Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 316 On The Star Hill

Chapter 316 On the Star Hill

Everything has a microcosm, and some have been developed to Ultimate, and some have not yet been developed.

In the saint's world view, the microcosm is the foundation of everything, and the benchmark for the strength of saints and gods. The strength of the microcosm is directly reflected in the combat effectiveness of fighters.

In addition to the small universe, there is also the term "feeling".

Mortals have five senses, namely sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. If you lose your five senses, you will fall into a world of complete nothingness. You can't see, hear, speak, touch, and taste, and become a living corpse.

In addition to these five senses, some humans also have a keen 'sixth sense'. The sixth sense also has the common name of "super sensory perception", also known as "heart perception". It can receive information through channels other than normal senses, and do things that ordinary people cannot do and unexpected things.

They even have superpowers such as manipulating elements, predicting the future, telekinesis, flying, illusion, mind reading, mind control, intuition...etc.

Everyone's sixth sense is different, and the effect achieved is also different.

Mastering the small universe and reaching the sixth sense is a prerequisite for becoming a saint.

In addition to the sixth sense, there is also a stronger seventh sense, also called mana consciousness, which is the essence of the small universe. People who have the seventh sense are also said to have the ultimate small universe. Saints who have reached the seventh sense also have the initial qualifications to become the strongest fighters in the sanctuary, the golden saints.

The most intuitive manifestation of reaching the seventh sense is that the fist can reach the speed of light.

Astrology Building, also known as Star Hill. This is the forbidden area of ​​the sanctuary, where only a few members such as the pope are allowed to enter.

We had a special guest here recently.

Shi Ang walked into the astrology building with slow steps. At this time, he had already taken off the Pope's exclusive helmet, revealing an old face, looking at Naruto who was sitting on the chair thinking hard, holding two cups of tea in his hands One of the cups, and handed it to Naruto who was still flipping through the secretary.

"Try this."

"Thank you." Naruto took the teacup after thanking him.

"Black tea again?"

As he spoke, he took a sip and found that the taste of the tea was completely different from what he had expected. It had a unique salty aroma, and a mixture of milk and wine. It's quite delicious.

"I only drank black tea after I came to the sanctuary. This is what I drank before."

"I like black tea, but I like this even more."

"Butter Milk Tea."

Shi Ang took a sip from the teacup, squinted his eyes and looked very enjoying: "This reminds me of many things when I was young. At that time, I was not as calm as I am now, very impulsive and mischievous. My teacher still has a headache."

"Unexpectedly, more than 200 years have passed in a flash, and I have gradually matured from an ignorant boy to a saint who protects Athena and the world, and now I have become the Pope."

"Actually, many of my comrades in arms were better than me, but it's a pity. All."

Shi Ang was rambling on, Naruto also put down the book, and listened quietly while holding a teacup, as if the time had returned to more than 200 years ago.

By the time Shi On finished recalling a part of the past, the butter tea in the cup had already been drunk, and it was already dawn.

"Sorry, people like to recall the past when they are old."

Shion said apologetically.

"Mr. Pope doesn't have to be like this. I would also be happy to hear you share your past."

In Shion's story, there is a jihad 200 years ago. His eloquence is so good that even Naruto is fascinated by it.

"Actually, you can call me Shion."

"Okay, Mr. Shion." Naruto didn't refuse, and agreed straight away. Shion is indeed the person with the highest status in the entire sanctuary except for Athena, but Naruto is not bad, whether he is an apprentice king or a ninja. The status of the current ninja god is no more humble than the pope.

"Mr. Shi Ang is here today?"

"Look at my memory." Shion seemed to suddenly remember something: "Mr. Uzumaki, are you still used to staying this time?"

"It's pretty good. There are a lot of books here, which let me learn a lot of knowledge that I didn't know before."

The number of books collected in Star Hill is unimaginable, and the contents are all-encompassing, not only the perception of the small universe, the moves of saints, but also some secrets of previous holy wars that cannot be seen by the outside world.

In fact, Naruto doesn't hate reading books, but there is nothing to read in the first two worlds. Do you want Naruto to read Konoha's "Will of Fire"? Or the pile of books on advanced mathematics in Bulma's house?

"Just get used to it, get used to it." Shi Ang repeated this sentence like an old man.

"It's getting late, Mr. Uzumaki, then I'll leave first and come back in a few days."

Shi Ang smiled kindly at Naruto, opened the door and left.

‘Just come here and ask yourself if you’re used to it? ’ Naruto couldn't figure out what Shion was thinking for a while, but he was sure that the other party had no malicious intentions.

Since leaving the world of Hokage, face reading has not been as invincible as it used to be, but the ability to sense maliciousness is still there.

Shion felt to Naruto not like a pope who has been in charge of the sanctuary for more than 200 years, but like a kind old man next door.

At least it is much better than Third Generation in terms of treating people with sincerity, which earns a good impression.

"Old friend, why did you let him stay at Star Hill?" Shi Ang left Star Hill, and not long after he arrived at the sanctuary, Tong Hu sent Lianmai in the voice of the small universe: "There is only a very small number of existences such as the Pope who are qualified to enter. "

"He has the aura of a god on his body, which is very similar to that of a goddess, and he does not reject humans."

"I have been in close contact with the goddess before, I know the feeling, it can't be wrong."

"Even the gods don't necessarily help us Shion, most of the gods are not friendly to us humans." Tong Hu raised his voice a lot: "Didn't he say it himself, he has nothing to do with the goddess."

"He didn't even grasp the small universe, which is too strange."

"We shouldn't keep him, we shouldn't stay in Sanctuary, and you shouldn't let him stay in Star Hill!"

In the last sentence, Tong Hu was already giving a sharp warning.

‘I haven’t even been to Star Hill! ’ Tong Hu also held back a few words in his stomach.

Unlike Huyou Kerr, Naruto did not use the same method to communicate with Shi Ang and Tong Hu, but explained his situation immediately, and of course concealed some information.

"No, Tong Hu. He should be kept." Shi Ang shook his head: "I have a feeling that he will be the key factor in deciding this jihad."

"What if your intuition is wrong? Shion!"

"It can't be wrong." On Shi Ona's face that has been aged by two hundred years of wind and frost, his eyes are extremely firm and powerful: "Back then, my teacher"

"Hello, I hope you are doing well."

Seeing that he couldn't convince his old friend, Tong Hu could only say helplessly.

"What a stubborn sheep."

"Just like back then."

(end of this chapter)

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