Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 52 Pain Is Right

Chapter 52 Pain is Right


The door was roughly kicked open, with a bandage on his right arm and a wine bottle in his left hand, a strange man reeking of alcohol stumbled into Xianglin's house.

"Get Laozi out quickly."

When the man entered the door and didn't see Xianglin, he yelled and cursed, his body exuded an astonishing stench, the smell of blood, alcohol, breath, and sweat mixed together and fermented.

"Didn't you see that Laozi was injured?"

The man continued to swear, picked up something and threw it to the ground.

"What an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, just like your dead ghost mother."

"If Laozi Grass Ninja Village was willing to take you in, you would have starved to death outside."

It's ridiculous to say that these grass ninjas treat Xianglin's mother and daughter like this, but they still feel that Xianglin should be grateful to them, because they took in their mother and daughter, and they gave Xianglin's mother and daughter "jobs" so that they can survive.

It should be said that Kusanagi never regarded the mother and daughter of Xianglin as human beings. In their eyes, the value of mother and daughter of Xiangrin was only equivalent to two moving blood bags.

There are even crazed Kusanagi who want to breed more blood bags.

After all, a blood bag is always useful and worn out.

Just like the big blood bag before.

Need to continuously manufacture blood bags.

If it wasn't for the fact that Xiang Rin was too young to give birth, the grass ninjas were afraid that they would 'use' her out, so they were spared.

If it takes a few more years for Xiang Rin to reach childbearing age, what awaits her may be an even more miserable ending.

"Master Takeda." Xianglin suppressed the hunger in her belly, stood up from the ground with difficulty, and forced a smile at the man.

Called, if do not show up, hide, will be beaten.

If you don't answer in time, you will be beaten.

If you don't use honorifics, you will be beaten.

If you get the wrong name, you will be beaten.

If you don't smile, you will be beaten.

These are the experiences that Xiang Rin summed up in her life in Kusanagi Village.

A little carelessness ushered in a severe beating.

Even if everything is obeyed, sometimes you will be beaten.

For example: when entering the door, should you step with your left foot or your right foot first.

"Didn't you see that Laozi was injured?" The man opened his drunken eyes and repeated again. After speaking, he pointed to his feet: "Get out of here in front of me."

Xianglin knew that her answering speed was half a beat slow, and she would be beaten again after a while.

A drunk like the one in front of him, because of his drunkenness, will strike harder than usual.

Once, Xianglin was beaten so badly that she almost passed out.

'It's okay, it's okay. '

Xianglin was trembling all over, and she kept comforting herself in her heart.

Now she has nothing to rely on, all she can rely on is herself.

"Master Takeda, I haven't eaten for a long time." Xianglin completely ignored the disgusting smell on the drunk man, and said pitifully when she came to the drunk man.

Pretending to be pitiful is what Xianglin has learned since she was a child. Although she cannot be completely spared, sometimes she can suffer less.

Showing a disgusted expression will also be beaten.

"Can you give me some."

"Shut up!"

The drunk grabbed Xianglin's fiery red hair, completely ignored Xianglin's struggle, and pressed hard on the ground, Xianglin's forehead also hit the floor heavily, making a dull sound.

One, two, three.

Boom boom boom. The drunk man let out a hey laugh, enjoying it very much.

With big black and yellow teeth bared, he sprayed 'venom' unscrupulously: "You haven't done your job well, and you still want to be paid?"

"Today's food is gone."


The scalp was torn, and the severe pain from the forehead made Xianglin almost faint.

"sorry Sorry sorry."

The constant apologies did not bring any mercy, but more rough treatment.

Xianglin wanted to struggle, but her weak body had no ability to resist in front of the drunk, so she could only allow the drunk to commit violence.

However, the physical pain was not as great as the psychological pain.


why treat me like this

It's clear that Xiang Rin did nothing wrong

It was obvious that Xiang Rin did nothing.

Xiang Rin just wants to live.

Is this wrong?

Is it wrong to live?

Is it wrong to just want to live?

Xianglin didn't understand why the village harbored so much malice towards their mother and daughter, let alone why they suffered such inhuman treatment.

When the drunk man let go of his palm, strands of red silk slipped from between his fingers. The drunk man burped with an extremely unpleasant smell, and the stench filled the room.

"It's time to work." The drunk grabbed Xianglin's slender arm, lifted her up, roughly tore off Xianglin's neckline, and opened his mouth to bite down on Xianglin's delicate neck.


Xianglin desperately resisted the drunk. She knew that with her current physical condition, if she was bitten again, she would definitely die from Chakra overdrawn like her mother did back then.

"Asshole!" The drunk was irritated by Xianglin's weak resistance, and slapped Xianglin hard with his left hand.

This slap made Xianglin's whole brain buzz, and he fell to the ground with a plop.

Now Xianglin no longer had the strength to stand up, and at the same time her eyelids became heavier and heavier, her consciousness gradually began to blur, and her breath became weaker and weaker.

The drunk man staggered to his feet, and Chao Xianglin stretched out his sinful hand again.

Are you... dying?

Maybe death is a kind of relief for myself.

Xiang Rin slowly closed his eyes.


There was a dull sound of falling heavy objects.

Immediately afterwards, Xianglin felt that she was hugged by someone, not the rough treatment in the past, but a very gentle and gentle feeling, and then an unusually comfortable warm current flowed into her body, and she was pulled into a warm embrace , just like it was in my mother's arms.

Yes. Mom?

Xianglin struggled to open the corners of her eyes, but the heavy eyelids made her only open a tiny gap.

It was a spiral mask.

'Who? '

'Who are you? '

Xianglin wanted to speak, but at this moment she had no strength at all, and it was already the limit to open a gap in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my lord. Please spare me." Xianglin heard a trembling voice in panic, which she was very familiar with

It's Takeda.

It's Takeda-sama.

No, it's the Takeda Demon's.

"Is this the hand that made it?"

A strange voice sounded, is that the person wearing the spiral mask?

"Ah!" There was a scream, and then the sound of heavy objects crushing bones was accompanied by screams and begging for mercy.

"Does it hurt? That's right." The voice said, "This is just the beginning."

"Is there a place here?"

"Here. Here and here"

The sound of bones being crushed was heard one after another, and Takeda's miserable screams echoed in the room. Finally, the begging and screams gradually disappeared, leaving only a few faint hummings. Obviously, the owner of the voice could not survive.

At this time, Xianglin felt an indescribable joy in her heart.

Save yourself whether it is an angel or a devil.

I will follow you forever.

(end of this chapter)

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