Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 279 So You Want To Betray King Frieza

Chapter 279 So You Want to Betray King Frieza

While Vegeta and Nappa flew to Earth in a spaceship, the battle between Raditz and Ashura on Earth was coming to an end.

The fighting power of the two is extremely close. Although Ashura wished that he would no longer be afraid of the sun, he could not defeat Raditz. Anyway, Raditz was also a high-level fighter among the Saiyans before. Although this will be useless, his talent cannot be denied.

'I haven't found any trace of Kakarot until now, so this guy must have been killed. ’ Losing the combat power tester, Raditz became more and more anxious: ‘If this is the case, it will be troublesome.’

'what to do? Can it only become a giant ape? But if I become a giant ape, I will lose my mind. '

The low-level fighters will lose their minds, but the royal and high-level fighters among the Saiyans will not.

However, there is a limitation to be added to this, which can overcome the weakness of the tail.

Raditz was evaluated as a superior fighter when he was a teenager, otherwise he would not have been assigned to Vegeta's team. It stands to reason that his combat effectiveness should be at least at the level of Nappa. However, this guy was lax in training later. As a result, the combat power is only 1,500 points, and even the weakness of the tail has not been overcome.

He had the conditions to become a giant ape without losing his sanity, but he failed to meet the conditions.

While Raditz was having a fierce ideological struggle, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly found a purple figure in the sky.

After seeing the appearance of that figure clearly, Raditz's hands and feet were cold.

Da Shura, who originally planned to hold back his tricks, found that Yao Xingyan had given up the retreat and stood there in a daze.

"Dare to pay attention when fighting with you?" Vegeta was very full in his heart, and planned to give me some color to see, but soon I found the right place, because Frieza was trembling .

So Vegeta turned around following Yao Xingyan's gaze, and saw a beautiful guy floating in the sky.

"Yo, that's Frieza the good-for-nothing!" Qiu Yi looked at Frieza condescendingly, and mocked without mercy.

As for Vegeta, the miscellaneous fish whose combat power is less than 1000 points are simply ignored.

"Yao Xing, why is he out there?" Yao Xingyan's arrival made Yao Xingyan determined to turn into a giant ape, so facing Yao Xing, I have no choice but to die.

"It's a very high and low Saiyan monkey, he should call you Qiu Yi." Qiu Yi hurriedly landed from the air, facing Frieza who was a head lower than me, his eyes were full of contempt: "Kneel If I apologize to you, you can consider sparing his life."

"If Raditz was there." Frieza knew the gap between himself and the opponent, so he dared to act recklessly. But as a proud Saiyan family, I would kneel down and beg for mercy.

In fact, the main reason is that even if I kneel down and beg for mercy, I can survive, but if Raditz finds out, I will still die.

"Yeah, if Raditz was there, you might still be apprehensive, but unfortunately," Yao Xing said, he became apprehensive: "Tell me, what big moves are you planning to do behind Ashura's back?"

"Going all the way to such a remote planet."

"Do you have any intention of making any big moves?" Frieza tried to delay time, using his peripheral vision to search for traces of the moon: "The difficulty of retreating to Huo Ge is too low, you are here to find helpers. You Your younger brother, Kakarot, was sent to the Raditz planet after it was destroyed by a meteorite, and your purpose is to find me."

Frieza told the truth, but he concealed some "important" side details, such as why he was looking for him in the future, and he didn't come to look for his brother until now.

That set of rhetoric has become another meaning in Qiu Yi's ears.

Yao Xing was overjoyed when he heard the words: "What? That is to say, apart from their Raditz brigade, there are no other Saiyans living here?"

"Hahaha Raditz, I finally let you find out what's wrong with him."

Yao Xing suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, "If there is no one, there will be no two. The situation like his younger brother should be in the majority. They actually reported such small things to the villain Yao Xingyan, but gathered in secret and wandered here. Saiyans."

"You understand, they are trying to collude with us to launch a rebellion!!!"

Frieza: ? ? ? You are, you have or not, don't talk nonsense.

Betrayal of Ashura, although the eight members of the Raditz Brigade sometimes think about it that way, but we also know the horror of Ashura, just think about that kind of thing, dare is really dare.

Qiu Yi thinks he has understood what happened, Frieza is worthless to me.

Even with or without the combat proficiency tester, Frieza could feel the good intentions in Qiu Yi's eyes, and if he waited to die, he would have to confess all his achievements there.

Frieza suddenly looked up at the sky, tried to look around, but couldn't find the moon.

"Enough!" At this moment, Yao Xingyan yelled angrily: "You don't care who they are, today! Get it! Die!"

"Vegeta Castle, you have the final say."

After speaking, Vegeta's body quickly deformed, horns grew under his head, and long fangs grew out of his mouth. His appearance changed from a handsome boy to a devil.

"Oh? A rare species that can hide its combat power?" Qiu Yi was slightly surprised when he saw the value that appeared under the tester, but it was only slightly insignificant.

Even if the combat power has increased slightly, it has only increased from 1500 points to 1800 points.

"It's just a combat power of less than 1,000, the level of miscellaneous fish."

Yao Xing just waved his hand, and Vegeta's incredible gaze from Vice Admiral beat me to a near-death state.

Yao Xingyan was unable to make up for the ten-fold difference in combat power.

"Noble race, thank you for your mercy, it seems that he can still be worth a few dollars."

Races that can transform are rare outside the universe, and many buyers are willing to buy them at a low price.

"The last one was him, stupid monkey." Qiu Yi said, approaching Frieza step by step.

The moon was pushed away by Guixianren during the 71st Heavenly First Martial Arts Association, it is basically possible for abnormal people to find the moon.

In addition to the abnormal moon transformation, Saiyans can also make artificial moon regression transformations. After that method, the transformation will achieve the effect of ten times the increase of the giant ape. The key point is that Frieza knows that skill.

"Let you think about how to torture him?" Qiu Yi showed an extremely bloodthirsty expression to Yao Xingyan: "Just break his seven limbs first."

Not long after Yao Xing finished speaking, another voice sounded in front of me.

"Hey, catfish essence over here."

"Although that guy betrayed you, he is still your subordinate."

A green figure caught Qiu Yi's eyes.

It was the little devil Piccolo who had returned.

(end of this chapter)

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