Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 54 You Are Already Surrounded By Me

Chapter 54 You are Already Surrounded by Me


Naruto stretched out his thumb and gently wiped the rice grains from the corner of Karin's mouth.

'Why do you know my name. '

Naruto's move made Karin blush again.

Indeed, Naruto has never asked Xiang Rin's name since his appearance until now, nor has he introduced himself.

Naruto tilted his head and thought for a while, then put a finger on his lips: "Because I can read minds."

"Even if Xianglin doesn't say anything, I can still know what you're thinking."

"That's great." Xianglin admired from the bottom of her heart.

"I lied to you." Naruto pampered Karin's little head.

Obviously based on actual age, Xianglin is considered Naruto's cousin (cousin) sister, but Naruto's advanced development and Xianglin's malnutrition caused a considerable height difference between the two, and they looked more like a big brother and a little sister .

A discordant voice interrupted this warm scene.

"Get out."

Finally, a villager couldn't bear it anymore. This person had just arrived, so he didn't see the scene of Naruto's murder. He wanted to say something, but before he could finish speaking, he was pierced by a red light.

"Strange. Monster"

Compared with the qigong wave that kills so quickly that there is no scum left, the visual impact of this trick of death light is more shocking, especially for the ignorant villagers. The villagers were frightened and ran away screaming.

"噍", "噍", "噍"

It was the same few red rays of light that instantly killed the few villagers who were running in front.

"Who allowed you to leave?" Naruto's voice floated over, the voice was not loud but it sounded like thunder in the ears of the villagers. red rays.

‘It’s all here, but it’s not so easy to leave. '

Just as Naruto was about to clean up the villagers, there was a commotion in the crowd.

"The elder is here."

After waiting for so long, the Lord is finally willing to come?

It was another fatal red ray, which took the life of the villager who made the sound.

"Hush." ​​Naruto put the finger that emitted the 'death light' to kill the villagers before his lips, and said softly, "I told you to be quiet."

'When did you say that? '

"Oh, I didn't say it just now." Naruto patted his forehead lightly, with a look of sudden realization: "I said it now."

The grass ninja villagers were so frightened by Naruto's actions that they were afraid that they would provoke Naruto by accident, and at the same time they felt extremely regretful.

You said it's okay to come here to watch what's going on.

Blame that unknown person!

An imposing and majestic old man came slowly, the old man's steps were strong and powerful, his clothes were slightly raised, his face was resolute, with sharp edges and corners, and there was a deep scar on his right eye, extending from his forehead to Chin, bare face is very vicious.

He was followed by forty or fifty Kusanagi, and the group was menacing.

He frowned, seeing the villagers whose hearts had been pierced changed slightly, their sharp eyes looked around, and finally fell on Naruto.

"Hmph!" The Great Elder's eyes fell on Naruto for a moment, then turned to Xianglin, with a murderous intent mercilessly released from his body: "So it's because of you."

Faced with the great elder's terrifying face and sharp gaze, Xianglin subconsciously grabbed Naruto's clothes.

Naruto just waved his hand, and the huge killing intent of the Great Elder dissipated in an instant.

The grand elder of the grass ninja village is very imposing, and the Chakra fluctuations exuding from his body are not inferior to the inaction of the ghost city master.

I think it should be the strongest ninja in Kusanagi Village.

By the way, the amount of Chakra of this person is about 0.1 chakra.

"It's a bit of a skill to be able to ignore the old man's murderous intent, no wonder he dared to make trouble in Cao Ninja Village."

‘Which big village’s ninja? '

"Elder Elder, this is the person who killed Yamamoto and the others." One of the nearby villagers pointed at Naruto and whispered.

"Did I let you talk?" Naruto said softly, and then he raised his finger slowly.


The Great Elder Kusanagi just wanted to stop him, but before he could speak, a red light flashed past his eyes.

By the time his words fell, the villager had already collapsed.

Naruto's faint voice sounded again.

"The wind is too strong to hear."

Muji? Blood inheritance limit?

Looking at the villagers lying in the pool of blood, the elder's face was as black as the bottom of the pot, and at the same time, he was very afraid of Naruto's strength. The skill Naruto showed just now was really amazing, and his aura dropped a bit. Cut off, said to Naruto in a deep voice:

"With your strength, is it interesting to kill civilians?"

"Is it interesting?" Naruto pointed to himself and said, "Is it interesting for you to ask me?"

The corners of the mouth under the mask outlined a perfect arc: "Of course."

After finishing speaking, Naruto ignored the elder, but said to Xianglin earnestly: "Xianglin, look."

"Sometimes violence can solve a lot of problems."

"As long as your fist is big and hard enough, everyone will respect you."

The only thing that can protect him is his fist.

This is the law of this world.

Compared with the relatively simple world of Dragon Ball, there are not too many disgusting things and people in the world of Hokage.

So much so that Naruto even had the idea of ​​destroying an entire planet.

The face of the Great Elder Kusanagi was already so dark that his facial features could not be seen clearly.

"Hmph!" The Great Elder half-closed his eyes, and the only remaining one eye shone with a dangerous light: "Your Excellency took away the 'property' of my Grass Ninja Village, and killed my Grass Ninja Village's ninjas, are you not paying attention to my Grass Ninja Village? in?"

The "property" mentioned by the Great Elder refers to Xianglin, and no one in Caoren Village regards her as a human being.

"Property?" Naruto also narrowed his eyes. The elder's words completely angered Naruto. For the first time, Naruto, who had always been unhappy, expressed a trace of anger in his tone: "She is my clansman, and she may be the only one who is still alive. relatives."

"You said she was property? Good, good!"

'clan', 'relative'

These two words kept echoing in Xianglin's mind. These two words were so strange to Xianglin, so unfamiliar that she only learned a little bit from her mother's mouth.

Does she have relatives in this world?

At this moment, Xianglin's eyes were moistened instantly.


Turns out I'm not alone.

But at the same time, there was a sense of loss in my heart.

'It turned out to be just a remnant of the country of the vortex. '

Hearing Naruto's words, the Great Elder was relieved. The Great Ninja in the Daren Village could not afford to offend, so there was nothing to be afraid of a subjugated refugee.

'The remnants of the mighty Uzumaki clan.'

There was even a gleam of greed in Naruto's one eye.

If he is taken down, Grass Ninja Village will have one more blood bag, and maybe other blood bags.

As for failure?

Just kidding, don't say you still carry a bottle of oil, even in a fair fight, the chances of winning are almost zero.

You thought you were the Fourth Hokage of Fifty Seconds Jōnin?

This is Grass Ninja Village, the base camp of Grass Ninja.

"Do it!" The Great Elder ordered, and Kusanagi behind him waited for the opportunity to move, and surrounded Naruto and Xianglin in a triangle.

The Kusanagi separated each other, blocking all of Naruto's escape routes.

"Give it a go." The Great Elder looked at Naruto who was holding a winning ticket.

Dozens to one, that's safe.

"You're surrounded by us."


"I'm surrounded by you?"

Under the mask, Naruto showed a mocking smile, and waved a finger in front of the Kusanagi Elder.


"You are surrounded by me."

(end of this chapter)

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