Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 277 Planetary Devastation Reappearance

Chapter 277 Planetary Devastation Reappearance

"Do you want to consider being my subordinate?"

Since you can't beat it, join, but this joining can be to join the opponent yourself, or you can let others join you.

In short, it is to turn external contradictions into internal ones.

"How about it? As long as you nod your head, you can immediately become the second in command of my Slage army." Slage threw an olive branch at the other party.

It's just that this olive branch is not attractive, and the golden figure is not moved at all.

"Your body is getting bigger, why are your clothes and helmet also getting bigger?" Just listen to the golden figure answering the wrong question.

What Slug wears is not a combat uniform, it will change with the change of his body, what he wears is ordinary clothes, and what he wears is also an ordinary helmet.

However, it still changes with the changes around him.

Don't ask, asking is the magic of NamBuster.

That's right, it's the magic of Nami Buster, because Shi LaGe is not from Shi LaGe, and he was not even born on Shi LaGe. He also has another identity, Nam Buster.

The ruler of Slag is not from Slag, just like a certain driver is not from a certain country. For some places, this is not a big deal.

He was sent to Star Shilage by his father, some kind of unknown Namkiller, when he was still an infant when NamBuster encountered a big climate change, the situation is the same as that of the Earth God.

However, he is different from the gods of the earth. Shi LaGe is a very rare existence among the peace-loving Nami nemesis with an evil heart.

Unlike old Piccolo, who had evil thoughts caused by the influence of human beings in the process of growing up, the gods were separated from the evil side, but they were inherently evil.

Moreover, he is also an upgraded body among the Nami busters, and he is born with a strength that surpasses most combat Nami busters.

You could even call him the Super Nambuster.

It's a pity that this super Namic buster is already old and shapeless, and his emerald green skin has also turned dark green. The change in skin color indicates that the Nami buster's lifespan is coming to an end.

Shi Lage didn't answer the other party's words either, seeing that he was unmoved, he said again: "You have such a powerful combat power, as long as we join forces, we will be invincible in the world."

"You know Frieza, the emperor of the universe, right?! Wouldn't it be great for us to kill Frieza together and become the emperor of the universe instead of him?"

Schlag once again issued an invitation that he thought was full of temptation.

"Don't you want to be the next universe emperor?"

"We can share the entire universe."

"Ignorant and fearless, Frieza's combat strength is 120 million. '

‘A vain attempt to kill Frieza and replace him? Your strength is simply not enough to see. '

Slag, who has regained his youth, is very powerful, and he is one of the few existences in the universe who can compete with Frieza himself, but the current Slag in an aging form is much worse. Although it is also an extremely powerful existence in the universe, at best it can break the wrist with Frieza's third form, and it is not at the same level as Frieza's final form.

In the whole Dragon Ball before the universe chapter, Frieza is synonymous with invincibility.

"I haven't used my full strength yet. If I use all my strength, you will not be my opponent." Seeing that the other party's eyes are getting more and more wrong, Shi Lage said calmly.

As if to verify his own words, the qi on his body began to rise gradually, and his combat power increased again.

Schlag hides part of his strength.

But even if his combat power changed again, he was still no match for that golden figure.

Just as there was a dimension between him and Frieza, there was also a few levels between him and the golden figure.

Shi Lage also seemed to understand the gap between himself and the other party. With the sweat dripping from his forehead while panting, his brain was thinking about countermeasures rapidly. Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, and he pointed at the back of the golden figure and shouted: "Fufliza, why are you here?"

The golden figure was taken aback when he heard the words, turned around like a conditioned reflex, and looked in the direction Shi LaGe pointed at.

The moment the golden figure turned around, Shi Lage's face changed, revealing a proud expression: "Good opportunity!"

He concentrated all his strength in his hands, completed charging at an extremely fast speed, and pushed in the direction of the golden figure.

"Magic Cannon!"

Red flames enveloped the golden figure.

"Hahahaha. So what if you are stronger than me? In the end, you will die by my hands." Seeing the empty sky, Shi LaGe laughed loudly.

This move exhausted all of Shi LaGe's strength, so his energy dropped sharply, and his combat power also dropped rapidly.

He himself doesn't care about this, the important thing is to solve the opponent.

But it's a pity that he didn't see a faint puff of white smoke that appeared with his full blow.

If there are perception ninjas or pupil ninjas present, they will be able to recognize it, it is the power of Shadow Clone.

That's right, the golden figure is none other than Naruto.

Naruto came out of the ninja world full of conspiracies and tricks. It would not be too funny for Slag to deceive Naruto with his deception. And this simple distraction trick has appeared more than once in the Dragon Ball world, but it basically doesn't work.

While Shi LaGe is calculating Naruto, Naruto is also calculating Shi LaGe.

So Naruto will plan.

Lied Shi LaGe a big one with all the energy.

For this reason, what Naruto paid was only the price of a Shadow Clone, and even because the Shadow Clone disappears, Chakra will automatically return to the caster's body, and the loss is probably only the part of the Chakra that is consumed by the Shadow Clone and returned to the caster's body.

"What are you laughing at? Saying it makes me happy too."

Naruto's faint voice made Shi Lage's hair stand on end, and the laughter stopped abruptly.

Schluge turned around very stiffly, and what he saw was the intact Naruto standing in front of him, not to mention injured, not even a single hair fell out. I saw Naruto showing a 'nuclear' smile at Shi LaGe, slowly raised his fist, and then punched Shi LaGe down.

One punch, two punches, three punches. One, two, three punches

Every time the hammer hits, the entire Star Shilage trembles, and all creatures on the entire planet that sense this battle tremble.

"This scene seems to have a feeling of deja vu." Looking at the hammered Shi LaGe, Kurama curled his lips thoughtfully in the sealed space, and then seemed to recall a certain memory: "It really makes Fox feel uncomfortable. "

After a violent beating, Shi Lage's breath has become very weak.

Lying on the ground dying, purple blood spilled, his eyes staring at the dark sky absentmindedly.

Looking at the half-dead Shi LaGe, Naruto didn't plan to kill him, but he clasped his hands together, opened both palms, and said calmly.

"Planetary Devastation!"

(end of this chapter)

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