Chapter 315

"You are very smart!" Naruto said with a smile, since you have helped me make up the settings in my brain, then I will accept it bluntly.

"Sure enough, I hit the mark." Seeing that Naruto didn't deny it, Kerr felt even more proud.

"You said it all, but I didn't say a word. I didn't admit it either. I really praised you as a 'great smart'." Naruto said silently in his heart.

In the sealed space, there was one god, one man, and one fox, and they didn't even play cards, and laughed until they hit the ground.

"I'm curious why you didn't kill him directly?" Naruto glanced at Shi On and asked.

He was quite curious, since Kerr could infiltrate the sanctuary, and even made a fool of Shion, why didn't he just get rid of the current pope. Without the sanctuary of the pope, even if the golden saints gather together, they are just a group of golden babies.

Instead, it took a lot of effort to bring down the evil spirits of the twin brothers.

It was Naruto's unintentional words that made Kerr have a new association: "I see, it seems that the demigod and the Pope are not of the same mind?"

Naruto: 'Yes, yes, you have big breasts, you are right. '

"Then." Kerr rolled his eyes: "How about joining our Pluton army? Whatever condition Athena gives you, Lord Hades will give you double."

"Sorry." Naruto refused without thinking.

Athena gave me nothing, double zero is still zero.

Naruto: 'When I go to your side, it's a White Hits worker, and I go when I'm full. '

Kerr: ‘A god who can fight Lord Hades for so many years and still win all of them. Athena is really not simple, and she can make a demigod so devoted to her. '

' The big brothers think the problem is too simple. '

Kerr secretly thought in his heart.

If there is one, there are two. Is there only one demigod in the Sanctuary? Can't there be a first, second, third?

Although the class of demigods is not as good as gods, the strength of demigods is not weak. Some demigods are stronger in fighting power than many gods who are not good at fighting.

Even a god-tier at the level of the twin gods would not dare to say that they can retreat unscathed from a group of demigods.

"Unknown demigod, so Athena has arranged for you this time, is she planning to have a final battle with Lord Hades?"

Kerr intends to swindle Naruto, so she specially added the word 'we'. She wants to see Naruto's performance and check whether there is more than one demigod.

However, Naruto still maintained the principle of 'not taking the initiative, not refusing, and not being responsible', neither denying nor acknowledging, but this approach made Kerr more convinced of his own judgment.

'I didn't expect that my unintentional prank would see through Athena's deployment and catch a big fish. '

"Master Hades and the big brothers must be told"

Kerr smiled triumphantly at Naruto: "Thank you for telling me so much information, demigod."

"But I didn't say anything." Naruto looked confused.

Demigods are a group of idiots who only know how to fight. How could you know the wisdom of gods.

Kerr didn't mean to explain, and smiled again: "There will be a period later, demigod!"

"No matter how smart Athena is, she still missed a little bit. I am the god of destiny, and there is no trace, and my 'Keer's evil star' is even more invisible. As long as I leave here, what happened today will be nothing. It will appear in your memory. Unless you are a real god, it will be the same even if you are a demigod."

"Next time I will lead the Hades army to execute you personally."

Laughing loudly, Kerr waved his hand and disappeared in place.

'Space System Capabilities'

Naruto looked thoughtfully at where Kerr left.

The gods of the Saint Seiya series basically have certain space ability. Not to mention the gods, many fighters have space moves. In other words, the space attribute is a rare secret technique in other worlds, but it is a bad street skill in the world of Saint Seiya.

With Kerr's departure, the small universe shrouded in the Gemini (harmony) palace that blocked Tong Hu's perception disappeared.

"Shion, Shion!"

Tong Hu's voice sounded in the Gemini (harmony) palace.

"Is the child okay?"

"What just happened?"

"I feel like I've forgotten something important."

"Shion, answer me!"

As Kerr said, she is the god of destiny, and there is no trace to follow, and her ability has affected Tong Hu and Shi Ang.

"Excuse me, if the Shion you are talking about is an old man wearing a golden mask, he will be lying on the ground and sleeping soundly." Naruto's voice reached Tong Hu's ears: "As for the child, it's fine, He slept more soundly than the old man."

Although he doesn't know the universe, it's not like he hasn't used this kind of remote communication chat channel before, and he successfully connected to Tong Hu's audio.

He felt that he needed to explain. Didn't Kerr say that the sanctuary has an enchantment, and it would be more troublesome if he couldn't get out.

"Who are you? Why are you in this Gemini (harmony) palace?" Hearing a strange voice, Tong Hu immediately became alert.

"It's complicated to explain and I'm wondering where to start."

Judging from the tone of the other party, it should be true that this memory was lost as the god named Kerr said.

This is more troublesome. I can't say that I am actually a trainee god from another world, and I came to this world because of an "accident".

The world of Saints is very magical. In addition to the gods in this world, there are also many guys who call themselves "gods". Some are evil gods, and some come from other worlds like Naruto. These are called outer gods.

By the way, for saints, evil gods and outer gods are evil.

It is the main target of the Golden Saints' crusade against the Pluton army.

"Anyway, I don't know why, it's here in a 'swoosh'." Naruto simply spread his hands and smashed them.

"Tong Hu, he should not be an enemy."

During the communication between Naruto and Tong Hu, Shi Ang also woke up, and he also didn't remember the incident of "Keer's evil star".

"If it was the enemy, I would be dead by now."

Shi Ang said softly that the two hundred years of ruling the sanctuary did not turn him into a dictator, but turned him into a kind elder.

Kind and gentle, in the face of everything, he maintains a calm appearance.

"Your small universe is pure and clean, just like Lady Athena."

"No, you have an aura close to that of a god."

Shi On stared at Naruto with burning eyes.

"I see, you must have been sent by Lady Athena."

Naruto: '? ? ? '

‘If Kerr’s logic is still traceable, how did you come to this conclusion? '

‘Why do you all have such big brains, what do you understand? '

PS: Seiya said in the Celestial Chapter that Thanadus is a second-rate god. It’s really just a joke. There are only differences in status, positions, and no rank among the gods. When fighting, it depends on the size of the small universe. Thanadu In the official setting, Si is a god-tier with real power and a very high status.

(end of this chapter)

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