Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 53 The Lightning That Beats At My Fingertips Is My Unchanging Belief

Chapter 53 The lightning that beats at my fingertips is my unchanging belief

Qi is a very, very magical thing, and it can generate various abilities in its original world. In Frieza's chapter, after Kakarot came to Namek, he just touched Krillin's forehead, You can know everything that happened to a few people on Namicus.

And after Naruto's natural ability to perceive malice is entangled with Qi, he also has this ability under the chemical reaction produced.

Naruto sees Karin's past.

Seeing what happened to Xiang Rin.

At this moment, Naruto exuded an unprecedented malice.

"I thought it was disgusting enough to be in Konoha, but I didn't expect it to really make me big! Open! Eyes! Realm!"

With his left foot, Naruto crushed the bones of Kusanagi Chūnin who called himself "Takeda-sama" one by one.

At the same time, Nine Tails Chakra was continuously fed into his body to prevent this "adult" from being accidentally killed by himself, so that he could clearly feel the feeling of broken bones all over his body. As for the subsequent effect of destroying the body of Nine Tails Chakra, that is not The scope of Naruto's consideration, he just didn't want to let this person die so cheaply.

Now, only the ugly head of this 'Master Takeda' remains intact.

"He's here! He's here!" Kusanagi shouted outside the house, and soon other Kusanagi arrived one after another.

"Help, help!"

Perhaps it was because of the sound outside the house that "Master Takeda" burst out with a strong desire to survive, and shouted loudly towards the outside of the house.

With a click, the neck was crushed by a foot, and there was no more sound.

"It's Takeda." A Kusanagi obviously recognized Takeda's voice: "What should I do? Takeda is still inside."

"Leave that guy alone!" Xiong Yi yelled angrily, "Damn it, the person this weirdo is looking for is that lowly thing! Be careful, don't hurt 'that thing'."

It stands to reason that they should go up and have a few words first, and it's not too late to call if they can't agree.

In fact, the relationship between Grass Ninja Village and Ghost Lantern City is really bad.

Grass Ninja Village experienced a rebellion not long ago, and Wu Wei got very close to the former rebel, Anbu from the Four Parts of Grass Ninja.

In addition, the Bliss Box, which is the secret treasure of Kusanagi Village, has been in Ghost Lantern City or will it come back. But at this time, Naruto came over as Wuwei's honored guest, eyeing the 'blood bag' of their grass ninja village.

So Yuichi directly skipped the negotiation stage, planning to beat him to death first.

Coincidentally, Naruto has no willingness to negotiate.


Under the command of Yuichi, a group of grass ninja rushed into the house, and the remaining grass ninja surrounded the house, holding kunai, shuriken and other weapons, waiting for Naruto who was forced out.

"After I kill this guy, I will go to Ghost Lamp City myself, and I must give that bastard Wuwei an explanation." Xiongyi said angrily, his teeth itching.

Regardless of whether he has the ability to confront Wuwei, cruel words will always be released.

Suzuki Jiro, who brought Naruto over, saw that the situation was not good, and he ran away long ago.

After that team of grass ninja rushed into the house, there was no more movement, like a stone sinking into the sea, without a sound.

"Captain!" The grass ninjas looked at each other, not knowing whether to attack or continue to surround.

"What's the situation?" Xiongyi's face was cloudy and cloudy, red and white for a while, unable to make up his mind for a while, finally gritted his teeth and shouted loudly:

"Give me a ninjutsu attack!"

"That's our Kusanagi's 'thing'. Even if it's destroyed, it can't be given to him!"

Kusanagi heard the words and used their ninjutsu one after another.

"Fire Style Great Fireball Technique!"

"Fire Style Dragon Fire Technique"

"Lightning Style·Lightning Technique!"

"Lightning Style Explosive Bomb!"

Lightning spots mixed with flames kept bombarding the house.

Not long after, there was only a 'bang' sound. Under the repeated attacks of ninjutsu, the house finally couldn't bear it, and it collapsed, setting off huge waves of dust.

"Is it dead?" Yuichi looked at the half-collapsed wall that was still burning, and asked uncertainly.


A thumb-thick purple-red light shot out from the ruins.

Xiong felt a pain in his chest. When he came back to his senses, his chest had been penetrated by that ray of light. Xiong opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but unfortunately he could only make a sound of 'ho ho' , fell down with a plop, and there was no more sound.

"Master Xiongxiong is dead!"

I don't know which Kusanagi cried out in horror.

The grass ninjas present were like ants on a hot pot, and the pot exploded in an instant.

'噍' '噍' '噍'

In an instant, several rays of light shot out, taking away the lives of several Kusanagi again.

The Kusanagi finally couldn't bear the pressure and fled in all directions.

However, the speed at which they fled could not match the speed of light.

The speed of light is getting faster and faster, and the frequency is getting higher and higher.

Before the grass ninjas ran far, they were all killed.

"No wonder Frieza likes to use this trick. It's the first time I use it, and it's quite easy to use." Naruto's voice sounded, and the smoke and dust from the collapse of the house gradually dissipated, and Naruto was hugged in the posture of a princess. Xianglin slowly walked out from the ruins.

The end of his fingertips was still flashing red lightning.

The death beam, Qi condenses to the index finger, and then emits a red laser at a very fast speed.

Frieza's signature skill was created by Naruto.

Sometimes the qi will change with the user's mentality, so there is the term "evil qi", just like Naruto is very angry now and wants to destroy everything in Kusanagi, so the death ray he released is similar to that of Foley. Sa is also red.

"Now that you're awake, get up." Naruto said softly.

The qi he sent into Xiang Rin's body was enough to restore her strength.

Besides, the ramblings in the little girl's mind gave Naruto a headache.


Xiang Rin hurriedly opened her eyes, and looked at Naruto timidly.

Gently put Xianglin down, and stroked her fiery red silky hair.

"Very nice hair, follow me from now on."

"Yeah." Xianglin nodded vigorously, showing a sweet smile.

This smile is genuine.

Apart from her mother, this is the first time Xianglin has heard others praise her for her beautiful hair.

Very happy, but a little bit like crying.

As if seeing through Xianglin's mind, Naruto comforted again softly: "It's okay, I'll be here from now on."

Xianglin also nodded obediently again: "Yes."

Even though it was the first time they met, the two had a tacit understanding.

Neither asked nor explained.


An untimely voice sounded, and Xianglin's face flushed instantly.

Qi can restore physical strength, but it cannot satisfy hunger.

"Hungry, I'll take you to eat something."

"Yeah." With a blushing little face, Xianglin wished she could find a crack in the ground and get in.

As for the place to eat, it is naturally in this grass ninja village.

Not only do you want to kill people in your village, but you also want to eat here.

"Dirty brat, who will allow you to be so unknown." As soon as he stepped into a pork chop shop in Cao Nin Village, some villagers pointed at Xianglin and yelled. He made a gesture to drive him away, but before he finished speaking, Naruto casually released a wave, and the opponent disappeared before he even had time to scream, leaving no ash behind.

Clap your hands as if doing a trivial thing.

"If you don't want to be like that person, just serve the best food in your store."

Naruto glanced at the shop owner indifferently, and tapped on the table lightly.

"You understand that?"

"Understood!" The boss nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Instead of being afraid of what Naruto did, Xiang Rin looked at him with admiration.

To say that Naruto only saw what Xianglin experienced, but Xianglin had experienced all that personally, and she didn't have the slightest affection for the villagers of Kusanagi Village.

Soon two bowls of hot pork chop rice were served.

Xianglin was really hungry, and he ate two large portions of pork chop rice alone.

Fortunately, there is such a magical thing as Chakra, otherwise Naruto would not dare to let Xianglin eat so much. People who are chronically hungry will easily damage their stomachs if they eat too much at one time.

"Are you full?" Naruto patted Shan Rin's head again, and had to say that the fiery red hair felt really good.

Xianglin reluctantly put down the big bowl: "I'm full."

I haven't eaten so full for a long time.

Xianglin patted her slightly protruding belly, glanced at Naruto secretly, her cheeks blushed again.

After such a while, a lot of villagers have gathered around the store, looking like they want to enter but dare not enter. The maliciousness of these villagers against Xianglin makes people who have lived in a hostile environment since childhood Naruto felt incredible.

The ominous person, that thing. This is what Kusanagi villagers call Xiang Rin.

How similar to the name of the demon fox incarnation.

Is that all you want her to die?

Does Xianglin have revenge on you for killing your father and taking your wife, or is she digging up your ancestral graves?

He is obviously the only medical ninja in this village, he has cured so many people for this village, and he just wants to live.

To treat her like this.


It's hopeless.

If it can't be saved, then destroy it.

Anyway, that was the plan from the beginning.

"Then let the world feel our malice, starting with Kusanagi Village."


Useless cold knowledge, Karin is bigger than Naruto, bigger than Sasuke.

(end of this chapter)

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