Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 65 I Bought A Small Windmill

Chapter 65 I Bought a Small Windmill

The whole ninja school seemed to be caught in a strange atmosphere, a strange way of speaking swept the entire campus, and almost every little ninja was imitating this tone.

Even the teachers of the ninja school are sometimes led astray in class.


"Zo~suke~jun~look at me~"


Uchiha Sasuke was the one who suffered the most. I don't know when it started. Whenever the girls in the class saw him, they would greet him with a strange tone.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that it was a blond girl at the beginning. I was taken aback and then responded with a conditioned reflex. Since then, it has been out of control.

To tell you the truth, that squeaky voice made Sasuke's goosebumps drop all over the place.

The key is that it’s fine if it sounds good, sometimes some boys are mixed in, can you imagine? A little boy in the voice-changing period. Whispering and whimpering clip sound.

He can't scold and can't scold, and can't beat and beat. If it wasn't for maintaining the image of the Uchiha clan, he would definitely give the other party a punch.

If it was Naruto, he should be honest with a punch at the beginning, and he should feel much more comfortable watching them cry.

"I bought a small windmill, huh huh~"

The voice rang in Sasuke's ears, and the hot air in his ears made Sasuke's whole body tremble, and a numbness went from his toes to Tongtian's spirit cap.

Then a familiar yellow hair came into view.

"Uzumaki Naruto, you deserve a beating, don't you?"

Sasuke pointed at Naruto and yelled angrily.

Fortunately, there are no other people around, otherwise my image will be ruined.

"Come on, come on. Let's fight." Naruto's eyes lit up, and he rolled up his sleeves excitedly: "Let me see if you are Pikachu's brother who is itching."

Hey, the rain stopped and the sky cleared up. Er Zhuzi thinks he's doing well again?

Naruto is worried about beating Sasuke for no good reason.

Looking at Naruto's tendons that are very obvious even if he doesn't use force, Sasuke's eyes turned red instantly, and a black hook ball twirled wildly in his eye sockets, only to hear him say firmly:

"Not coming!"

Naruto looked at Sasuke with disdain: "HE TUI"

Only in front of a few people such as Sasuke, Naruto will show a little boyish attitude. Konoha can count on one hand.

"Two pillars." Naruto who was guiding Sasuke's practice suddenly said.

Practice is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

Naruto, who is Sasuke's half-brother, always urges him to practice and become stronger.

From time to time, I took the time to beat him up on the grounds of checking the progress of the training.

"Don't call me by that name." Sasuke wiped the sweat off his brow and said with a frown.

However, Naruto ignored him at all, and continued on his own: "Er Zhuzi, Neji and Xiao Li are graduating today."

"Two pillars, you"

Naruto lowered his voice:

"Want to graduate early?"

Want to graduate early?

If this question was put in the time when the genocide was just exterminated, Sasuke would definitely answer yes.

During that time, he wanted to seek revenge on 'that man' all the time, and wanted to kill him even if he was helping Commander in his dream.

Naruto has seen Sasuke calling his parents in his sleep countless times.

Naruto also mentioned to the Fugaku couple whether they need to tell Sasuke the truth, whether they need to take him over and reunite.

The answer was that Fugaku said in a serious way: "People have to go through a lot of hardships to become useful. Frustrations and tribulations are the sharpening stones for training will and enhancing abilities. As a child of the Uchiha family, especially a boy of the Uchiha family, what he has to endure There must be more."

But even though Fugaku said so, Naruto felt that it was because the two couples were focusing on Karin.

According to unreliable information from an unknown person.

The Fugaku couple actually wanted a girl for their second child, and they also decided that the second child was a girl. For this reason, they almost made a baby kiss with the Fourth Generation couple.

Who knew that a 'what is giving' was born.

son? what son? You know what a fart, how can a son smell like a daughter?

"Graduate early." Sasuke was slightly taken aback when he heard Naruto's words. Then he shook his head: "It's not necessary."

Hearing this, Naruto jumped off the branch, leaned against the trunk and chose a comfortable position, and said, "Thinking about it?"


Sasuke wanted to become strong enough to kill 'that man'.

This is Sasuke's belief and also Sasuke's motivation.

In fact, graduation has nothing to do with becoming stronger.

Sasuke once believed that if he graduated early, one year of Chūnin, one year of Jōnin, as long as he surpassed the record of "that person", then he would be stronger than "that person".

The term Jōnin was once Sasuke's target.

After all, 'that person' has the impressive achievements of graduating at the age of seven, Chūnin at the age of ten, and captain of the Anbu branch at the age of thirteen.

According to the trajectory of a normal ninja, becoming a Chūnin as soon as possible and becoming a Jōnin as soon as possible is indeed a way to become stronger.

But this is normal ninja trajectory.

What is Sasuke practicing now.

Guixian stream.

Although I can't practice that kind of thing called qi, the speed of growth is amazing.

He can deeply appreciate the continuous growth of strength, the feeling of strengthening every few days.

Instead of graduating early and being tired of ninja tasks, it is better to calm down and practice hard.

Even after graduation, it will only change from self-cultivation to following Jōnin's guidance.

Although Sasuke doesn't know how strong Naruto is, he can be sure that Naruto is definitely much stronger than Jōnin.

At least 'that man' is definitely not as fast as Naruto.

"Let's go, go find Li and Neji." Naruto said as he walked over, and pulled up Sasuke who was exhausted after the practice: "It's almost time for them to take the placement test."

"Is there still a test required for graduation placement?"

Naruto: "Of course, otherwise you think the Three Body Technique exam at Ninja School is the end? No, no, no, no one really thinks so, right?"

Sasuke: ...

Uzumaki Naruto what the fuck!

"With the abilities of Lee and Neji, we can definitely pass."

Naruto patted Sasuke's shoulder: "Let's go, Ichiraku Ramen, your treat."

At the same time, Konoha No. 44 training ground.

Neji and Xiao Li teamed up to fight with Guy, and the three of them came and went and staged fist-to-flesh battles to their heart's content.

Baozitou's Tiantian watched with astonishment on his two teammates and Jōnin's instructor.

She couldn't intervene in the battle between the three of them at all, and the unimaginable speed alone was so fast that she couldn't see clearly at all.

'Are your teammates so strong? '

'Is it possible to lie down after that? '

'what? what is that? '

'So familiar' picked up a bunch of bells from the ground every day, stared at them for a long time, and suddenly thought of something: 'Wait. Didn't Mr. Guy say that you can just grab the bells? '

Apparently, the three of them having a good fight had forgotten their original purpose.

"This is youth!"

(end of this chapter)

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