Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 278 I, Vegeta, Will Become A Super Saiyan

Chapter 278 I, Vegeta, will become a Super Saiyan

"I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled! If I can regain my youth, it is because you are not my opponent at all."

The black sphere rose into the sky, and the dying Shi LaGe had no ability to struggle at all. Amid his unwilling roar, he was swept into the stone pile by the power of 'Planetary Devastation' and turned into a round stone ball.

"Now, the last piece of the puzzle has come together."

I saw Naruto's hand on the stone ball, and the next second the stone ball was sucked into the space of another dimension.

Five years did not seem to have left any traces on Naruto's body, he still maintained the appearance of five years ago. That is to say, he did not become the suspected bald flat-headed Naruto in the theatrical version of "THE LOST", and still maintains the shape of the Shippuden period, but this shape is more like Fourth Generation.

The reason why Naruto has not changed is of course not that he wished for the physique of a Saiyan. Whether Shenlong can give him this physique is another matter, at least Bolonga and Earth Shenlong can't. It is still possible if there are two star dragons, black heart dragons and cosmic dragons, but according to Naruto's knowledge, this world does not seem to have these three.

The reason is that I made a wish on the Namic star to activate the hidden blood power in my body.

It is also the blood of Ōtsutsuki.

The Ōtsutsuki clan may not be able to match the strength of Saiyans or Nami Busters at all, but there is one thing they are stronger than most races in Dragon Ball.

That is - life.

It is not uncommon for ordinary Ōtsutsuki people to live for thousands of years.

However, Naruto did activate the blood of Ōtsutsuki, but he is not the real Ōtsutsuki, or more than pure Ōtsutsuki blood, he also has the blood of Hokage mainland humans in his body, which means that he is not either of the two, but two of mixed blood.

According to the law that the mixed race in the Dragon Ball world is stronger, the current Naruto has come into being.

Of course, there may be some other reasons, but Naruto doesn't know that.

By the way, the humans in the Hokage continent are not completely useless. The human strength in that world may not be as high as that in the Dragon Ball world, but their bodies have three to four times more cells than the Dragon Ball world, and they can learn even if they exclude talents Theoretically speaking, as long as they have the same growth environment, the humans in the Hokage world will grow faster.

The growth of these years has exceeded his expectations. The improvement of the strength of the mixed race is a horror, coupled with the development of the power of the Nam nemesis elder before leaving, now he does not know how strong he is, Bulma The improved tester, which can test millions of combat power, was overloaded and broken four years ago.

So Naruto came to this dark galaxy and found Shi Lage, the ruler of the dark galaxy. On the one hand, it is to test one's own strength, and on the other hand, it is to catch Shi LaGe for other purposes.

Originally, he had the mentality of running away if he couldn't beat him, but it turned out that Shi Lage was no match at all.

There is another thing worth mentioning. For unknown reasons, on the same day when Naruto's strength exceeded the range of the combat power tester, he discovered an interesting thing. The flow rate between the Dragon Ball world and the Hokage world seems to have changed. , when he himself is in the Dragon Ball world, the flow of time in the Hokage world becomes very slow, how slow is it? A minute in the Hokage world is equivalent to a day in the Dragon Ball world.

Even if Naruto has been in the Dragon Ball world for decades, the Hokage world may only have passed a dozen days.

So Naruto has been here for all these years, but for the people in the Hokage world, half a day has passed.

"Go back." Naruto said looking at the dark sky, and then opened the space ninjutsu.

Before leaving, Naruto also caught some powerful creatures in Star Slag. I don’t know if the talents of the dark galaxy creatures are focused on fighting. In short, the strength is really strong, but the appearance is not. Quite passable.


hugo star

Vegeta and Nappa had just destroyed a city on the planet, and they were sitting in the forest resting.

At this time, a creature that looked almost like a mosquito was quietly sneaking behind the two of them with a laser gun.

But unfortunately, his range of motion was too large, and he was easily captured by the two of them. So not only did the person die, but he also became a meal for the two of them.

Vegeta tore off the arm of the unknown alien creature on Hugo, put it in his mouth and chewed it. Once the Saiyan exhausted his energy, his stomach would become very hungry.

"Vegeta, that guy Raditz seems to be in danger." Nappa looked at the strange appearance of the alien creature, and didn't dare to say anything.

Don't look at his size, but his appetite is not as good as Vegeta's. He doesn't eat anything weird.

"It's shameful, I was so scared by a guy with a combat power of only more than 1,000. Has he forgotten that his combat power can reach more than 10,000." Vegeta said with a look of contempt: "Since Shaz star one After being injured in the war, he became timid, and he was not as agile as before, and became timid. Such a guy is not worthy of being a Saiyan at all."

Then he took another bite of the meat in his hand, but this time before he could take two bites, he spat out the meat he had just chewed: "Bah, it tastes really bad."

The two have already heard what happened to Raditz on Earth through the communication function of the combat effectiveness tester.

"What about Vegeta, are we going to Earth? That planet is very remote."

"Of course." Vegeta changed another part, tore off a piece of meat and began to chew: "Although that guy Raditz is useless, thanks to his blessing, we also heard a great news."

"Beads that can grant any wish are interesting."

"Are we going to revive Raditz?" Nappa asked naturally, although the feelings between the Saiyans are relatively indifferent, but they have been comrades in arms for so many years, so there must be feelings. And as one of the few surviving Saiyans in this world, one death is one less.

"Nappa, are you kidding?" Vegeta spat out the chewed meat again, this time he didn't eat it at all: "How about making a wish to make us forever young and immortal?"

"In this way, you can enjoy the joy of fighting forever."

"Ah?" Nappa was taken aback when he heard the words, and quickly echoed after seeing Vegeta's serious expression: "That's a good idea."

"Come on, Nappa. Go to Earth."

Nappa was a little hesitant: "What about this planet? As long as we persist for a while, we can occupy it. If we leave at this time, Frieza's side."

"If we can obtain immortality, what do we care about Frieza?"

"That's right." Napa touched his smooth forehead and said.

Vegeta said in a voice that only he could hear: "If any wish can be granted, then I, Vegeta, will become a Super Saiyan. It is not impossible. '

(end of this chapter)

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