Nami Buster said, as a Nami Buster who is similar to a vegetable, he is born with the ability to communicate with plants Ability.

However, when they saw the spirit tree, they all gasped.

This is the first time I have seen such a chaotic, evil, and aggressive plant.

"It must be destroyed as soon as possible."

"What do you want to do to my tree?" Dales looked indifferently at these Nami nemesis who suddenly appeared. The combat effectiveness of these people has been shown on the combat effectiveness tester, but they are just a bunch of garbage with a combat effectiveness of 3000 points.

"Get out of the way, outsiders." The leader of the Nami nemesis said: "If you don't want to get hurt."

"Injured? Me?" Dales smiled coldly, concentrated his strength on his body, and burst out in one breath.

While the Nambusters were still in shock, Dales grinned cruelly.

"Let you group of ants open your eyes and see what real power is."

At some point, Naruto has taken out the combat effectiveness tester modified by Bulma, which shows Dales' combat effectiveness at this time.

Up to 18000 points!

A full 10,000 more combat power than Prue.

"Die! Garbage!" Dales appeared in front of a Nami nemesis in an instant, easily twisted the other's neck, and then threw it out like trash.

Naruto rushed towards the Nami Buster immediately and caught him. Touching the other person's nose, he found that there was still breath, and he was not completely dead. Without saying a word, Naruto took out a fairy bean from his pocket and stuffed it into the opponent's mouth.

He took a small bag from Immortal Guy Lin, and there are still quite a few in stock at this time.

"He killed 'Shu', let's besiege him together!" The rest of the Nami nemesis were shocked when they saw this, and wanted to avenge their brother.

After taking Xiandou's slightly awakened 'Shu':

It is good to help your companions to avenge, but it is a pity that you can't do it without considering the strength of both the enemy and us.

Dales acted again, came to the nearest Nami nemesis warrior, grabbed his arm and pulled it lightly, the emerald green arm snapped off, and purple blood splattered in the sky.

"Uh ah ah."

The Namic warrior who lost his arm wailed in pain, but Dales, stimulated by the opponent's blood, put the Namic arm in his hand to his mouth and began to chew.

"Bah, it's really unpalatable." He bit down a piece of meat, chewed it a few times, and spat it out.

Saiyans are a foodie nation. In addition to fighting, they also like to taste the flesh and blood of the losers who were defeated by them. If the taste is good, they will eat each other to replenish the energy consumed. Vegeta used to be like this did.

So Saiyans have a bad reputation in the universe and there are also reasons for this.

Ru Mao's habit of drinking blood and eating the flesh and blood of humanoid intelligent creatures

Even Frieza said they were a bunch of savage monkeys with no manners and stubbornness.

"Drinking" the Nami nemesis whose arm had been torn off concentrated his Qi on the broken arm, shook it hard, and a brand new arm 'grew' out along with the green mucus.

"You can still regenerate a broken limb?" Dales looked at the Nami nemesis with great interest.

‘If it tastes better, it doesn’t mean it can’t be kept in captivity. '

‘Too bad it tastes like raw cabbage. '

‘It can’t be said that it is unpalatable, it can only be said that it is extremely unpalatable. '

The Namician with a broken arm hugged Dales' body when he noticed that Dales was slightly distracted, and shouted to his companions.

"I caught him, everyone attack quickly!!!"

Several other Nami nemesis immediately scattered when they heard the words, and stood in four directions of Dales, and they used all their strength to blast towards Dales.

Several qigong waves hit Dales' body fiercely.

It was far from over, and after the first round of attacks, the rest of the Nambusters immediately gathered their energy and started the second round of indiscriminate bombing.

The number of qigong bombs this time is more intensive than last time.

I saw countless qigong waves bombarding Dales' position, and in an instant, countless huge pits appeared on the ground.

Round after round of bombing began, both dense and powerful.

Nami nemesis style prince tactics.

(end of this chapter)

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